Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Housekeeping Liberian Style

Every now and then I pay attention to the negativity that has a way of spewing out of some Liberians. It makes me want to declare emergency fast and prayer for ten years! What do people want? A recent report criticized President Ellen Sirleaf’s son, who is a doctor, for not going to Liberia to fight the Ebola crisis. A few weeks ago, I read another report in which that same son, the doctor, was criticized for being in Liberia, because, “…He’s just there to capitalize (cash in) on the forthcoming Ebola funds.” Hear me, please: I do not know this gentleman at all. I have never seen him, never met him nor have I any personal knowledge or connection to Dr. Sirleaf. I am touching on this issue as a Liberian native, a Christian woman and servant of God. Let us stop this madness of tearing people down no matter what they do. Instead, LIFT one another up. Ungratefulness is a terrible character trait to house. It quickly searches for its neighbors—envy, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, and slander. Search deep in your heart and pull that kind of thing out of you. Jerk it up from the root. Toss it away. Liberians, we have a long way to go. Let’s start by being kind to one another. Kindness takes on many forms. Let’s each appreciate the little good in others, and their good deeds. The strangers are watching. How could Liberians expect strangers to have positive statements about Liberians when all we project about one another is nasty negative! Your let’s try my people. Let’s try to get it right.  

Servant Hortense Grimes
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries

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