Anticipating the Spring release of our new book, 'Dynamics', I am attempting ongoing marketing efforts for ‘She Shall Stand’ the first published work from Do It For Christ Ministry. Additionally, if I may say so myself ‘She Shall Stand’ is every person’s story. We can each testify to the unending capacity of God’s grace and love! You and I know that but for the grace of God, life would have swallowed you up a long time. The book is a narration of the remarkable, dynamic power of prayer and the tremendous power of Jesus Christ to those who call him Lord. Hallelujah!
All sales proceeds benefit Do It For Christ Ministry’s numerous undertakings. We are looking, shortly, to expand the Radio and Media ministry to additional markets in Africa. As well as establishing the Outreach Branches throughout the regions. Needless to say, Ministry is expensive and needs much support. Hence my plea. Especially to my Liberians (between you and me your know we don’t like to support one another :)-). But please do it for Christ. Africans must take the lead in any efforts that would bring some form of relief to Africans. Kindly purchase a copy for yourself or for your kids, loved ones or a friend. The book also talks extensively about childhood and upbringing the African/Liberian way back in the days. Pass that on to your children. Let them see how you grew up. Share with them the priceless African family values and structure.
The message of Spiritual Rehabilitation in Jesus Christ, and Renewal of the Mindset is serious business—more poignant now than ever before for the African continent. Jesus is the way. Prayer has the answers. If there is no knowledge of Jesus there can be no spiritual rehabilitation for the people. No Jesus, no permanent renewal of mindset. Every African can agree that what the continent desperately needs is that its people renew their thinking; subsequently, behavior patterns will change. Further, if there is no Jesus there can be no complete healing from the traumas of conflicts, chaos and confusion. Whatever the nay arguments to this truth, it is the Word of God that stands.
I believe what the Bible says. That Book has stood the test of time. That Book has the message that transforms the Human heart where the outward deeds of humans originate. I believe the Word of God. For the word of God says, “That one day EVERY knee WILL bow, and EVERY tongue WILL confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD...” The fact of the matter is the world will bow today or the world will bow tomorrow. But one day every single living and dead creature that has ever graced the face of this earth will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. Hallelujah! Every creature in heaven above, on the face of earth, underneath the earth below, will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Now, my friend, do you still believe that any completion can exist without Jesus? Help me spread the JESUS message. That message is the only one that transforms the human mind and heart! We need to get it into the heart so that transformation can happen to the entire person. Help me spread the message of salvation. Help me heal the broken hearts, the broken lives and broken spirits with the fixing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Make a small little (intentional usage, Liberian jargon) contribution today by purchasing our major fundraiser ‘She Shall Stand.’
(Please read the next BLOG entitled "Excerpt from She Shall Stand).
Thanks and God Bless you.
Servant Hortense Grimes
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministry