Monday, June 15, 2015

With a Glad Heart...

The Lord never ceases to amaze me. Truly, Scripture tells the entire story—the LOVE story of God Almighty with his children—the LOVE story of Jesus Christ and his saving grace. I am blessed. I am thankful. I am grateful. I am humbled. I stand amazed. As far as Jesus Christ is concerned I am perfectly whole, in his righteousness. With my whole heart I embrace God’s agenda. I pledge obedience to Jesus and I accept Christ leadership. I love my God Almighty. I look forward to the Holy Spirit guidance. Today is my birthday! I praise God for today. If you know me you would know I take birthday excitement to a whole different level. I behave like a child the entire day, squealing with glee, exclaiming love and joy, playing my music loud and dancing away, and overflowing with happiness. I get dressed in my designated birthday outfit for the day, and behave with childlike glee. I call this exuberance my birthday party for myself. June 15th is my personal holiday. June 15th is my gift from God Almighty; personalized and custom-tailored to suit me. June 15th reminds me that God Almighty decided the world needed me, so I was wonderfully and fearfully made in his image, and sent below to this gorgeous planet so that earth would be graced with my presence. That is my story and I am sticking to it. Excuse me…World! LOL.
And to top it all, Jesus always blows my mind. Today, as I awoke from sleep and my eyes opened to daylight, my 51st birthday was welcomed with the voice of the Lord. I heard the sweet soft voice of the Holy Spirit say to me, “Your birthday present is this song: Publish Glad Tidings.”

"O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling, to tell to all the world that God is light, that he who made all nations is not willing one soul should perish, lost in shades of night.

Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace; tidings of Jesus, redemption and release.

Behold how many thousands still are lying bound in the darksome prison house of sin, with none to tell them of the Savior’s dying, or the life he died for them to win.
Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace; tidings of Jesus, redemption and release.

Proclaim to every people, tongue, and nation that God, in whom they live and move, is love; tell how he stooped to save his lost creation, and died on earth that we might live above.
Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace; tidings of Jesus, redemption and release.

Give of thine own to bear the message glorious; give of thy wealth to speed them on their way; pour out thy soul for them in prayer victorious; O Zion, haste to bring the brighter day.
Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace; tidings of Jesus, redemption and release."
Hymn: O ZION HASTE. Text: Mary A. Thompson (1834-1923). Music: James Walch (1837-1901).

Long Story Short…“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)
In closing, allow me to leave with you the words of my personal motto. Because my greatest joy comes from giving and bringing joy to others, let it be my birthday present for you. Here's my motto:
“Let’s each be one another’s keeper. Live large, and it has nothing to do with means or much. It has to do with heart—Live with a large heart! Love much. Forgive more. Laugh often. Pray always. Don’t you dare sit life out. Go Dance.”  Hortense Duarma Grimes

Your Friend,

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