Thursday, November 25, 2021

Intentionally Register Your Thank You

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing!!! I pray you are staying strong and holding up well. You are never alone. Almighty God is on your side. Jesus Christ absolutely loves you. Invite the Holy Spirit as your constant companion and travel buddy everywhere you go. There is much strength in that well deep inside of you. Draw from it and persevere. Keep looking up. God's got you. You already know that I love you and think the world of you.

DEAR AMERICA. When you gather to feast this afternoon, pause and say out loud what you are most thankful for. Speak for God Almighty to hear his glory in your mouth. Words matter to our Heavenly Father. Don't just give generic thanks. Be intentional with your thank yous and thanksgiving. Let your voice be registered in the Throne Room today, by all means. Say "thank you" until Third Heaven hears it loud, passionate and fierce.

My friend. Whatever the last 365 days have delivered onto your plate you've received with outstanding strength, bravery, courage and determination. This is why you are still standing up til now to celebrate THANKSGIVING DAY 2021. Scripture say, "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say rejoice."

My friend, hear me. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by his death and resurrection, have granted us access to a Mighty Magnificent Force which have absolutely no rival and no match...THE GOD OF HEAVEN. There is none that can compare to Jehovah God when you choose the way of the Lord. For this alone amongst everything else, I salute my God.  The Everlasting King of Glory.

I pray these words this early dawn:
Dear Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, in Jesus name I bring my life daily as a sacrifice to be poured out for your sake and to do your will. Receive my praise today, yesterday, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, day before yesterday, forever, into the Ages. Thank you Heavenly Father on this symbolic day. Every day is thanksgiving day to a God who art perfect and excellent in all your ways. I love you Lord. You continue to amaze me minute after minute. You see beyond me. You lift me and carry me in your arms minute by minute. You shield me every second. You uphold me every day. You bless me moment by moment. You love me beyond measure. Me Hortense... You love me like this much!!!!!  My Father. Bless your people today. Whisper to their hearts that You are the main focus of a day like Thanksgiving Day. Let them see You, not the foods and the Friday deals. Just you Lord. Only you first and last. Only You. If it were not for Jesus Christ this evil world would have finished us off before today. But your staying hand of mercy has brought us thus far. THANK YOU LORD GOD. To you be glory and honor. In Jesus name. Amen.

My friend. Tailor your own words in prayer and tell Jesus. Profusely thank God. Be lavish with your thanksgiving words to the Lord.
Enjoy your day. I love you always. Blessings abundant.

Servant Hortense (~HortenseInspiration)