Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Even Grandma and Grandpa Would See by Now

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you? I pray life is treating you well and you are fully aware of the wonderful person God created you as. God made the sun to shine just for you. See yourself as God see you and be happy.

As always, I have something to say. Pardon me, please, today my target audience for this post is African immigrants, people of the Black race, and minorities in America. Here are my thoughts. 

They dumbed us down and wore us out, instilling in us that we are victims of systemic racism. We became so traumatized until we could not see our tremendous worth and accomplishments. We settled for the stigma that we will forever be valueless and hopeless minorities in every regard. So says the Democrat party of the USA. That did not completely work, as God opened our eyes to see that we are more than they say. Next stop! I wondered where they would go.

Seemingly, COVID is the only platform the Democrat party is offering America in this election. This is their lone agenda for tackling the multitude of problems facing you and your communities. They want to stroke new rounds of full scale fear in the people because they have nothing new and nothing good or better to sell the voters; especially their devout constituency BLACK Voters. How sad. How disrespectful. Do not allow these politicians, many of which are "let you down" demigods, to use you for free votes and treat you poorly as soon as they win their powerful seats. Minorities, immigrant citizens and Black America, get out and vote to change your personal story. You are the only one who can leverage your value. The Democrat party, in this election, has not offered you alternatives in your best interest. They have taken the minority and Black VOTE for granted again. And again some more.

Absolutely, COVID is real. The coronavirus is deadly. We mourn the many deaths. We note it was and still is a global pandemic. It is an illness for which only medications, therapeutics, vaccines, and other scientific and medical remedies can ease or eradicate. The Democrat party knows they have no more to offer regarding handling of the pandemic. They know they have no magic wand for COVID. The virus will not last forever. Like every medical mystery it will be managed scientifically and medically. They are aware of this fact. They just care about making a fool of you, misleading you emotionally and keeping your emotions roused up for them. You must be kept from being critical thinkers. What better way than to keep you emotionally charged and thinking with your heart. As long as that keeps giving them your Black Vote, nothing else matters. I am not sure you realize the power of your vote. It is a golden deposit, and one which has been solely the property of the Democrat Party. You have no idea the power of your vote. The Black Vote is invaluable asset to Democrat politicians. You own this asset. Therein is your power. Leverage it.

Black people in America, you have said you cannot breathe. The entire world was listening. I am not sure the recipients of your priceless Black Vote heard you. They are using the same formula they’ve used for decades. And it is working for them. It has not worked for you, by your own account. How is that in your best interest? The Democrat party does not even listen to you; they stopped paying attention a long time ago. You are only good for your vote. The BLACK VOTE. They are no longer attentive to your needs. In the grand scheme of things, but for your vote, you are insignificant to them. You must forge your own way in finding the capacities you need and deserve. Ask yourself: 1) Do their 2020 platform provide means to economic capacity; 2) Have they presented pathways to financial independence; 3) Is their message different this time from times past and previous elections; 4) What do you get for your VOTE since the last time they got your vote.

From where I see the answers to all four of the above are No and Nothing. This is not your grandfather and grandmother Democratic Party of their time. There is no need for you continuing a legacy of loyalty. The Democrat Party has changed significantly. They have strayed a long ways away from the core values they once were believed to hold. Even your great grandparents were they alive today would switch in this election, at least. My friend, hear me. Please hear this: Leave the Blueberry fields and come in for some Raspberry pie. Vote the Republican ticket. Vote Trump-Pence. Add these Republican candidates as applicable in your state. Like you, these remarkable Americans are minorities. They know your story. Vote Kim Klacik (Baltimore Maryland). Vote Joe Collins (Los Angeles California). Vote John James (Detroit Michigan). Many others are running for office. Vote Colorblind partnerships—Black and White people who are for you and care about what is good for you.

It is about time you thought of your own interests first before giving some of those career politicians more clout, with their huge egos and fat bank accounts, while you get played every four years by voting Democrat just because you are Black, poor, minority, and have been conditioned to revere your demigods. Every other demography is rising up economically, except you. Prove that you are not monolithic characters. You are a human being entitled to economic capacity, financial independence, equality, fairness, liberty and justice. You deserve more than poverty and neglect. You deserve better than being relegated to dangerous communities, abortion clinics all over your neighborhoods, perpetually struggling households, uneducated teenagers, gangs and violence, hopelessness and dead dreams. You deserve to be seen as Americans, and not labeled exclusively by your identity. You are an American who is of the Black race. The American Dream is meant for you and should be accessible; yours for the taking. If this has not been your story then your vote should be placed elsewhere for a change. You have absolutely nothing to lose. In my African voice, “he that is down fears no fall; where else could he fall to; he’s already down.” Black America, you will never be taken seriously by those your demigods unless you raise your stakes and upgrade your value. You must make yourself worth it. The only way is to speak with the Black Vote. Let it go for whomever is wooing you and begging you, with alms in their hands extended to you.

Go VOTE for YOUR own Self, YOUR Family, YOUR Way of Life, YOUR Future, and Tomorrow’s America. You owe yourself that much.  God bless you. Jesus loves you. Stay prayerful. 


Servant Hortense D. Grimes

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