Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Set Time Aside for More Prayer

The last several weeks I've shut down considerably to observe extended periods of intense prayer, intermittent fasting, deeper worship and seeking Jehovah God. This has included intercession for the state of our world, the ongoing COVID dilemma, America and its current political climate. Specifically, Elections 2020 USA and the next President. Never has there been a greater need for Divine intervention in America as now. The United States determines the direction of the rest of the world. There is a battle raging in the realms and God's army on earth must mobilize and fight along with the Hosts of Heaven and Jehovah Sabaoth as commander.  Nothing should be left to chance. Every believer in Christ must look to Jesus for directions and obey.

I cannot over emphasize the urgency of prayer during this critical time in the United States. It is important to get yourself in prayer mood. Fathers, pray around your homes, and cover your family with a blanket of prayer. Mothers, consecrate your homes, and envelop your family in round the clock prayer. People, let us pray and seek the Lord for Divine intervention in all our affairs. Set aside personal extended period of prayer and fasting. Stay in deep worship of Almighty God.

Pray for the neighborhoods. Pray for the communities. Pray for the towns and cities and states. Pray for the nations. Pray for the world. Pray for the global village that is the world. If it means prayer waking the streets do just that. Our Heavenly Father loves you and is lovingly waiting to grant your heart desires.

Pray for America. Pray for America. Pray for the United States. America is the beacon of light God has ordained for the world. Pray for the political climate facing the United States. Pray the will of Almighty God be established in the USA.

Pray for one another. Pray for friends and families. Pray for colleagues and strangers. It is sad how the enemy Satan has woven seeds of discord in the hearts of the people. I am perplexed that family members, friends as well, are being torn apart because they hold different political views. Some people actually no longer speak to each other because their politics differ. Why? This is nothing short of demonic. Pray that such yokes be dismantled and broken before irreparable damage is done to friendships and relationships. The enemy is having a field day with people and only prayer, steadfast penitent prayer, can shake it off. Spend time with God daily.

Pray for yourself that you stay tune in to God and not deceived by current events and circumstances happening around you. Read the Bible. Stay focused on what is important in this life. Be alert. Ask the Lord for Godly wisdom. The world has entered a new Spiritual dispensation. You are alive to see it. PRAY. Pray more. Rejoice in Jesus Christ.

Ask Jesus to send revival in your spirit. Build up your faith and walk in way of the Lord. Lukewarm faith is useless to God. Scripture tells us, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelations 3:15-16 NIV).

My friend. Stay on fire for the Lord. Preserve your soul for eternity. At the end of the day this is really all that matters. Everything else is just plain old fleeting. Here’s sending much love from my end.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense

(DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)

Powerlessness or Prayer

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. You are always on my mind. I think of you and keep you in prayer. The past months have been challenging for many, but God is forever faithful. Keep trusting and keep believing. I love you much. 

Last night, I stayed awake all night praying and did not get to bed until five o’clock this morning. Periodically, I found myself face down, prostrate in worship, enjoying the presence of the Holy Spirit and the peace that comes from diligently seeking the Lord. It brings great calm and assurance knowing God Almighty answers prayer and gives victory to His children. During the fourth watch hour these thoughts came to mind. I fell a quickening to post it public and quickly did on the DO IT FOR CHRIST ministry Facebook page. I want to follow up and share it here with you. I want to call you into making prayer a habit. 
It burdens me to see powerlessness in Christians. It grieves me the careless manner some believers have adapted, especially during this political season. It is almost as if Christians have forgotten the standard is God’s way. Every element of our deeds, thoughts, actions and reactions must be held up against what God requires of us. The filters should include what the Lord requires of us in our daily activities. Ask Jesus, what do you want me to do? God owns you. Here are my thoughts during last night 4th watch. May it encourage you to pray more. Pray late at night.

~Too many Christians have pledged allegiance to the world. The carnal nature is overtaking your life. Many believers have returned to living solely by eyesight. No faith. No spiritual insight. No conscience about Godliness. The Holy Spirit has been doused in the body of believers in Christ, the Church. This has quenched the fire of God in our midst. Rise up and pray. Repent, people of God. Seek Almighty God for forgiveness. Ask The Lord to quicken your spirit. Pray. You are straying far from God, one fleshly act at a time. Pray. Pray. Pray. Turn back to God and the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask the Savior to help you. Jesus loves you so much that he died to make sure you do not perish. This is the love of God.

Blessings and peace, Servant Hortense
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

African Diaspora Vote Common Sense

What I do know about my race, Black people, is that we do not like to hear the truth. This character flaw is one quickly spotted by those who exploit the resultant ignorance that comes from never listening to truth. When you refute truth and reject facts you are left with limited information. Truth is sometimes painful. Truth could hurt one's feelings. Truth does not always leave a pleasant aftertaste. But truth is soul  medicine. Truth is vital to life. Scripture says truth sets one free.

Even Grandma and Grandpa Would See by Now

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you? I pray life is treating you well and you are fully aware of the wonderful person God created you as. God made the sun to shine just for you. See yourself as God see you and be happy.

As always, I have something to say. Pardon me, please, today my target audience for this post is African immigrants, people of the Black race, and minorities in America. Here are my thoughts. 

They dumbed us down and wore us out, instilling in us that we are victims of systemic racism. We became so traumatized until we could not see our tremendous worth and accomplishments. We settled for the stigma that we will forever be valueless and hopeless minorities in every regard. So says the Democrat party of the USA. That did not completely work, as God opened our eyes to see that we are more than they say. Next stop! I wondered where they would go.

Seemingly, COVID is the only platform the Democrat party is offering America in this election. This is their lone agenda for tackling the multitude of problems facing you and your communities. They want to stroke new rounds of full scale fear in the people because they have nothing new and nothing good or better to sell the voters; especially their devout constituency BLACK Voters. How sad. How disrespectful. Do not allow these politicians, many of which are "let you down" demigods, to use you for free votes and treat you poorly as soon as they win their powerful seats. Minorities, immigrant citizens and Black America, get out and vote to change your personal story. You are the only one who can leverage your value. The Democrat party, in this election, has not offered you alternatives in your best interest. They have taken the minority and Black VOTE for granted again. And again some more.

Absolutely, COVID is real. The coronavirus is deadly. We mourn the many deaths. We note it was and still is a global pandemic. It is an illness for which only medications, therapeutics, vaccines, and other scientific and medical remedies can ease or eradicate. The Democrat party knows they have no more to offer regarding handling of the pandemic. They know they have no magic wand for COVID. The virus will not last forever. Like every medical mystery it will be managed scientifically and medically. They are aware of this fact. They just care about making a fool of you, misleading you emotionally and keeping your emotions roused up for them. You must be kept from being critical thinkers. What better way than to keep you emotionally charged and thinking with your heart. As long as that keeps giving them your Black Vote, nothing else matters. I am not sure you realize the power of your vote. It is a golden deposit, and one which has been solely the property of the Democrat Party. You have no idea the power of your vote. The Black Vote is invaluable asset to Democrat politicians. You own this asset. Therein is your power. Leverage it.

Black people in America, you have said you cannot breathe. The entire world was listening. I am not sure the recipients of your priceless Black Vote heard you. They are using the same formula they’ve used for decades. And it is working for them. It has not worked for you, by your own account. How is that in your best interest? The Democrat party does not even listen to you; they stopped paying attention a long time ago. You are only good for your vote. The BLACK VOTE. They are no longer attentive to your needs. In the grand scheme of things, but for your vote, you are insignificant to them. You must forge your own way in finding the capacities you need and deserve. Ask yourself: 1) Do their 2020 platform provide means to economic capacity; 2) Have they presented pathways to financial independence; 3) Is their message different this time from times past and previous elections; 4) What do you get for your VOTE since the last time they got your vote.

From where I see the answers to all four of the above are No and Nothing. This is not your grandfather and grandmother Democratic Party of their time. There is no need for you continuing a legacy of loyalty. The Democrat Party has changed significantly. They have strayed a long ways away from the core values they once were believed to hold. Even your great grandparents were they alive today would switch in this election, at least. My friend, hear me. Please hear this: Leave the Blueberry fields and come in for some Raspberry pie. Vote the Republican ticket. Vote Trump-Pence. Add these Republican candidates as applicable in your state. Like you, these remarkable Americans are minorities. They know your story. Vote Kim Klacik (Baltimore Maryland). Vote Joe Collins (Los Angeles California). Vote John James (Detroit Michigan). Many others are running for office. Vote Colorblind partnerships—Black and White people who are for you and care about what is good for you.

It is about time you thought of your own interests first before giving some of those career politicians more clout, with their huge egos and fat bank accounts, while you get played every four years by voting Democrat just because you are Black, poor, minority, and have been conditioned to revere your demigods. Every other demography is rising up economically, except you. Prove that you are not monolithic characters. You are a human being entitled to economic capacity, financial independence, equality, fairness, liberty and justice. You deserve more than poverty and neglect. You deserve better than being relegated to dangerous communities, abortion clinics all over your neighborhoods, perpetually struggling households, uneducated teenagers, gangs and violence, hopelessness and dead dreams. You deserve to be seen as Americans, and not labeled exclusively by your identity. You are an American who is of the Black race. The American Dream is meant for you and should be accessible; yours for the taking. If this has not been your story then your vote should be placed elsewhere for a change. You have absolutely nothing to lose. In my African voice, “he that is down fears no fall; where else could he fall to; he’s already down.” Black America, you will never be taken seriously by those your demigods unless you raise your stakes and upgrade your value. You must make yourself worth it. The only way is to speak with the Black Vote. Let it go for whomever is wooing you and begging you, with alms in their hands extended to you.

Go VOTE for YOUR own Self, YOUR Family, YOUR Way of Life, YOUR Future, and Tomorrow’s America. You owe yourself that much.  God bless you. Jesus loves you. Stay prayerful. 


Servant Hortense D. Grimes

Monday, October 26, 2020

Your Vote is Your Voice for You and Yours

 Elections USA 2020. Make an impact with the power of your one vote. 

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Powerful Watch Over America

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. I pray you are doing great and staying calm. You are in my prayers and God is blessing you right now.

To my fellow Americans, and well-meaning friends of America. I want to ask us to do something huge for our beloved country. Join in a 14-day NIGHT WATCH where we keep the night watch in prayer between Midnight and 3:00 a.m. nightly, for the United States. Your country needs your prayers. This Nation needs people to stand in the gap for it just like it fills gaps for its citizens. America is good to her children. Let us return the favor. Pray and settle the matter of America by the power of Almighty God. If you are a believer, you have been given power in Christ. Use your power and keep powerful watch over America. Overrule. Overturn. Cancel. Command. Affix. Make declarations on the authority of Jehovah God. Decree in the name of Jesus Christ.

I would say, the United States of America is in the middle of the most important period in its history. In two weeks America will go to the polls to elect a next President. This election for President of the United States, and ruling leadership, is the most critical in our lifetime. There is absolutely everything at stake. Kindly realize that in the past eight months the entire world came to a halt which was the first time such has occurred in modern history. Please do not be gullible enough to believe this was just another “business as usual” occurrence.

A shifting has happened on the face of the earth. Planet Earth has entered a different dispensation. Get up and pray. Sit down and pray. Stand up and pray. Kneel down and pray. Fall down and pray. Bow down and pray. Walk around and pray. Hush up and pray. It is very important that we seek God for Divine intervention in the political operations of the United States. America runs the world. Whatever is established in the United States is precedent, and outcome, for how the rest of the Globe will become. It is of utmost importance that you turn to Jehovah God and ask for His will to be established in the upcoming United States elections. 

In the matter of ongoing situations in the world. In the matter of circumstances troubling humanity. In the matter of COVID19. In the matter of the coronavirus epidemic. In the matter of Pandemic Lockdown 2020. In the matter of life as you know it around the globe. In the matter of The United States of America. In the matter of Elections USA. In the matter of good versus evil. In the matter of Jesus Christ Savior of the world. In the matter of equality, liberty, freedom and justice for all. In the matter of your very existence on planet earth. In the matter of plagues, pestilence, menaces and life threating pathogens. In the matter of falsehood and truth. You must pray.

Pray like you have never prayed before. Remain steadfast in seeking the face of Jehovah God. Remain steady in your belief that God is the interpreter and HE alone can make it plain. Let the will of Almighty God prevail. Activate your faith in God.

The Bible teaches: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Where take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:12 KJV). Simply means, the deadliest forces of evil and wickedness tormenting mankind are not seen with the naked eye. As such, divine assistance is required to persevere and win.

What are you saying, Hortense? I am saying; take precaution by staying into prayer. Everyone has been cautious in following the World’s rules for staying safe from an unseen, invisible terrorizing virus. How difficult is it to be cautious in following God’s rules for staying safe from destructive forces, seen or unseen. Prayer protects you from everything. Prayer is a shield. Prayer is a deliverer. God answers prayer.

October 21 - November 3, 2020. Keep the 3rd Watch of Night and fight in prayer for America. Pray between 12:00 midnight-3:00 a.m. God is His own interpreter and HE will make things plain. In Jesus Name we pray.

Sending much love and Jesus radiance to saturate your entire being and strengthen you.

Servant Hortense 

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Say Something Do More

Nations comprise of society. Societies are formed by communities. Communities comprise families. Families are made of individuals. Individuals contribute to humanity with their voice. One's voice is your essence. Undergirding the entire nation are you the individual. Endeavor to use your voice for good. 

My friend, I would be inaccurate if I did not add that prayer adds tremendous capacity to your voice.  Pray and Act. I am a global citizen with a particular interest in The United States and Africa. Find your particular interest and act for humanity.

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. I pray you all are being the strong, vibrant, lovely people you were created to be. I thought to stop by and drop a snippet of inspiration. I've recently distanced from social media and internet platforms to dedicate myself to period of intense prayer, interceding for the USA and the world. Allow me to ask you to do likewise. Pray for your country where you live. Pray for the World. Pray especially for the United States. America sets the tone for the entire world.

Our country, America, is facing the most important historical moment in many our lifetime. Situations have long transcended political affiliations, personalities, religion, and other filters. Likewise, all around the globe, the world has changed tremendously over the past 8 months. I do not know for sure that it has changed for the better. I do know for sure the Creator can mend any and all broken parts of the Universe he, God Almighty, created. And so I pray and pray and pray and pray and fast and pray and fast and pray and pray and pray... and take courage in the Bible. In the matter of the universe and humanity God has the last say.

Depending on Scripture we must make declarations. We decree what must be bound on earth and it is bound in Heaven. We declare what is loosed in Heaven is let loose on the earth. Blessings, forgiveness, mercy, grace, bravery, tolerance, love over hate, sound mind, wisdom, boldness, Godliness, Holy Spirit insight, courage, strength, more love: these must be loosed upon the earth. Prayer is the only avenue God can use to bless mankind. 

Remember you have never lived in another world aside this one. This is the world you know. Should you get a chance to live in another world you would not in mortal flesh. Hence this world is home to your existence now. Cherish it. Pray for it. Pray that good will overcome evil. Pray that God's will is established upon the earth at such a time as this. Pray that you would see through the eyes of God.

Much love from my end. 

Blessings and peace, Servant Hortense
Founder, DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Reward Is In The Thank You

Heavenly Father. All I want to say is Thank You Lord. Thank you for answering all the prayers for the President of the United States and touching President Trump with the gift of healing and full recovery. Thank you for your love and your grace. We worship you. We continue to pray for all those suffering with the coronavirus and ask your mercy and healing. Save your people dear God. In Jesus name.



"And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass that, as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? They are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole."(Luke 17:11-19)

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Different Bethesda Same Jesus

YESHUA YESHUA YESHUA. Hallelujah! Please Hear me this day. My Master and my friend. My Savior and my Lord. You are the one who gives me anointing for the assignments. You are the one my flesh dies to. You are the one my spirit yearns for. Power belongs to you. LORD JESUS CHRIST All power is in your hand. Redeemer. Savior. Friend to the lonely lying by the pool. Messiah! Messiah! Messiah! Visit Bethesda near Washington D.C. today. There you will find a man named Donald J. Trump figuratively lying by the pool unable to get himself into the waters. Turn Walter Reed National Military Medical Hospital in Bethesda MD to Pool Bethesda of the days of Christ. 

JEHOVAH TSIKENDU. There is much work to be done. The job for which you raised this Leader for this time is not yet complete.  You are the God who raises up human generals throughout humanity. You are the God that empowers flawed humans to lead equally flawed people. Humanity has no standing with which to question Sovereign Divinity. In your Divine Providence you do all things excellent. You are God who equips those you bless to lead. GOD. Show mercy. There is yet much work to be done. You are the Lord our righteousness. You make us pure.

In today’s life, many people are depending on their personal beliefs, worldwide. In Your mercy hear everyone. Convert all to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Soften the hardened hearts to embrace the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Overrule powers of darkness with your penetrating light.

YESHUA. We are soldiers in the army of the Lord. Believers in Christ are praying victoriously worldwide. Many people are terrified without hope. There is an unseen enemy. God you are our hope. Our world has stopped functioning as it should since a menace virus, invisible to human eyes, arrived uninvited into our lives and threatened our humanity's existence. We are praying for lands and countries, the Globe and destinies. We are praying to continue to live free while Jesus tarries. We are praying to lift up the blood stained banner of Jesus Christ. We are watching, praying and fighting. We watch all the fights. We engage the kinds of fights that matter to God. We pray for love to trounce the hatred of the world, and squash new types of hate brewing. We are soldiers in the army of the living God. There is none righteous amongst us. All our righteousness, individual and collective, are as filthy rags before you. But are you not MERCIFUL Jehovah! You are. Give us grace and fill us with love.

Your WORD says all leadership is established by God. The Bible says to pray for our leaders. Lord Jesus, those who believe in you can make decrees and declarations of faith based in Christ. I Decree by the Power of Almighty God that President Donald John Trump receive the miracle of total recovery and complete healing right now this day. On the authority of the Word of God, I Declare by the word of The Messiah Jesus Christ spoken to the blind man at the Pool in Bethesda of the days when Christ walked this earth; “Rise take up thy bed and walk.” (John 5:12). LORD. You put Donald Trump in charge to lead the FREE world, not to be slave to hospital bed while the FREE world continues in free fall. Put him back on his feet. You are a God of miracles and wonders, irreversible miraculous wonders.

LORD. Here’s another thing. There is still this unseen enemy, an invisible virus, terrorizing the FREE world. They gave the virus a fancy name. We reject the virus. We rebuke the source of this virus. We send the virus back to the pits of Hell never to surface on the face of the earth again. They call it CoronaCovid19. Curse it—he, she, it—whatever; Curse it for us. God you are our hope. Erase coronavirus from everywhere it incubates. JESUS. We raise Holy Ghost FIRE against this worldwide menace virus global pandemic in the name of Jesus Christ. We continue to plead the Blood of Jesus over our world. We shall overcome this. We will overcome everything else. Jesus is Lord.  

There was a miracle at the pool in Bethesda that Sabbath day. Let there be a miracle at pool Walter Reed National Military Hospital Bethesda Maryland USA this Sabbath day for President Trump.

HEAVENLY FATHER. Many more of your children are lying at Walter Reed National Military Medical Hospital today that need someone to put them in the pool when the Angel troubles the water causing it to become healing water. Dip those wounded soldiers and patients in the healing pool of your Blood. Let there be multitude of miracles coming out of the Pool Bethesda today. Let the Blood of Christ speak healing, cure, deliverance and salvation for all those who need it. Heal body, mind, spirit and soul. Set captives free, O Lord. We commit to you Walter Reed Hospital and hospitals everywhere as Pool Bethesda of our day and pray that it be the site of miraculous displays of Your magnificent glory and power and might; Your Spirit—The Spirit of the Living God.  

I pray in the mighty Name of Jesus.

~Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Saturday, October 3, 2020

No God Pass Jehovah God

JEHOVAH GOD. Your appointed one Donald J Trump Leader of The FREE World lies sick in a hospital bed in Washington D.C. Fight for him. LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH Release him. Block all manners of sickness from President Trump.

YESHUA HAMASHIACH. You are the God who told me, five years ago, that Donald Trump is the person YOU have chosen to be President of the United States and YOU are placing him in the highest office of the World. YOU told me, your humble servant, to support Donald Trump and pray for him. YESHUA. I obey YOU every day. AGUNECHEMBA. Dismantle principalities and powers. Tear into pieces the snares and shred every fowler. Most High God DEMONSTRATE YOUR POWER over and over. Cover President Trump.

YESHUA. Jesus Christ died to set us free. Mankind will live free until Christ return to take your people home. ANOINTED ONE. Place a hedge of protection in President Trump. Raise Donald John Trump up to stand up and fight the fights you have placed in his hand. Heal President Trump and the one that is one with him, his wife, First Lady Melania Trump. Flush out the illness thoroughly with the Blood of Jesus.

O LORD GOD. The Bible says the wicked flourish so that they can be cut off. Shield President Trump from wickedness of every sort. Your WORD is truth. Manifest your Truth in his situations. YAHWEH. Send Reinforcement. Manifest your Truth in all situations. Protect the people. Cover the land and country. JEHOVAH NISSI Place your Banner overhead.

As for this COVID... Jehovah! YOU have slain coronavirus. It was already dead on arrival. CoronaCovid19 does not stand a chance against humanity. ALMIGHTY GOD. We are your people. Grant us physical manifestation in Jesus name.

YESHUA YESHUA YESHUA—JESUS JESUS JESUS. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus.

~Servant Hortense, DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries