Sunday, December 29, 2013

72-Hour Countdown

We are standing in the shadows of a new time. We are on the verge of a "Daybreak" that will reveal what History would call "2014": The Year Two Thousand and Fourteen AD.
I dare you, to now begin a 72-Hour Countdown into what you will make your greatest year ever. 

Begin the 72-Hour Countdown to 2014 
Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse. Mind-Body-Spirit. 

God Bless You. Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day of which you are privileged to be a part. Refresh yourself with laughter!

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
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Friday, December 27, 2013

Warmth Forever

As I feel the cold breeze in spite of the warm sunshine I can’t help but exclaim, “How majestic are you O Lord. Thank You for today!” 
Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: Visit

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sit Them at Your Feet...

A large percentage of Africa’s human capacity, the “Brain” of Africa, resides in the Western Diaspora. To you, Diaspora Africans:  Take the time to sit your young children down and explain to them just who Mr. Nelson Mandela was. 
Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes

Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: Visit

It's the Weekend....

Enjoy your weekend. Know that the Lord Jesus is watching over you. 
Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes

Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: Visit

Thursday, December 5, 2013

One Tribute to Nelson Mandela

I’m raising my hand in solidarity singing the words of Hugh Masekela: “Bring back Nelson Mandela. Bring him back to Soweto. I want to see him walking down the street in South Africa. Tomorrow. Bring back Nelson Mandela ….”

Africa has lost one of its greatest statesmen. A leader who chose a 27-year imprisonment over compromising his principles, so that others born in the same country as he would taste freedom, and experience democracy. A leader who sampled the sweet lure of power after 27 years of confinement in an isolated jail cell. Nelson Mandela tasted life in the highest office of his land, South Africa. And graciously relinquished that power after a mere five (5) years. Preferring that some other more vibrant, more able, could bring to his people what He, Mandela, had spent 27 years being imprisoned for—Wanting the Best for His People.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes 
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: Visit

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Share the Christmas Story of Love

Merry Christmas
This Christmas Season give a gift that warms the heart and stirs the spirit.
Happy Birthday Jesus

Premiere Edition Christmas Special
HORTENSE (the HortenseInspiration Magazine)
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 Share the Christmas story of God’s Love.  Tell another that God’s love keeps on giving and giving and giving!

 Order your copy of HORTENSE (the HortenseInspiration Magazine).
Now Available at

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Beautiful You

Why do you worry so much that you look imperfect? Stop wasting all your energy remaking the beautiful you God has created. 

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired:  Visit

Monday, December 2, 2013

He Restoreth My Soul

I did not want to write this personal testimony, but my spirit is quivering to do so. Here it is:

My friend, I share this that someone out there would know Jesus is fully aware of you and happenings in your life. I believe that in the process of making you to come out like pure gold you must be refined by hot fires. In order to purify that gem the Lord is making you out to be, you must be put through burning flames. Stay prayerful. Stay cheerful. You have not yet suffered to the point of dying on a cross. If you must be like Jesus, you must be like Jesus. Keep your focus on God. Absolutely, everything about earth is temporary. Maybe, just maybe, the Lord wants you to understand and know there is no place life can take you that the grace of God cannot reach and rescue you.  
Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes

Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired:  Visit