Saturday, May 28, 2022

Long-Weekend Greetings

 ~HortenseInspiration . . . HAPPY LONG WEEKEND. Enjoy your weekend! Know whose you are and behave accordingly. Do not go with just any flow. You are a believer and follower of THE CHRIST. Ask yourself this every time: Would the Holy Spirit be joining me? Then do or do not do. 

Remember, if you are a true follower of Jesus Christ, you are in this world, but not of this world. You belong to a higher platform of living! Don't dirty yourself with the ideals of the world. Don't stain yourself with the fake shiny of the world. Don't do what the heathens love. Do not let yourself be shamed into behaving like those whom God will surely reject tomorrow. Be different like Jesus was on earth. Close your ears to the sneers and jeers of the heathens. Shut your eyes to the glare blasting from fake-fancy and false lights everywhere. Do not conform. Stay above it. You could lose friends. Say Ok. You will lose cheers and applause. Say Thank You Jesus! 
Life is about pleasing Almighty God. I've learned myself that you cannot excel to the place God dwells or be Christlike on earth if you, just like the nonbelievers/unbelievers, are dancing to the same rhythm and tunes of this ungodly world. The world is embracing depravity, immorality, and abomination. You must remain far away and high above these trends. Worldliness is beneath you. This world is subject to you. In Christ.
Hear me. When it comes down to taking sides, take the side Jesus command. You'll know this by the Bible. READ THE BIBLE. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you the Word of God.  Every time you open the Bible to read it or study it invite the Holy Spirit to explain God's word to you verse by verse. This time of communion is the fuel for traveling the long journey of life. Fill your tank and take off to BE DIFFERENT. This is when your confusion gets dismantled. Here is when you are set free totally. Every Bondage is snapped broken. Your mind is cleared.
My friend. Be different from those who do not believe in Jesus. You cannot be like the world, think worldly, and behave crazy like the world behavior. No. No. Not you. Because you are BORN AGAIN. It makes you attractive past the world. You are constantly radiating joyfulness. What could be more satisfying! Be different in Jesus. 

Much love from my end. Happy long weekend! Blessings.

~Servant Hortense 
(DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)