Friday, July 24, 2020

Unnecessary Pity

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing today? The times are changing faster than we can comprehend, it seems. I pray you are staying the course. You must know that you are stronger, braver, better and bigger than any circumstances facing you today. Like everything else about life, this stage, too, will pass. It came to pass that in the Year 2020... We overcame and emerged victorious. Happy Friday! Here's sending much love from my end. 
It seems like such self-descriptions are now mandatory: I disagree. But for the record, I am a Christian woman. I am of the Black race. I am an African immigrant-American citizen. I am a Conservative. I am an independent thinker. I love God and live by the principles of Christ. I treat others like I would like to be treated. In my eyes all people are created equal. Today, I have to "go there"... There, that place where it becomes necessary to stand up for what is right. Every decent citizen must use your voice for good.
Born and raised in Liberia, West Africa, my life had no limitations. I remembered being young, gifted, and black. A brilliant African child and excellent student. Like countless other Black children. Likewise, all over the world there are smart, intelligent, articulate and brilliant children, of all races, capable of learning and acquiring knowledge. 
Can somebody explain to me where Rutgers University is going with their English Department new "shenanigans". I almost want to say, African-Americans (Blacks) in the United States have unknowingly created a new monster they cannot control. Maybe I’m slow or missing something. Is this supposed to be in the interest of minority people? Please help me understand the new strategy being adopted at a prestigious institution of higher learning in the United States. What! Some Authority must really think being of melanated skin color means stupidity.
Here is something all people need to understand. When you allow others to define you they now have the right to degrade you. All thanks to yourself. Wake up, Black people in America. You do not need anybody to pity you to the point of honoring you with disrespect. Being minority does not imply inherent deficiency in any manner. Our brains are not made lesser.
Here me, Black America. I emphatically believe that economic capacity is the only way out of the pit you’ve dug yourself into. Now a new scheme is unfolding to further ill-equip you in the quest for financial independence. When you are taught at a lower standard, but yet sent into the world to compete with the higher standards of the world, you are being placed, perpetually, at the bottom of the ladder. The United States is an English speaking country. The world uses English as the premiere language around the globe. Bottom line, you are being groomed for failure, worldwide, if you subscribe to the “deemphasizing traditional grammar” initiative. 
Wake up my people. The target group may be “minorities,” but you and I know only Black people will jump on this bandwagon. We are the ones always looking for the easy way out and the quick fix. Yes, that’s us! Wake up. You have been in deep sleep for too long. Hear me, once more: It is happening only at the Economic Table. To be financially independent you need to be comprehensively prepared to compete. Success is colorblind. Study hard, and learn like everyone else.  ~HortenseInspiration
Please read the below article. 

I was preparing for ending the day and shifting to Night Watch prayer time. I turned briefly to make a few related Facebook posting and quick update on my timeline. My brain began shifting to thoughts of my black people. The people who share the same skin color and race as I. I recorded those thoughts quickly wrote in a posting. Then I thought to myself, ‘I think this is something for the Blog as well.” Please Read. Let me know your thoughts, not by replying me but by your taking action to economically elevate you so going forward you are no longer assumed to be inferior.  Here is what my thoughts were as posted on my FB timeline earlier tonight.
I hesitate to post this raw as it is in my thoughts real time. This has just now dropped in my spirit and keeps bringing itself to the front of my mind. So here we go. From my head to your head:
When this “Coronavirus-Pandemic-Lockdown” is over, BLACK people must begin, immediately, working smart and extremely hard to bring economic capacity to ourselves so that we can be taken seriously once and for all. Use this quarantine period of inactivity to stimulate your thoughts on avenues and routes to elevate you from the position of “assumed” inferiority to equal status and superior recognition. It is in the economics, my friend! Be at the table when the giants meet to discuss. Be at the table when the giants lay out the plans. Be at the table when the giants enforce the agenda. THE ECONOMIC TABLE. Look for it. Find it. Assert yourself there. There, the place of economic equality.
If Black people want to be taken seriously we have got to assert ourselves economically. Think and Do. Strategize your game until you are in charge of where you find yourself. Finally put it in God’s hand to show you creative ways out of the financial and economic bondage. Pray and Focus. God did it with Negro Spirituals for the slaves. God can do it for you. First of all the streets of heaven are paved with gold. God is in the financial business too. 
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)
Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Bible Verse - The Word

Ask yourself how much have you grown since you became born again? Seek the Lord and PRAY for Jesus to train you for growth and help you grow up. ~HortenseInspiration

Watch Out For Sunday

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing today? This is a beautiful Sunday afternoon. God Almighty made the sun to shine all because of you. You are loved beyond description by a loving, generous, kind, forgiving heavenly father. You are treasured and cherished by the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died for you on the Cross. Embrace God's love today and let it set you free. Free to enjoy a fabulous life. Free to enjoy this beautiful Sunday. Allow me to bring this Sunday Sermonette to you. In Jesus name.
Happy Sunday. This is the day the Lord God Almighty has made; you had better rejoice and be glad today.
I foresee a situation not unlike the days of Lot. Remember when those people came to Lot's house that night demanding that his guests be sent outside to them... Lord Jesus, have mercy, mercy, Lord.
I have said this in the past and am led to repeat it. I will expand on this topic in subsequent messages. Allow me to make this point right now: With Christianity dominating everyone gets to freely practice whatever their religious beliefs are. With any other scenario dominating you will not freely practice your Christian faith. You would be forced to conform to any and every form of ungodliness; you would be forced to disregard your good conscience and your integrity. You would be forced to entertain and make habitual for yourself any form of ungodliness whether you like it or not; you will not be able to shield your family and loved ones from any ungodliness forced on them. Your worship of God would be curtailed. I dare say, you might wake up one day to discover you are not allowed to pray anywhere, not even in your homes. Worst case, the Name of Jesus could be banned everywhere, including in your own house. Christians are persecuted around the world because of our beliefs. Persecution is on its way here, in America, as well. Keep watch. Fight back with PRAYER. Repent of your sins and from sinful living and turn back to God.
When you play with fire it will burn you. Likewise, when you play around with systems you have no experience with or mentalities you know nothing about you will get irreparably burned. Sadly you might only discover it after the fact. After you've suffer third degree burns to your spirit and and deadly infections in your soul. By the time you figure it out you are lost... Oh Jesus! You will wish for the days you could wake up and worship God any way, any how, any time, any place, as you desire. You will wish for the nights you could shut your front door and go to bed without a group of townspeople knocking it down demanding that inhabitants in your house be brought out to them. To do what with, who knows. Make no mistake, the Devil does not negotiate. The light seen in Satan is fake. Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Any other light is darkness.
Dear Lord, help me, your servant Hortense, to be brave and strong to speak your words boldly. JESUS COME TO OUR RESCUE. Come Lord Jesus. Hear the cries of your children today. Heavenly Father, to you we give our worship.
I love you with a sisterly love. Blessings abundant.
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)
Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

There is Something You Can Do

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing? I pray you are staying the course; strong and steadfast. Everything is going to be alright. Keep trusting and keep believing. Have faith and do not lose hope. God is about to move. Jesus is interceding on your behalf.

We have sat at home for months. Everyday life, as we once knew it, interrupted. For the most part, stuck at home but with families together for the first time in many long years. Mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers. Parents and children, all confined together in the same space day in and day out. Do you think it is not for a reason? You know that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord, and so God has used this Quarantine to get you and your family united in a way you could not have before. Quality family time to bring your family closer to the Lord. This recent stay at home period is "prep" time. Preparation. Hallelujah! Preparation for the future. Preparation for a tomorrow that is today looming on the horizon. Deep fervent prayer can stop the enemy in its track. The name JESUS can halt evil.
Some time back, I brought a Word that God want families to have family prayer in the home at least once a week while lockdown. This period, said the Holy Spirit, was to build a bond of prayerful strength for the time to come; and during this time coming it is the prayer bond built by your family prayer time that will strengthen your children, whether they are in your presence or away from your immediate reach. I pray many of you have utilized quarantine time as family prayer time together. My friend, it is my pleasure to note that a prophet is never welcomed in his hometown. I know that to be true. Therefore, I always tell every audience to seek God about any prophetic word I bring. I encourage that you prayerfully ask the Lord to reveal deeper to you things which you may not see on the surface. Trust me, God will show you when you seek.
My Friend. If you are steadfastly praying continue to do more praying. Otherwise, begin today a comprehensive time of prayer. Turn your eyes towards God. Things are not always what they look like on the surface. Things are not as they appear in the physical. Often, circumstances are different from what your eyes see on first sight. In a fallen world like ours deception is a tool the enemy uses to its advantage. Sometimes, what gives me extra courage to speak out consistently about Divine revelations concerning this time in our world is when I see many dedicated people of God confirming the same messages in various ways, daily. The Almighty God is speaking. Jehovah is speaking loud and clear. But only those tune it to the Holy Spirit and committed to prayer will hear.
God’s eyes are watching you. God knows every person’s agenda. God is just. You just pray. I’ve stopped by to tell you this: You plus Jesus make the majority. The Ruling Majority. Your prayerful voice and outcry to Heaven are desperately needed for your country and your world. Be among the few righteous Almighty God will find, and save your city when the Lord comes looking for a few righteous citizens to spare his judgement of an unrighteous world. Of course, there is something you alone can do. You can always pray. Turn your life over to Jesus Christ. Repent of sin. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Change the ungodly direction of your life. Pray to Almighty God, the Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. God will do the rest. I am telling you, yes, there is a whole lot you can do. You can pray. You must pray. Just Pray.
Otherwise, you will be doing exactly as it was in the days of Noah. You would be caught off guard going about ungodly business as usual. You deserve better than a lost soul for eternity. Please do not play with your life. Make a difference by prayer. Prayer can avert any disaster. Prayer can stay the wrath of God. Prayer can call God's mercies into being. Be steadfast in your praying. Our Heavenly Father is loving and forgiving. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY.

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Monday, July 6, 2020

Happy Monday Prayer Call

IT IS a new week. Thank you, Lord. As I look around it is obvious how the enemy, Satan, is a master of deception. My continuous prayer is that God Almighty will open more eyes to see spiritually, and help his children to submit in prayer and devotion to God's sovereign providence. There are mounds of temptations everywhere. The world would be a better place if the "know better" behave better than the "might not know better."

It is sad to see how the Godly goes quiet in the face of ungodliness. The "church" remains quiet; yet they are the body of believers God has given power and authority to steer the ship of circumstance in the right direction. We have entered uncertain, turbulent times and are marching into perilous days ahead. The devil knows it and has embarked on a campaign of distraction across the board. In the process many once strong believers are now at risk for being lukewarm about Christ and desensitized about the way of God. Imagine, then, what hope does the unbeliever have. The time has come for steadfast, fervant, prayer. It is left to believers in Jesus Christ to lead the way forward with prayer, faith, trust and belief in the unchanging Word of God. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. Repent, or likewise perish.

My friend. All is not well on the earth today. Should you not survive the "terror by night" or the "arrow that flies by day", you will come face to face with Jesus Christ in eternity. Instantly. Otherwise, you would be forever united with Satan. It is either Heaven or Hell. That is the final end game. I guarantee you the flesh would have failed miserably to help you out. Kill "the flesh" in you now and bring to life the "spirit filled" version of you. You are in this world but not of this world; you are of Christ.

May we use this week to discover a newness in the Lord. May we pray more. May we spend quiet time in God's word. May you allow love of God and love of fellowman to dominate your agenda. May you say the right things when you know the right way. Seek God's divine help and follow the convictions of the Holy Spirit. Much love from my end... Happy Monday! Many Blessings to you and yours. 

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author 

Friday, July 3, 2020

The Country That Made Me Love It

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you today? I pray all is well. You will be alright. We will all be just fine. Pray. Focus. Strategize. Act right. Almighty God being who he is…He is an awesome and just God. Jesus will show up. Let us pray and pray and keep the faith. Let us repent when we go astray and continue to walk with God. Remember to lean on Christ in leading your way. Never forget God is Omnipotent, powerful enough to handle any crisis seen or unseen. God is Omniscient, full of wisdom for any scenario no matter how complex. God is Omnipresent, always existing in every situation.
Below are my thoughts for this Independence Day. I often have a lot to say and I make it my business to speak up about topics that matter to me. I am a firm believer that every voice has power. One does not have to own a large or public platform to send a message. When you see something, say something. Every voice has impact. Each voice can help at least one. May God Almighty heal America and bless this land and country. May your smile return, my fellow Americans.

An African parable says, “If house don’t sell you street will not buy you.” I do not like the current image being painted of the United States of America on canvases worldwide. The horrific practice of slavery was abolished in the United States of America in 1865. We are in the year Two Thousand and Twenty (2020 AD); twenty years and seven months into a new millennium signaling the 21st century, and 155 years since the abolition of slavery. Since its founding, America has held its indomitable place on the globe. In local vernacular we would say America is the “big brother” for every country. Yet, today, as far as history will record, America is being displayed before the watching world as a nation unable to honorably navigate the waters of racial diversity within its population. The narrative is being thrown around that the American Institution (the System) is a racist entity to the core, so egregious the only way to repair it is to tear it down and replace it with another system. Jesus! Lord Have Mercy.
America, you may not have experienced the repercussions of what civil war, internal conflicts, and rebel activities can do to a country and a way of life. Ask me. Ask any Liberian who was grown before 1979-80. We know. We live the scars today. Every Liberian immigrant throughout the Western diaspora knows. It has been 40 years and we are still, for the most part, wanderers. Our past, present and future, our heritage, our lineages, our uniqueness, the incessant toil and heroic sacrifices of the founding fathers, our beautiful history—all evaporated overnight. We went from being the most peaceful country in West Africa to a ghastly, bloody predawn military Coup one week after Good Friday 1980, preceded by violence, anarchy and chaos in 1979. It started just like I am seeing all around today in America. May I add, all of it was well orchestrated and carefully manipulated, shouting “systemic suppression and oppression for over 100 years and we are tired of this oppressive system.”  Following nine years of military rule and dictatorship, a fourteen-year period of atrocious rebel-activity civil wars erupted. Peace time would eventually return but with looming economic disasters and rebirth of massive corruption and failed policies worse than ever before. There is a vast disunity between the populace with hatred, bitterness and anger widespread. This is happening with people of the same race. Reconciliation has proven impossible to achieve. Talk about bigger problems. Oppression and suppression are real now.
The parallelism of the two countries makes me shiver. America, find another way to tackle the issues. You are playing with fire. You are not too great to self-destruct. Up to this day Liberians have found no solutions. What we do know is the irreparable losses. We know the constant degradation of a once beacon of hope in Africa. We know we’ve lost our Liberia as we once knew it. Even the embers no longer burn. Liberians, many of whom are Africa’s finest, have resigned ourselves to be immigrants and second class citizens in whatever country we are blessed to now reside. The situation is hopeless beyond our capacity to acknowledge. The more work is done to revive our fledgling country, the worse the country gets. Since that 1979-1980 debacle the nation keeps getting it wrong, one president after another. What is most distressing is that the poverty-stricken, suffering, masses in the country believe they have been released and are free from oppression. I guess they are liberated. Sometimes it is hard to see the shackles once they are so tightly hinged. Only God we cry out to now. It will take Divine intervention to restore Liberia. Only prayer and God.
I love this country, my beloved America. All I know is this, civil conflict, violence, anarchy and widespread chaos are archaic methods for solving “systemic” problems. Whether or not the depth of the problems is real or perceived. Times have changed. Besides, racism is a matter of the human heart. It is a condition of the person who carries it. No system can remove racism from those who have determined to wear it; individual human beings hold within this vitriolic characteristic. If the hearts of the people do not change, the society formed by people will not change. Regardless of skin color every heart carries some form of racism and prejudice. Fires won’t quench it. Only God can change the human heart. 
America, turn back to God. The problems in your midst stem from America’s bold, irresponsible and reckless removal of a national regard for God Almighty from your land. You have forgotten that the Universe is owned by the Creator. No nation on the face of the earth, including the great United States, could stop an invisible, microscopic menace called Coronavirus from ravaging the population today. America dares to eliminate reverence for the Creator from your public spaces. You dare quench it in private settings by cunning and crafty methods. You believe Almighty God will forever bless you with greatness while you diminish him and make him the lesser of the least of gods. Jehovah is the God of all gods. There is a way you can incorporate Almighty God in your public space without making it of political relevance. You are the great USA. You know how. Hear me. The world will forever be ruled by a force for good or a force for evil. Almighty God is good.
As an immigrant, if I may, out of my own ignorance, ask this: Is America engulfed in flames, literally or real, one beautiful city after another, because it has fundamentally denied attention to glaring systemic racial inequality? Is this a true and accurate representation of the United States? I realize there are enough arguments on both sides to hold infinite debates. My unchangeable viewpoint is no. This is not a true or accurate picture of America. Certainly, this is not where the United States of America is in 2020. This is absolutely not how America should be characterized in the 21st century. The United States of America is not a racist country.
Are there pockets of racist clusters? Yes. Are there systemic errors that need to be weeded out and corrected? Absolutely. Are there institutional defects? Certainly. Are there flaws in the society? Numerous. Are there people who practice racism against one another? Definitely. Is there ingrained prejudice among the races? Positively so. Is there often deep intolerance for one another among people within the same race? Agreed. Does the System hold you back completely from advancing one's life regardless how hardworking, focused, and determined a person is? Not so. Is anyone denied opportunities to prosper and create a better life for oneself strictly based on the color of your skin? Absolutely Not. In the instance a person’s basic human rights and dignity are violated, are they denied legal redress or access to seeking justice? Never. In Liberian colloquial we have a common saying, “you must talk so you talk so.” This means you must speak the truth as it is on both sides.
The United States of America. How did this happen? Seemingly, the verdict is in: America is guilty of systemic racism and stands condemned before the entire world. In the great USA. How could this be? America. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The greatest country on the face of planet earth. A country whose citizens are the envy of over half of the world’s population. America. A country that has forever opened its borders to people—all races, creeds, religions and ideologies—seeking a new life. America. A nation known for inviting immigrants, especially, the least and poorest, fleeing persecutions in its various forms. The United States. A land where people of every race, color, and skin tone have found a second chance to live their lives to its fullest. The country that affirms a rejected citizen’s worth and gives you the tools to scoop out possibilities and maximize your potential. America. The lone country on the Globe known for globally evangelizing the world about Jesus Christ the source of permanent peace. 
The United States. The country that has brought light through prolifically spreading the Gospel by sending missionaries all over the world to help others see the light, and visionaries to help emerging societies create a better, more civilized, world. Albeit, a few other "naries" and many eye raising questionable acts along the way. Good and bad lumped together America emerges a great and wonderful country. Is it perfect, no. Is it perfect, yes. There is no other country on the planet that tops the United States in the matter of being my brother/sister keeper. America takes everybody in and reminds them that they are somebody. Otherwise, perfection is a state only God can be.
Let me say. The United States is the most powerful nation under the sun. All things considered. America is still the greatest nation on planet earth today. God ordained it to be this way. America is uncompromisingly an example of what it means to live in a free and fair society. I am an immigrant American citizen, born and raised in Liberia, West Africa (same present day disintegrated country with Monrovia the capital city). I am Black. I am minority in America, three times over. In America it has been that my being Black does not matter. In America it has been that my being Black does matter. Both statements are accurate. I remain resolute in saying the United States of America is absolutely the greatest country in the world. Let it continue to evolve. No revolution.
If you love America you cannot help but be a bit saddened by current events in this nation. How did we get here? What is the way forward? What is the honorable way forward? I pray God grant Divine intervention. Citizens of the United States please rise up in prayer and faith to trust a new day. Your country needs your prayers and hope. 
May this July Fourth, Independence Day, reignite our regard for the freedom we sometimes take for granted. May Independence Day set us free. Free to think critically and objectively. Free to worship as we please. Free to speak our minds. Free to agree and disagree, respectfully. Free to embrace our complex differences and rise above them. Free to recognize where one person’s rights end the other person’s rights begin; where one person’s rights begins the other person’s rights end. Free to know when we are no longer free. And to recognize the difference. As Americans our love and our laughter will remain. Pain takes time to subside, but God and time heal every wound. Be American. Stay American. Love America. Preserve America. It is a great country. Always remember, of the 7 billion people on the earth today you are privileged to live in a country like this. Much love from my end.
God Save the United States. God Forgive the United States. God Bless, abundantly, the United States. Happy July Fourth.
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

 Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

All We Do Have is Prayer

Whatever your viewpoint, fervor and stance, please take prayer and your prayer life to another level. Pray fervently. Pray steadfastly. Turn off the television, shut down the gadgets, and spend considerable time in prayer every day. Recognize that nearly 95% of what you hear repetitively, daily, is coming from well-paid millionaires. Many of whom are acquiring more wealth in the process. PRAY for discernment. Be careful what you feed your spirit with. PRAY for Holy Spirit guidance. Pray for wisdom and insight. Ask the Lord to sharpen your mental faculties and help you decipher the times. Many multi-millionaires have taken over the airwaves and feeding different types of information into people's psyche daily. Round and round and round the clock we go. Without realizing it, most people have surrendered control of their own thoughts.
Meanwhile, your middle class life is quickly dwindling. Frequently, average people are lining up at food banks. Many ordinary, regular people are now going without basic needs. Your livelihood is at stake. Your future and the future of your children are at risk. My grandmother, Bigma, used to say, "When long teeth man be dying they think he laughing." Prayer will stop your being caught off guard.
Have no doubt, Almighty God is our deliverer. But we have to pray and ask God for his deliverance. And you have to repent of sin and humble yourself before the God of Heaven and earth. You have to seek the Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
If we do not pray and beg God's divine intervention every single day, the enemy continues every single day unstopped, unchecked. Ask the Lord to show you if you are a pawn in a game. PRAY. Prayer will save you and prayer will bring deliverance. Prayer will restore normalcy. Pray for God's will to be done. Pray to dismantle Satan's interception of the good God has in store for you and the world. If ever there was a time to call people to prayer, now is that time. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY.
When the Lord comes looking for "at least ten righteous" may Jehovah find you holding up in prayer, faith, trust and belief.
Blessings abundant! Much love from my end.

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author