Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Midnight Push

TONIGHT ... it is now the Third Watch of Night. 

PRAY. It is as if we are watching a movie, isn't it? You must be seeing it, I'm sure. Unless you're sleeping or blinded. Satan thinks he is smarter than God. What a joke. If the devil can use human beings to carry out his agenda why wouldn't he use microorganisms? When you disregard the principles of Jesus Christ you volunteer to be on Satan's side. You embrace the darkness and shun the light. Dark powers are operating everywhere using all kinds of techniques. It is called demonic activity and the operation is called spiritual wickedness in high (heavenly) places... Spiritual Warfare!

Do not negotiate with wickedness. Enforce your stand by praying. Refuse to settle for all evil, including those forms that have been packaged to look like good. PRAY until the madness which have come to town leaves your town. Read your Bible to get a clearer picture of what period it is on the earth today. Be ready to beat the devil at all of his games. Your life is at stake. Your eternal destiny is at stake. This is not the time to sleep throughout the night. Turn things upside down by staying awake at deep night and breaking up stuff. You are soldiers in the army of the living God on earth. My friend, we are in warfare. DO BATTLE. Fight for your life and your children and family. On your knees... Ready. Set. Go. Start praying now! 

Grab the Cross and the Holy Bible. Pray like your life depends on it.  By the way it does! Your very life depends on your prayer. 

~Servant Hortense

(DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)


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