Monday, February 14, 2022

Until You Love

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. This is the day the LORD has made. We had better rejoice and be glad in it. May I bring to you a few pointers from HortenseInspiration Quotebook. Here's coming straight from my heart to your heart! Enjoy today.

Love God Almighty. Love yourself. Love another for you. Love all others like yourself. In that order. *

Hear me. Love is dynamic and powerful. Oftentimes to love is to assign sheer power outside you. Therein lies the dynamite. Some other can hold your heart, your very being, in their pulse. Even so love resides in you, domiciled in your quickening. Never mind. The flow does not quench. Love is inexhaustible. It is a living being inside you; its source is from the Divine. Forever. Ignite its flame and love gushes out like liquid fire. Nothing stands in love way; its only match is love. Love can be volatile. So explosive. Love can be steady. So calm.  They call it love and it will happen to you. *

My friend. Love all day. Love every day. You have not fully lived until you love. *

Blessings beyond to you and yours. I love you with a sisterly love.
Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Hortense Duarma Grimes  

*HIQUOte (a HortenseInspiration Classics)

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Get Angry You Man

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you? I pray life is doing good by you. Blessings and joyful laughter from my end. From the "HortenseInspiration Poetic License" collection, allow me to bring you a HI Poetry entitled Get Angry You Man.


LIBERIAN Men. Elevate your PRAYER life. Are you not the head? Do you love Sin more than self?  Biblically, it is men, the male creature human being, who are assigned the role of "head" of the household. Sin has stripped you of your headship. Scripture assign "priesthood" in the land to men. Household is territory. Home is the land. Transgression has made you powerless. Iniquity has caused you to be complacent. Your collective territory is seized by Satan. Darkness and evil follow close.

LIBERIAN Men. You wait for the Women to herald the Prayer Cries. Should not women submit to you! Yet you are sound asleep on the job leaving women to do the bulk of the work. The work of PRAYING for the Nation. The work of jerking the territory out of the grip of Satan and his forces of darkness. Repent. Liberian Men. Are you not the head of the household! Are you not the priest of the home! Shouldn't you wear your priestly robe and patrol the land? You have allowed territory to be seized while you sit doing not much. Too full of you. Sadly too full of yourself to unleash the priest in you.

LIBERIAN Men. When will you submit enough to Almighty God so He can hand your land back. Only then can you recapture your home. The land. Only then can you free your daughters. Only then can you groom your sons. Only then will your wives, the women of the land, submit to you. Then are you a man capable of being head. Capable of being priest. Only then are you men ready to be head. Able to be priest. Equipped to receive submission of the womenfold in the land. Repent. Seek the LORD God to be cloaked in the righteousness of Christ.

Where are the men of Liberia who will say: Enough! For the sake of my family. Enough! For the sake of my seed. Enough! For the sake of my forefathers. Enough! For the sake of my memories. Enough! For the sake of my legacy. Enough! Because I owe this land my very birth. Enough! Because my God is a deliverer and a restorer. Enough! For the sake of my life. Enough. Enough. When will you get angry enough to call it enough! Enough. Oh that the priest in you would get up!

LIBERIAN Men. Make yourself count in the ways of Almighty God. When you do, your priesthood will be restored for impact. You, too, must lead in prayer. You must unashamedly worship God too. PRAY Liberian men. Shake off your flesh. Jesus wants to give you tips for overcoming so that priesthood can be perfected. But you must meet the Lord halfway. At the least.

I love you with a sisterly love. Blessings galore.

Servant Hortense D. Grimes