Saturday, August 31, 2019

Telling It Congo In Congau Talk

The Republic of Liberia was founded in 1822, by freed black slaves from America. The Freed Slaves who returned to Africa, and founded the nation, Liberia, were referred to as the "Settlers". The descendants of the Americo-Liberian Settlers are known as Congo people, in Liberia. Congo (hereinafter “Congau”) (pronounced “kon gow”). 

Continuance of HortenseInspiration Changing the Narratives. #RaisetheBar,  Movement launched July, 2018. A thoughtful, thought provoking and provocative campaign telling the truths about the Congo people. Giving the world the Congau stories. ~Hortense Duarma Grimes 

If you believe there is a Race crisis in America, then you must believe there is ongoing Ethnic war in Liberia, waged by the dominant Native people against the descendants of the Congau people. For those who think this idea is far fetched or unnecessary or non-existent, you have not been paying attention for the last several decades. 
The situation has deteriorated, alarmingly, particularly since the emergence of the recent native president. President George Weah, referred to by his followers as “Country Giant”, has himself alluded to this. Mr. Weah shed his presidential trappings for a day and assembled a rally, where he proclaimed to the nation, and the watching world, that he was not speaking as the President, but as a thug. He further stated he wanted to display this act freely, hence, he left Liberia's Presidential automobile (his official car) and drove his private car to the rally. The Country Giant chose to abandon his presidential role for a short duration to emphatically tell you, Congau sons and daughters, that we have no right to aspire to political roles in Liberia. He proclaimed to the world that as long as he, George Manneh Weah, is president of Liberia you will never win in your country. Liberia now belong to the native people; it's their time, they claim. Lord have mercy on us!!!

The Native people refer to themselves as "Country people." The natives, Country people, have declared it is their turn to rule Liberia. Exclusively. They are determined to ostracize the Congau people. For the most part, they also exclude many of their own native people who embrace a civilized mentality.  

President George Weah, the so-called Country Giant, and hero voice of the native people, has presidentially declared that Congau people deserve no place of leadership in Liberia. Congau people are ordered to stay silent and be losers. Or die, if they resist. Lord have mercy on Liberia.

Last I checked, the Western World told me Liberia has a democratic form of government. The Western World supports and champions democracy in Liberia. How does this fit with the Western World? If you believe that overt racism exists in America today, then you'd better believe overt ethnicism exist in Liberia today. The Slaves dared to do great. How dare they? Those niggers built a what? Republic. Yes, those niggers founded, established, built and maintained a thriving nation. They were trying to preserve it, imperfect though it was, just like yours. Until...

We have yet to understand what happened in Liberia to warrant a military Coup in 1980. A coup in the most peaceful West African country! They say it was to liberate the oppressed and suppressed native people. Okay. I agree. Fast forward.

The Country Giant is a huge disappointment to Liberians who believed we had crossed the bridge and become one people. People like me who saw all Liberians as being one and the same, Liberian, period. Apparently, that's not the case. This is the sign of terrible things to come. It is a glaring sign that this divide is deeper than we want to accept. It is a sign that under the surface there still brews the kind of intense, thick emotions that have led to ethnic cleansing in countries.

Remember Yugoslavia? Remember Rwanda? Remember other places? Never say it cannot happen in Liberia. Remember, Liberians never thought a Coup could happen in Liberia. Did it? We did not believe a Civil War could happen in Liberia. Did it? Liberians never thought wickedness beyond human imagination could be carried out on one another. Did it happen? Yes. Of course, it did. YES x3+.

There has to be an Evolution of truth. There must be an unearthing of the hidden, buried true stories of the Settlers. The Americo-Liberians, under whose rulership Liberia was a serious country counted among respected nations of the world. I have no problem starting and continuing the evolution of these hard truths. The facts must be uncovered. 

It is past time today's World heard some truths. That might change the narrative. For the most part, Western media reported what it wanted to be the Narrative of Liberia. Partly because it was unfathomable that "Freed Slaves" should succeed independently at anything. Let alone freed black slaves be accredited with building a successful, thriving new republic. Slaves were treated like and likened to animals. In their masters' minds, "Who do these niggers think they are?" Lord have mercy on us.

My friend. The fact is, after all, we have already lost our Liberia. We have lost Liberian culture, values, and our unique way of life; frankly, we've lost, forever, Liberia as we knew it. What do you have to lose by telling your truths? The massive dissemination of misinformation needs to be checked. At least. 

*Writing includes local Liberian vernacular

Srvt. Hortense D. Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)

Blessings and Peace,

Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

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