Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Say Something Do More

Nations comprise of society. Societies are formed by communities. Communities comprise families. Families are made of individuals. Individuals contribute to humanity with their voice. One's voice is your essence. Undergirding the entire nation are you the individual. Endeavor to use your voice for good. 

My friend, I would be inaccurate if I did not add that prayer adds tremendous capacity to your voice.  Pray and Act. I am a global citizen with a particular interest in The United States and Africa. Find your particular interest and act for humanity.

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. I pray you all are being the strong, vibrant, lovely people you were created to be. I thought to stop by and drop a snippet of inspiration. I've recently distanced from social media and internet platforms to dedicate myself to period of intense prayer, interceding for the USA and the world. Allow me to ask you to do likewise. Pray for your country where you live. Pray for the World. Pray especially for the United States. America sets the tone for the entire world.

Our country, America, is facing the most important historical moment in many our lifetime. Situations have long transcended political affiliations, personalities, religion, and other filters. Likewise, all around the globe, the world has changed tremendously over the past 8 months. I do not know for sure that it has changed for the better. I do know for sure the Creator can mend any and all broken parts of the Universe he, God Almighty, created. And so I pray and pray and pray and pray and fast and pray and fast and pray and pray and pray... and take courage in the Bible. In the matter of the universe and humanity God has the last say.

Depending on Scripture we must make declarations. We decree what must be bound on earth and it is bound in Heaven. We declare what is loosed in Heaven is let loose on the earth. Blessings, forgiveness, mercy, grace, bravery, tolerance, love over hate, sound mind, wisdom, boldness, Godliness, Holy Spirit insight, courage, strength, more love: these must be loosed upon the earth. Prayer is the only avenue God can use to bless mankind. 

Remember you have never lived in another world aside this one. This is the world you know. Should you get a chance to live in another world you would not in mortal flesh. Hence this world is home to your existence now. Cherish it. Pray for it. Pray that good will overcome evil. Pray that God's will is established upon the earth at such a time as this. Pray that you would see through the eyes of God.

Much love from my end. 

Blessings and peace, Servant Hortense
Founder, DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries


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