Sunday, April 14, 2013



My Friend, life is good. Life is Beautiful. Live Life Joyfully! 
Yours is the only life you have on earth. Have a mentality to be happy. Set your mind that you will overcome and be a winner. You were created by your father God, the King of Kings. The reigning King has created you in His image and likeness. You are a phenomenal person. Whether you like it or not you are royalty. It may not always appear that way to you but, you are genuine royalty. Believe it. Nothing can change the reality that you are royalty.

Isn't it a fact that a child of a King is a king or queen in the making? Royalty is in your DNA. 

I cannot tell you enough how much you mean to Jesus. That is why the Lord has made every good thing out here, just for you. Embrace life. Embrace the good out of life. Enjoy your weekdays and your weekends, and celebrate that you made it through. Regardless. You made it through! That says a lot! You are a trooper! Be steadfast. 
Please make it a priority to attend a church service on Sunday. Whatever you do, or don’t do, find a little time to spend with Jesus. Daily say a prayer and read your Bible. Even if it is no more than one verse, read the Word of God. It is the The Lord teaching you right stuff for righteous living. Therein lies your strength to persevere. God’s peace and His presence will fill you up. Jesus will make His Face to shine upon your face. You would radiate with the sun rays of The Son. When inside of you is shining it shows outside. You shine with happy.
My friend, do not let happiness elude you. Go after it.

Blessings and Peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes

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