Monday, August 31, 2020

Small Liberian Housekeeping Today

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you holding up? I pray you are pushing ahead, all things considered. It is a great time to be alive. Where there is life there is hope. Hope is Jesus. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Here's sending God's amazing peace to brighten your day.

To the many Liberians, diasporans, who have insulted me because I support President Trump and the Republican Party 2020. Thank you. It is called choice and freedom of expression. A guiding principle of my life is, to do right by God and do fair by people. Please stop overcrowding my Messenger account. I consider such insults toddler gibberish. I usually ignore these things. But let me speak for the record.

If I must stand up for Africa I must first speak up for America. I have a vested interest in my Blackness. I have a vested interest in being African of Liberian birth. I have a vested interest in being an immigrant American citizen. I have a vested interest to preserve the American way of life as I know it. I have a vested interest in the Leader of the free world, whomever this person is at a given time. All leadership is established by a sovereign God. I have a vested interest in the United States traditional oversight and leadership of the nations on planet earth.

Where are you when I am spending time in the trenches fighting in prayer; my very life overrun by opposition? You think it is easy to stand in the gap for a nation(s) and uphold a people. You think the work I do is easy. I am not one to boast or seek public acknowledgment. I couldn't care less about who validates me. I learned long ago that most people are fickle and one does not need a crowd following. My true friends I know and love. I try to respect people everywhere.

Where were you when I went on undercover mission to take back our City Gate? The city gate is the main entry point of a nation. Where were you when God sent me to Liberia to spiritually return our national airport (RIA) to Jehovah’s dominion? Demonic powers of darkness had overcast the land. Where were you when the Lord spoke to me about the filth and the blood cry swallowing the Republic of Liberia? Together with Jesus Christ this one woman took on the vast evil dominion, and we won. To God be the glory. Where were you when I laid prostrate before the King of Kings praying for Liberia? Where were you those 92 days of sackcloth and ashes, standing in the gap for Liberia, before the Creator of the Universe? Where were you those many lonely, sometimes difficult, long months in a strange country, obeying the Lord’s strategic mapping of a release for Africa?

Do you think every battle is visible to naked eye? Do you believe mortal intellect can reason away every influence? Do you really believe the enemy, Satan, cares about rhetoric and irrational, emotional outburst? Do you truly believe significant impact is made by empty verbosity? When you stand outside of Christ and Godliness and embrace ungodly characteristics, is there a chance ever? Do you think for one minute the devil cares about peoples’ loyalty and attachment to celebrity manifestoes. Have you even sat to consider what is at stake? I pray more people would seek God and ask for help. Pray. Pray. Let us pray.

You label me. What do you know of what I know! Yes, I have taken a stand. My stand is unwavering. I stand on the side that, at the least, stands with my God. Not a perfect side, but the side that will respect my Perfect God and count Him Glorious and still relevant. Do not question my Blackness. Don’t you dare question my loyalty to being Black in America. Do not insult my Africanness. I am a global citizen, with a personal interest in America and Africa. Who are you to tell me that I lack pride and self-respect. We have become a world intolerant and people unaccepting of diversity. Yet we cry out for diversity only one way.

We, Liberian immigrants, are sitting in Social Media kingdoms crafting your own personal tiaras and crowns. Meanwhile, back in your birth place RAPE has reached the national headlines. Infants and toddlers are having their wombs fall out because grown old rusty men their grandpa age constantly ravage their precious little bodies. A few borders away, Christian teenage girls and young women are being brutally violated and AK47 shell cartridges inserted into their private parts splitting them open. What do you say? What is your plan? Across the aisle, poverty is turning promise into disasters and human life has lost value. Further up north, brave young African men searching for betterment now stand lining cages waiting to be sold for a few hundred dollars to the nearest bidder. Do you think crying out initials and chanting acronyms will solve it? Do you not realize “spiritual warfare,” the many raging battles across the globe, is one of good versus evil? And you dare question me. Stop messaging me foolish memes and tasteless videos. I am called by God Almighty for a time like this. You have the luxury of selfishness. I don’t even have a choice. I am sold out to Christ. I love the Lord and wouldn't have it any other way. It is a divine agenda and I will stand to carry it out. God’s way.

Yes. If I must fight for America… If I must fight for Africa… If I must fight for Liberia… If I must fight for this beautiful earth God has gifted us… If I must fight for God’s kingdom to overpower the heathens raging in the atmosphere today… I will do it God’s way. I take absolutely no thought of what any mortal thinks of feels about it. Stop insulting people who do not do what you do. Certainly, stop insulting me. I have spent my entire life on the side of decency. As imperfect as I am, I have character and integrity. And a whole lot of self-worth. There is nothing anyone do about that. 

For the record. Again. I am a Black woman. And I do have pride for my race. Go ask God. He knows all about me. I love you with a sisterly love. Blessings abundant!

Servant Hortense

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

 Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Called Anointed Sent out to Establish

Jehovah does not negotiate time and season in His plan. When Almighty God raises a man [woman] for a season no human being can sit the man [woman] down during this season. The man [woman] in that time continues with the season until God says stop.
Servant Hortense

Hortense Duarma Grimes ~HortenseInspiration 
Servant of the Living God (Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries )

SPEAK LORD THY SERVANT HEARETH... Keep Open my mouth, Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Take the River Valley

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How is life treating you today? How are you handling your circumstances? I pray you are being the champion which you are. Keep your head held high, and square your shoulders, and step your way through any fiery furnace. Jesus Christ has already entered before you. It is cool, fully air-conditioned,  in that heated space. God's got you and got you fully covered. 

The Creator God deserves a wow worship! You see, my friend, in the beginning GOD created everything that is anything. And He formed you, finite and limited beings that we are. In the matter of the universe the Creator is sovereign. Jesus has said if you deny Him on earth, He will deny you before His Father. How do you approach your Heavenly Father? I pray you do with humble submission. 

The Creator has given you and me a free will. That means you are free to do, and will to be, things as you will it to be. Except, in the case of your soul. Sometimes, people lose sight of the vastness of the creator and reduce his name to a swear word or a disrespectful mention. When you are through bluffing your way on this earth, eternity awaits you. Jesus Christ, the God you flippantly address by those “names” when you want to have your own way, is the God who owns you here, now, and there, after. The name of the Lord God must be revered. We must speak of our Heavenly Father respectfully and with honor. One must never take The Lord’s name in vain. The Name of the Most High God is worthy of worship. The Name of Jesus Christ is worthy of exaltation and praise! There is power in the name of Jesus to break every yoke. Repent from sin.

Take a stand for Christ. Your redemption draws nigh. Jehovah is the God all flesh must worship. That includes your own flesh. Pray. Read the Bible. Seek the Holy Spirit to guide you.

SING ALONG WITH ME. “Then Abraham said to Lot: I think it’s time to part; because we are brothers, you nearly broke my heart. You take the river valley; I'll take the other side. One way or the other, The Lord will provide.”  AMEN. 

This old Negro spiritual makes me want to shout Glory Glory...Hallelujah! Get your praise on and host your personal singspiration moment. The Lord will provide strength today and strength tomorrow to see you through. You might need to separate yourself from sin, and avoid sinful lifestyles, in order to be connected to the source of life. Jehovah God. Maybe the season has come for you to go the other way from another so that God's Kingdom Come will be made manifest in your life.  

Sending God’s amazing peace to remind you of the depth of Jesus Christ love for you. It is unconditional love.

Blessings and Peace,
Servant Hortense

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Monday, August 24, 2020

Spending Liberian Flag Day My Way

My wonderful African people. Your hello oh! You and I know where we come from. We alone know the troubles we have seen which led to wherever we find ourselves today. Pray and ask The Lord to show you how to continue your best life by the choices you are privileged to make. Today is Flag Day in the Republic of Liberia. The flag that has represented since 1847, through peace and war. Today I celebrate Flag Day by a common Liberian saying “If I had known.” Hence, I am forced to see a parallel with April 1980 Liberia and August 2020 America. My target audience for this article is African-immigrant. God bless you always. Sending God’s amazing peace to lighten your spirit.*

Many have come to realize an unspoken reality. President Trump is being used as scapegoat for everything wrong in America today. “How can that be?” is what a rational person is wondering. The man is an accomplished, ultra-wealthy businessman, a self-made billionaire. Donald J. Trump is a “Political Novice" who entered the White House few years ago, for the first time in public service. Prior to this he had no impact on the political structure of the United States, nor had he held an elected office, whatsoever, in any environment. Donald Trump has never even been on city council or school board. Donald J. Trump spent seven decades of his life as a private citizen, outside the political establishment of the United States, and totally removed from policy making of any era. How could he be responsible for systemic “anything”? How can he be categorized as the reason for the destruction of this great nation for many years? How? Impossible that’s how. Impossible. 

The nation is not destroyed. America is great. The United States is still the greatest country on planet earth. The entire world knows this. And the world prefer that this be the case. Always. Show me one other country that is greater, and a more perfect union, than America? By the power of Almighty God this will remain the case. Imperfect or Perfection.

What is more preposterous is these accusations against the man are being made by people directly involved in administering and operating the national establishment and have been overseeing the United States of America, for decades, in politics. Career seasoned politicians, especially many recipients of the “Black Vote”, are charging Donald J. Trump with systemic failures of the American Establishment during the past decades since the Civil Rights Movement. This is almost laughable if it were not serious matter. I hate to agree, but a person has to be inherently part of a monolith to buy this charade. 

Hear me: If you are important to someone they woo you, they do not take you that much for granted. On the other hand, if you never raise your standards people buy you at the price you’re offering and what you sell at. How could Donald Trump be responsible for the deep seated cultural problems in this society when he has had held absolutely no political office until he became president three and half years ago! I have a quote to sum it up. “One way to defunct a knowledgeable person is to trigger them to become so emotionally charged that it decreases their critical thinking ability.” ~HDG.

On a different note, I kind of like the idea of a modern day leader, who has made a ton of money, outside of being in politics, figuring out avenues for other average regular folks to make at least an ounce of money themselves. Maybe, finally, there will be more people on the annual Dollarnaire listing. Who knows, a few more might break the code and be counted among the Top 400 New Thousandnaires. What an uplifting thought for my immigrant progeny to entertain. Despite the gloom and doom alerts, there is a chance you, too, can arrive. 

I keep telling people it is about economic capacity! Your keep letting Millionaires convince your how awfully bad things are. I keep telling your “economic capacity/financial independence” is the only way out. In Africa we typically do not share how we make achievements. Suffice it to say, “that’s just God oh…God just blessed me.” They never tell you the methods to how those blessings arrived. God forbid that it should change hands to your hand. All across Africa many leaders are keeping their people poor for life and blind forever. Sadly, a large number of the people wouldn't have it any other way.*

There is a certainty to President Trump. Donald J. Trump is a promise keeper. Something most politicians forget the minute they get elected. President Trump has delivered almost everything he promised when he campaigned for office. That means he is a non-politician Politician. Trump says what Trump is doing. One may differ with his sometimes brash personality, question his behavioral outbursts, and genuinely dislike him on a personal level. Collectively, these are called human imperfections. I have long since learned to look beyond the outside to the doings from the heart inside. 

Each of us stand guilty of human flaws. Some are more adept at hiding theirs than others. Simply put, Donald Trump is not vying for office to come and spend the weekend visiting you at your home or eat lunch with you at work or be your best friend. Among other things, President Trump is working hard to give you opportunities to decide for yourself the kind of life you want, to determine your home, to have options about what you want to eat, and to choose your own friends to visit with. Almost like a surgeon would he uses a sharp scalpel to dig out the stubborn, benign tumor. You can trust Donald Trump to do what he promises to do, against all odds, and keep his promise. 

None of us agrees with everything another person does or say. We strive to be fair with one another and do right by people. My Friend. In your own best interest you might want to walk away from the opinions of others and take a keen interest in knowing the actual deeds and actions of “America 45” since he assumed the highest office in the land. At the least, become a well-rounded, independently informed, citizen in order that you would be at peace with your final decisions. If not for yourself, do this for your progeny and your roots. And Pray.

Here’s my summary which I fully believe. Donald J. Trump, Sr., a political novice and establishment outsider, entered the White House, as 45th President of the United States, and changed the way business gets done in Washington, D.C.—by being EFFECTIVE in getting results. He sets career politicians’ feet to the fire, forcing them to move. Thus making them uncomfortable for not driving fast enough in the direction of the people. A results-driven president who is changing the status quo and opening the eyes of Constituents everywhere, Donald J. Trump is a politician’s worst nightmare. No wonder they do not like him. I understand the venom. We in Africa know our politicians don’t play with their gravy. No joke. But what about the people? In Africa such a question does not count. What people? The people! The same people whose standards of living need to to be raised.*

Jehovah God Bless Us All. God bless the United States of America and keep it steady for the people of the USA and the entire world. America leads the way for all countries across the globe. The United States of America is the leader of the World. This is the America we all should still desire. May we do our individual homework. There is no perfect mortal savior. There is no Savior except God. There are people placed in positions of power for times and seasons best known to Divine providence. Pray that Almighty God would direct you about the time and season and placement of players. This would be the most important prayer you could say about your life today and the future to come.

My dear fellow Africans immigrants. We only have God to depend on. Back in our home (native) countries many of our leaders failed us miserably in the past, present, and are prepared to fail us again tomorrow. America becomes the refuge center when, so often, we are unceremoniously ejected from our birth places. In our sleep, in our awake thoughts, and in our daydreaming, we see in front of us the United States. Look to God in prayer for guidance, spiritual insight, wisdom and strength. 

All I am saying is present your scenario to Almighty God. I presented my own scenario to God and this, my standing with Trump, was the takeaway. Ask that the will of God be made manifest to you. Follow the direction your head, heart and spirit agree on. Then go ahead and exercise your right to do as you please. At the end of the day God Almighty remains sovereign. This same sovereign God loves you.

While you go about your living remember to flag your life with Jesus Christ. Much love from my end. Happy Flag Day, Liberia.

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)
*writing contains local African jargon.

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat

Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Divine WORD Released August 14, 2020

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Good morning to you. I pray you are holding up in faith and  trust. I pray circumstances of life events are not causing you weariness; you are too strong to be beaten down. God Almighty loves you. Jesus Christ adores you. And you know I think the world of you, my dear siblings in the Lord. My prayers are going up for you without fail. You pray for me and I pray for you. Prayer is how we will get through the many phases of life. Together. I have an early morning encounter today to share with you. Be blessed and acknowledge who Jesus is. Here goes.

On this beautiful Friday morning, August 14, 2020, I had completed first prayer of the morning hours, and continued observing extended devotional period. Often, during this time, under the promptings of the Holy Spirit, I sometimes write sermonettes, faith-based articles, divinely inspired original quotations, spiritual-insightful thoughts and inspirational pieces. Today’s HortenseInspirationQuote is “O that the Lord would quicken your spirit until you go running after Jesus.” I made the quotation public and returned to finishing a Sermonette about soldiers in the army of the living God being on night watch duty. The piece was intense and when I finished writing, I stood up and began to worship God and glorify Jesus Christ. Immediately, I was interrupted. The Holy Spirit descended stronger for several moments, and the Lord’s Voice spoke in my spirit: The definition of war is wicked arrogant rulers. It felt like my whole being went stark quiet. The Lord spoke further. It is herewith written entirely: 

Jesus just told me the definition of War, and to tell you.

Jesus says: “The definition of WAR is wicked arrogant rulers. In plural, Wars mean wicked arrogant rulers simultaneously. PRAY against wicked arrogant rulers gearing up worldwide; War in waiting worldwide.”

(There is a pause. I assume the Lord is done speaking.)

Jesus continues: “Notice I said rulers, not leaders. Rulers are not usually the leaders. Get serious about prayer. PRAY against wicked arrogant rulers simultaneously. Rulers are not usually the leaders. Leaders are not necessarily the rulers. PRAY.”

My people! Let us Pray. In Jesus mighty Name. Amen.

Servant Hortense D. Grimes
Founder~Leader~Minister, Do It For Christ Ministries

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Outsmart The Smart Box

Television addiction is a ploy. One of several mechanisms the enemy is using to cultivate a lukewarm spirit and dull your inner man. Turn off the TV for a few hours. Sit with your own thoughts. BEGIN TO PRAY. Jesus Christ came to bring light. The light of life.

The enemy, Satan, is a master at deception. The Devil is the most crafty and shrewdest of creatures. Lucifer knows exactly how to target for win. In his game, of which you are no match by yourself, your mind is the first to be captured. Next, your entire being gets taken. Turn off the television and spend additional time in prayer. You have been the target of massive amounts of indoctrination. Brainwash is the device being used to stew your intellect. Ask Jesus to preserve what is left of your mind. It is imperative that you be of "Sound Mind" for the day and time.

The tactics of Lucifer are targeted at you. Granted with your own permission. God is speaking to you, but you, being so far gone, have purposed to ignore God's voice. The Lord is calling out to you because you are his own. What a heartbreak it is for Jesus when his own receives him not. PRAY. These are perilous times we live in. Nothing is what it seems. Only Spiritual eyes are beholding what is taking place. The realm is raging with activity like never a time in your lifetime. 

PRAY. The day is different from times past. There is no innocence about the day. We on earth are entering another dispensation of life on this side of eternity. Times have changed drastically. While you slumber shifting is occurring. To stay current one must be grounded in the ways of God and remain focused in Christ. The Creator, God, is unlike mortal man. The ways of Almighty God are higher and deeper than the thoughts of the human heart. In the matter of the universe the Sovereign God still commands absolute control. All is subject to God the Creator.

Ask in prayer. And receive through prayer. Ask Jesus Christ to infiltrate your life, condition your thought processes and allow the Holy Spirit to rinse you thoroughly. Again, I say to you: Turn off the television and spend additional time in prayer. PRAY for God to tune you into him. Ask JESUS. 

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat

Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author 


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Prayer at Daybreak Today

Heavenly Father. I humbly beseech Thee. Hallowed be Thy Name. Confuse the evil lurking in America. Expose all the different agendas. Open the eyes of the people before it becomes too late to reverse destructive actions. Lord Jesus, come quickly. As long as Prayer is banned from schools in America there is no reason other faiths should be "taught more" in schools across America. Turn hearts and shift focus back to you, Lord God Almighty.

The enemy, Satan, is becoming bolder, but You, Omniscient God, are exposing the end games at its beginning. You are great Lord. Come Holy Spirit come. Cleanse the land. Many of your people are blind to see, having become caught up in the euphoria of their own makings. As they have diluted your influence in their lives, their grip in you has slackened. Pardon their lapses in judgment and forgive their ignorance. Release in them a deeper longing for you in their lives.

Lord, the battle is yours. Send down help from above to stand guard over the United States. We know evil often takes the form of light or enlightenment. Break every yoke of spiritual blindness engulfing believers. Disrobe the cloak of secularism which had fastened itself around many Christians and is wreaking havoc on their beliefs. Lord Jesus you came to set the captives free. You came to bring the sword of truth and cut through the hide of falsehood. Bring down the walls of distraction. Restore your electricity so that your current will shine away darkness. I come to plead with you, dear Heavenly Father, to shake the heavens until every attack on your divine providence is silenced by your mighty roar. You are Lord. Jesus Christ Lion of the Tribe of Judah. You conquer principalities. You are sovereign. You deserve all the glory. You are God. You alone are God. Move quickly. Quicken in the hearts of your people a desire for repentance. Show us the way to seek you and how to please you. Forgive the land. Move mightily.

I am your anointed servant, dear Lord. My Father God. Shield me from evil trolls who seek out your servant to do her harm. Be it known or closet enemies, dark hearts, evil eyes on social media pages, random forces elsewhere, who have come by to antagonize and/or target me in warfare. The enemies of your children are your enemies too. Arise O Thou Ancient of Days and let thine enemies be scattered. I pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ. I stand on the potent Word of God. I take authority in Jesus Christ. The Blood of Jesus cover me. Forgive my sins and all my shortcomings. Remove my guilt and stains. Thank you for being all sufficient to me. Jehovah El Shaddai. I give you total praise. Awaken a sound boldness in all those whom you have set aside for such a season as this. 

Arise O Most High God. Come to the rescue of your people everywhere. You deserve all the honor and glory forever and ever. In Jesus mighty name I pray. AMEN. 

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat

Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Scripture for the Week

Be Rooted in God's Word.

(Amplified Version)

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to part asunder a man from his father, and a daughter from her mother, and a newly married wife from her mother-in-law—And a man’s foes will be they of his own household. He who loves [and takes more pleasure in] father or mother more than [in] Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves [and takes more pleasure in] son or daughter more than [in] Me is not worthy of Me; And he who does not take up his cross and follow Me [cleave steadfastly to Me, conforming wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also] is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds his [lower] life will lose it [the higher life], and whoever loses his [lower] life on My account will find it [the higher life]." (Matthew 10:34-39) 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Build an Altar

Build an altar to Jesus Christ. Family Prayer time in homes is an Altar of Worship to God Almighty. Gather your family together and pray in your home. Prayers you say will rise up to the Lord like incense. That "together" family worship, praise and thanksgiving send a sweet aroma to Jehovah the Most High God. My friend. Build an Altar. PRAY TOGETHER.

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing? Times are interesting, to say the least. May I cheer you up a bit by saying, God has use for every minute of your life. Your being seemingly stuck at home during this period of ongoing quarantined presents a unique opportunity: The family is together in one spot for long and extended periods. Marvelous time for bonding with one another in God's love. The Lord wants you to build an altar of worship to Him. Family praying together is that altar. Build it. In Jesus name. 

Almighty God loves you. The Lord absolutely loves you. Nothing can tamper with it. You could never become undeserving of God's love, not even if you tried to. Your Heavenly Father loves you beyond your ability to comprehend it. Jesus died for you. You are LOVED no questions asked. Amen.

Blessings and Peace, Servant Hortense