Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Friend to Friend Chat

Time to start packing up. Do you trust in Almighty God? I've got news for you. All the misses of this year will soon have their place in The Past. Oh Yeah! It sure did come. And guess what(!) It came to pass. What didn't kill you have most certainly made you stronger. Grab a few trash bags. Pack up lost minutes. Send Shoulda Woulda Coulda packing. Don't lose sleep over any of it. Do not regret anything. You made the best decisions you could. Some turned out well. Some not so well. Get on with it. Own all your stuff. You did the best you knew how. You played the hands you were dealt. And you played well. 
My friend: Begin to condition your mind for all that is ahead. Better is on its way to you, and best is right behind it. Jesus is about to blow your mind all over. Again. Yes, my friend, all that has past came to you so it would pass. You are still standing. I applaud you. 

Your friend,

Annual 72-Hour Countdown

New Year Approaches ...
We are standing in the shadows of a new time. We are on the verge of a “Daybreak” that will reveal what History would call “2015” - The Year Two Thousand and Fifteen AD.

I want to dare you, to now begin a 72-Hour Countdown into what you will make your greatest year, ever.
With every breath in me I speak “Positive” into your space, that Thursday morning, January 1, 2015, will unleash in you a new determination to fashion yourself into a bigger, better, you. Start a cleansing of your system, today. Begin ridding your mind, body, and spirit, of every negative thought. Light the match and start a fire to burn away bitterness, anger, and regret. You know yourself well. Way better than anyone else does. Use the 72-Hour Countdown for a deep cleaning of you. Employ every cleaning method, tool, and technique that you know of—soap water, bleach, antiseptics, harsh abrasives, power washer, brushes, detergent—use whatever it takes. Cleanse. Extract from the root. Shred into pieces. Do what you need to do to you, with you, for you. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse! Do It For Christ.
In just seventy-two hours, you would be standing at another pinnacle of history. Let it meet you with enough scope—enough free space within you—to absorb all the possibilities and opportunities therein. The blessings, innumerable, immeasurable, that are coming your way.

Begin the 72-Hour Countdown to 2015
Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse. Mind-Body-Spirit.

God Bless You. Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day of which you are privileged to be a part. Refresh yourself with laughter!

Servant Hortense Grimes
Do It For Christ Ministries Intl.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Life Appreciation 101

My Friend, life is good. Life is Beautiful. Live Life Joyfully! 
Yours is the only life you have on earth. Have a mentality to be happy. Set your mind that you will overcome and be a winner. You were created by your father God, the King of Kings. The reigning King has created you in His image and likeness. You are a phenomenal person. Whether you like it or not you are royalty. It may not always appear that way to you but, you are genuine royalty. Believe it. Nothing can change the reality that you are royalty! 

Isn't it a fact that a child of a King is a king or queen in the making? Royalty is in your DNA. Behave like one. Display the class act which you are! Be confident. Be happy, satisfied, victorious, and glad. You may be tired, beaten, broken, barren, weary, confused and lost; yet you keep overcoming. Life is still beautiful. Remain joyful. You will overcome. You will survive and thrive. You will look back and reflect your pain was preparation for your promise. God will make sure you arrive at your expected end. God’s Word, the Bible, is Truth. Go ahead and embrace everything good about yourself. Turn over your not so good character traits to Jesus. The Lord can fix everything about you to become good and pleasing.
Remember your star power. You are that radiant star brightening the lives of those in your care and others around you. You stretch yourself thin while yet putting your best foot forward. Be proud of yourself. Your life has purpose. Your purpose has meaning. And your life is meaningful. Your bright future is ahead waiting for you to grasp it. It does not matter how old you are or how long you have lived, as long as you are still alive the next minute is your future. Tomorrow is considered your future. Until your eyes are closed in death you have a future on earth. Otherwise you have a future in Heaven. Live a full life—full of laughter, peace, patience, and calm. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO ENJOY A BEAUTIFUL, SATISFIED, CONTENTED, HAPPY, LIFE. No faking here, I am talking about you experiencing real joy and allowing yourself to enjoy your beautiful life.

I cannot tell you enough how much you mean to Jesus. That is why the Lord has made every good thing out here, just for you. Embrace life. Embrace the good out of life. Enjoy your weekdays and your weekends, and celebrate that you made it through. Regardless. You made it through! That says a lot! You are a trooper! Be steadfast. 
Please make it a priority to attend a church service on Sunday. Whatever you do, or don’t do, find a little time to spend with Jesus. Daily say a prayer and read your Bible. Even if it is no more than one verse, read the Word of God. It is the The Lord teaching you right stuff for righteous living. Therein lies your strength to persevere. God’s peace and His presence will fill you up. Jesus will make His Face to shine upon your face. You would radiate with the sun rays of The Son. When inside of you is shining it shows outside. You shine with happy.
My friend, do not let happiness elude you. Go after it.

Blessings and Peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes

Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired:  Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Birthday, Hope

Jesus Christ Hope of the Ages. Oh, the beauty of serving a true God. The beautiful joy of worshiping a living God! The Father delivered on His promise. God the Father sent the son. Jesus the Christ.
Today is Jesus birthday. As you celebrate in his name remember to send up Happy Birthday greetings. PRAY. Better yet, invite Jesus in. Do not leave him out of today. The Lord loves your company. Talk to God. PRAY. Ask Christ to take over your life. Rededicate yourself to Almighty God. It most certainly would thrill the Lord. What could be a more befitting gift! Give back to God the precious life He's given you. Present the Lord that priceless gift of you. 

Happy Birthday Jesus 

Your Servant, 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Pure Joy

Christmas Day is your personal love message from Almighty God. My personal wish for you is that you would enjoy a wonderful Merry Christmas. 

If you find yourself feeling lonely during this time, please don't be. You are surrounded by love so strong you could never fathom it. Jesus Christ is always with you, by your side. The Lord knows how to make you truly happy. Open your heart to feel His love. Open your arms to receive His love. Open your mind to accept His love. Follow the flow of Christ throughout Christmas Day. Should you need to jump start your happy feelings, stop by our website and enjoy reading and listening to HortenseInspiration brand Christmas classics.  
Merry Christmas, my friend.

Love and joy,
Servant Hortense Grimes

Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit www.doitforchrist.org 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday Sermonette

As you boldly take authority over situations today, know that Heavenly hosts have been commanded to march with you. Step around with confidence. Hold your head high. Keep your eyes up! See good in yourself and what you are about.
Do not give a lesser creature the power to diminish you. Whatever has decided to lower you is operating from a position beneath you, and looking for cohorts to bring to their level. Do not let it be you. Stay where you have been placed. Above! 
You have been made only a little lower than the angels in heaven. You have been placed above every living breathing creature on earth!  Digest this for a minute.
So, my friend, next to angels (who live in the heavenly presence of Almighty God) there is nothing and nobody higher than you. Oh my! Should that not give you an attitude! Take this attitude into worship. Worship the one true living God who has given you placement at the top. And you remain at the top of it all. Stay Above. 

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired:  visit www.doitforchrist.org

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Smell The Flowers

Take a minute today to step outside that building. Find a patch of nature and smell the flowers. Let the smell of God's perfect creation scent up your life with the fragrance of how great our God is!  The Lord is eternal, forever. The Lord is in total control. From everlasting to everlasting He is God. Jesus Christ Is Lord. Let every knee bow and every tongue tell it that Jesus Christ is Lord!

My friend, smell the flowers today. If God so beautifully clothes and nourishes the plants in the field, how much more will He masterfully take care of you! Pause and appreciate God in His perfect holiness. Embrace the sweet fragrance of Jesus Christ. For my part, I salute JESUS! 

Blessings and peace,

Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: visit www.doitforchrist.org

Thursday, December 11, 2014

HI Love Portion

Spend today making love memories for others. We are products of emotion. Everyone likes to be appreciated. We each love to be told nice things. As you settle into the season's activities, planning and preparation, shopping sprees, attending holiday parties, enjoying Christmas festivities, and all that goes with this season, add a few special ingredient: Say something special to the ones you love.
Find the right phrases to express heartfelt emotions. Determine creative ways to say "I Love You" to that special person who has taken all your non-sense-foolish-ness all through the year! Rekindle your romance. Make this a special time for all who cross your path. Go beyond the "just tolerating stage". Tell your spouse, your serious boyfriend, your one ideal girlfriend, and all your significant people, that you just absolutely celebrate them. Christmas is a love story. As you do your Christmas thing, show much love to others. Invest love in others. Love yourself. Spread joy. Make merry. Pray that The Lord would endow you with more love, for Almighty God. And love for your fellow human being.
This is HortenseInspiration Love Potion.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired. Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Star of the Week ...

SHINING FOREVER. Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day. The Son of God came to earth, born on Christmas Day. A star shining brightly for you and me. Let in the light of Christ into your life. This is the season to be jolly. In Jesus. 

Sunday Shout Out

TODAY.  Worship The Lord in the beauty of Holiness. Take the day off, from swearing, profanity, negativity, alcohol, sexual impurity, gossip, falsehood, slander. Toss aside all the ugly. Make a conscious effort to tame your tongue. As my grandparents would often say, "If I hear you talk like that again I will scrub your mouth with soap and water." Especially today being Sunday, may your conversations be gracious. May your demeanor be rinsed with pleasantness. May the fragrance coming from you be fresh, clean, and pure. 
Enjoy a most terrific day. Enter The Lord's gates with thanksgiving. Praising your way into His courts! 

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense

Saturday, December 6, 2014


You must, absolutely must, glorify The Lord God Almighty at all stages of your life act. The reason I know this is simply: Because I know it. You do not have the privilege of putting Jesus on pause while you react. The Lord is unpauseable. You do yourself an honor when you stay the course with Christ. In the matter of life, my friend, majority wins. You and Jesus Christ God the Son make up majority. 
Today is Saturday--Fufu N Soup day. Gather with loved ones and eat soup, talk loud about nothing, laugh your hearts out. That's African styled fun therapy. And it's been proven to work! 

Please remember the Noon Prayer Campaigns.

Blessings and peace,

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Every Morning ...

When the alarm clock goes off and you open your eyes, do not immediately jump out of bed. Stay for one minute, and say "Thank You Lord for waking me up this morning." By this action you have turned on your security system. Heaven takes note of the signal. You may then proceed to place your feet on the floor. Jesus will ground you throughout the day.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Yes I Waved

Yesterday, I was in Washington DC attending to personal issues. The Sjodgren Syndrome is trying its best to take me down. But as we say in Liberian English, 'that one part it will not work; we will be on it for long; we will frustrate each other thirty-thirty; we will see who's the real man!' My friend, do not let these strange-named agents of Lucifer steal your peace and joy. Hold tight. God's got your back. And your front. And from your head to your toe. Jesus has got you fully covered. God's got you, and God the Father Son Holy Spirit has the last say. Amen.
Anyway, you know you are African when you are the only one waving to the president's moving convey! While driving out of the city, suddenly, sirens sounded as police on motorcycles signaled cars to pull over and stop. I stopped my car knowing what was coming next. Cold and wet as it was, Immediately, I wound down the driver seat window. As soon as that first black van passed slowly, I knew The Beast was coming by. I love that car, The Beast. It just makes my heart swell with pride to know just who is its passenger!!! How God can elevate so well. God Almighty the lifter of one's head. Your should have seen me waving my hands off when The Beast, bearing in it the President of the United States, drove inches near past my car. I saw him with my own two eyes! (But wait now Hortense whose eyes would you've used to see him with if not your own two?). Anyway, it was so close I got a good glimpse of my President Barack Obama. I was thrilled beyond explanation. When the brief moment passed I shouted in the car, "Yeah, yeah I saw President Obama!" My excitement felt like back at Fatima Elementary school drilling in flag day parades.
Now I do not ever get excited about celebrities anything. I am Liberian. In Africa we do not be jumping up and down, screaming and crying for nothing, following people; harassing them with camera every where they go, and all that craziness. In Africa, no matter how poor and destitute you are, you feel like you, too, are just as important. That's just the way it was on that side of the world when I grew up there. Poor but proud sums up the African mentality.
I do know how to be thrilled when I see the manifestation of a loving, kind, generous, miracle-working Almighty God. I believe it sums up the story of the passenger in The Beast. Son of, an African student from Kenya who married an American woman and the couple had a boy child. That boy child, for the most part, lived an exemplary life. Did his homework, well done. Early in his professional career, the young man he'd become had a compassion for others; passionate about helping those who were not as fortunate as his life had been. He desired to serve others. That boy with the African father, today, commands the highest office in the most powerful country in the world. In a nation of giants that boy, now a fully grown man, leads political, economic, intellectual giants; giants, period. And that son-of-an-African, boy turned young adult turned adult man, is my president. I am proud of the job he does daily. Being out there yesterday on E Street, N.W., as his motorcade drove by reminded me that WHAT GOD GOT FOR YOU WILL SEE YOUR FACE. No matter who says what or how many people don't think you deserve or should have it. God is just. God's favor is His to give! If The Lord has written your name down with it, it is for you.
Yes, I waved at the convoy with all my childlike enthusiasm. It felt gleeful. I waved for me. A woman who, too, had an African father (and have an African mother). I waved for senior Mr. Barack Obama, the African parent. I waved for you, young, hopeful African child, African student. I waved for you, African immigrant. I waved for all of those who would like to be counted. It was good for me to see the passenger being carried in The Beast. The armor is protective. Aah, but really, The Beast is kept fully armored by The Giver of all good things. The Giver of every good and perfect gift. I waved because my God is awesome. Absolutely fantastic awesome is my Lord.

                             *Writing includes local Liberian vernacular (everyday Liberian English)

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and encouraged. Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Forward March

Good morning, good morning, to you. Good morning, good morning, and how do you do! I pray you are as fully awake as you are fully alive this morning. Today has been given to you. A GIFT from The Lord. Clear the sleep from your eyes and embrace today. Something is about to shift in your life. Something is already shifting in your children's lives. Great things are in the horizon...reach and grab. Portions are dropping from above...reach and grab. Many of you reading this post are over age 50. More years are behind you than before you. You are on 'turning curve' now. I'm saying you do not have time to be wasting. Get up, wake up, dust off, lint-brush off, shake off. Put on, hold tight. Throw off unwanted excess baggages. Move! Move. Mooovee! Forward in the right direction.
It's quite early, and I am as awake and perky like its mid afternoon. I feel like passing on my high to you. Jesus has just spoken to me that the reason He desires total surrender from you is because that's the only way He can demonstrate His total Power in your life. So, my dear friend, make more room for Jesus. Empty out new spaces for Jesus Christ.
You know, if I had a penny for every time people remarked (behind my back, of course) that 'I am frustrated because...; All day God, God...; I'd be extremely wealthy from the pennies adding up. But I laugh out loud at that. You think I'd volunteer for this journey if I had any say in it! My life has been hijacked by Jesus. You have no idea how many tears I've cried, begged off from some of the heavy stuff. The Lord just reminds me ... "It was for this Calling that I created you. You will do my will. ..." I recall once, years ago, in process of deciding on something. The Lord spoke sternly saying: If you try it...if you dare dishonor my name with such a choosing I will show you me. It was then I realized that God knows every thought, and The Lord is serious about our lives. God cares for your thoughts. I'm saying, step out boldly and wear your label 'Christian'. Sacrifice empty pleasures for the pleasure of sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ. For the joy of seeing God Almighty face to face.
The right direction is the narrow way of Jesus Christ. This earth journey is the interstate that leads to heaven. You do not travel in opposite lanes on the highway. When you are headed north you would not be in the south bound lanes. So it is with life. Travel forward in the right direction.
I like to motivate you. I'd love to inspire you. I want to see you happy. My thrill is telling you things that make you feel special. And you are special, you are phenomenal. But my work, and best gift to you, is to tell you about Jesus Christ. My job is to let you know that eternity and everlasting life await all who live this life now. You cannot continue to live, forever, if you do not make Jesus Christ your way to God. Move forward with that decision. Choose Jesus. Life gets swell from that point on.

Servant Hortense Grimes
Do It For Christ International 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Yes I See You

Early on in my life, I discovered the joys of passing on. I discovered the thrill that comes from sharing, giving, uplifting, picking up others, laying down softly, get upset get pleased quickly, get angry but quick to forgive, faster to forget ...Imperfect woman I am. But striving to do this life right. As  correctly as I allow my human self to be fixed by God Almighty. I want to ask you to share your life with others. As we wrap up this year, let's review self. Take a fresh look at yourself. Do you see?
We recently celebrated a day officially set aside to gave thanks. To thank God first. Thank everybody else for the little or big that they are to you. To just be thankful. To just show gratitude. To just thrash ingratitude. To just be appreciative. To just say "thank you so much for doing this."
One way to express gratitude is to give back of oneself. Start with those right in front of you. See one another. See each other. See people.
SEE means Stop Engage Express. Stop for a minute means, separate your focus from on you and put it on the other person. Engage the person means, take notice of that person enough to pull their focus away from them. Express yourselves to one another, means talk about yourselves. Not about other people and things. Find out what is troubling or happening with each other, from a genuine prospective. A caring, helpful, concerned perspective.
Lend your ears and offer your heart to the other person. And vow that your tongue will snap tight when you walk away with that person's heart still sounding in your ear. That means what you SEE is between you, the person and God.
I am talking about beginning covenant friendships. It is time to trade up from our empty friendships. Begin establishing friendships that bring meaning and depth to the lives of one another. It's time to SEE each other and Share our lives with one another.
My friend, please answer the question someone is asking you: "DO YOU SEE ME?"

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanks Giving

This evening, as family members begin gathering in your homes, take a minute to gaze at one another's face. Drink in the love and affection, of mothers, fathers, (parents), husbands, wives, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, friendsiblings, and loved ones. Bow your head in one-minute silent praise to God for having that person in your life. It is a blessing to have someone come to your house for Thanksgiving. From my house to yours, BLESSED HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Bow Your Head ... Thanksgiving is Upon Us

The pilgrims and early founders of this great country, America, did not have all the comforts and conveniences that we enjoy today. They were not as sophisticated, educated, and worldly, like we claim to be these day. BUT they knew to bow their heads in prayer, giving thanks for the blessings, big and small, that God had bestowed on them. Let's follow, America. 

Thank God for all that we enjoy. Whether you are satisfied with your current situation or not. Say a Thank You Prayer. Better still, do the 14-day Head Bow Diet of Praise. From today, November 13, 2014, until Thanksgiving day, Thursday, November 27, 2014 
Take a few minutes off your busy schedule, daily, and BOW YOUR HEAD in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God.  

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Soldier Be Proud ... Officer You Rock

Congratulations, Soldier; Officer of the United States Military. Thank you for serving our America. Because you served well, I, an African immigrant, have a country that received me and offered a second home when I needed one. I am proud to be an American citizen. I do not take it lightly. I will never take it for granted. Veteran Soldier, thank you for your service. May Jehovah Almighty God keep the USA strong in military might and valor.

Veteran Officer, because you served the borders are kept safe. Because you served the air space is guarded. Because you served the seacoasts and waterways are clear and free. Because you served the environment is created and maintained for law and order to prevail. Your services do not go unnoticed. You matter as much today as you did when you were actively engaged, In Service. Officer, you might not have taken notice, but, because you choose to serve your country, America, you offered your service to my birth country, Liberia. You offered your service to Africa, and all countries and continents under the heavens. How? Here’s how so.

The United States military lives up to the honor of being the greatest in the world. Offering its shoulders all the time, that unknown people and unheard of places might lean on and benefit. Soldier, you often leave the comforts your country provides to live, quite uncomfortably, in the worst of situations in different countries and strange places. Hostility, heat and misery, resentment, darkness, dampness, evil, are just few of the realities you face in faraway lands. Lands you owe no allegiance to. When you took the oath to serve your country, the USA, you might not have fully realized that yours is the greatest military in the world—Super Power. That is huge news. To me, it means you fully, graciously accepted a silent oath to protect the weakest in the world. It is super powerful. Soldier. Bearing arms, you serve strangers with the same strength and bravery with which you serve your own. You bear arms which carry the weight of the innocent. Because you bear arms respect is shown even to the most-guilty. Justice is administered because your arms uphold the arms of civility. Because you carry arms your arms carry such restraint, many find hard to comprehend. Your arms uphold all our arms. We keep on riding in your arms. Therein is the greatness in you. Every day, the thought that you are there keeps hope alive in young hearts that world otherwise shrink. You are the carrier of super power. I believe superpower is as much power as God has invested to man’s discretion. Wow! Officer of the United States Military, you deserve every Salute!

Officer, each day we honor you who have served and who continue to serve in the greatest super powerful mechanism on planet earth. On another note, we respect those garbs. Keep wearing proudly your uniforms. You look so good in your regalia! The shirts, the jackets, the crisp pants and skirts. Oh, don’t get me talking about the berets and caps. The bright buttons and badges just complete your distinct aura! And those colors … khakis, white, black, blues, greens, browns, red accents …Oh! You sure know how to dress right. Soldier, you have got it going on as well in the apparel department. And you wear you so well, Officer. You look great. Thank you.

Soldier, hold on to your smile. Let the laughter in your soul suppress whatever forlorn looks may attempt to cover your face. You do great all the time. You are great. You do great. And karma rules … Great will be done back to you. You will never be forgotten. God will make sure all your needs are met. Jesus Christ is interceding for you all the time. Reach out for His hand. Officer, whatever your personal beliefs, please know this: You are fulfilling Almighty God’s greatest command: “… Love your neighbor as yourself.” When you signed up, Soldier, you did just that. God rewards those who keep His commands.

Thank you. We appreciate you. On this your special holiday, I bring my voice to say thanks. Thank you, Soldier. Officer of the United States Military. May The Lord bless you, and yours. 

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense D. Grimes
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Emergency Release

Jesus Jesus Jesus 
Jesus Jesus Jesus

Jesus Jesus Jesus 
Jesus Jesus Jesus

Jesus Jesus Jesus
Jesus Jesus Jesus


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Night Time Rest Time

Nightfall has arrived. It has been a wonderful day. Yet, for some it has been a long day. For others it has been a difficult day. For even more of you it has been an uneventful day. For all of us it has been a day which The Lord has made. We are told in God’s Word to rejoice and be glad in this day. Not necessarily glad because today was perfect or without its share of troubles but, if and because you know Jesus this day was perfect by God's standards. Whatever the day may have unfolded for you, please know that God's eyes are watching over you. Allow Jesus presence to envelop you completely. The Lord will hold you tight as slumber overtake you tonight. The Lord's hands are outstretched to you. Run quickly and quietly into the arms of Jesus Christ. Jesus has your cares on His heart. Leave your heart in His care. May you rest well and enjoy sweet sleep.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired. Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Housekeeping Liberian Style

Every now and then I pay attention to the negativity that has a way of spewing out of some Liberians. It makes me want to declare emergency fast and prayer for ten years! What do people want? A recent report criticized President Ellen Sirleaf’s son, who is a doctor, for not going to Liberia to fight the Ebola crisis. A few weeks ago, I read another report in which that same son, the doctor, was criticized for being in Liberia, because, “…He’s just there to capitalize (cash in) on the forthcoming Ebola funds.” Hear me, please: I do not know this gentleman at all. I have never seen him, never met him nor have I any personal knowledge or connection to Dr. Sirleaf. I am touching on this issue as a Liberian native, a Christian woman and servant of God. Let us stop this madness of tearing people down no matter what they do. Instead, LIFT one another up. Ungratefulness is a terrible character trait to house. It quickly searches for its neighbors—envy, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, and slander. Search deep in your heart and pull that kind of thing out of you. Jerk it up from the root. Toss it away. Liberians, we have a long way to go. Let’s start by being kind to one another. Kindness takes on many forms. Let’s each appreciate the little good in others, and their good deeds. The strangers are watching. How could Liberians expect strangers to have positive statements about Liberians when all we project about one another is nasty negative! Your let’s try my people. Let’s try to get it right.  

Servant Hortense Grimes
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hell Invasion

I am angry. When I get angry I am mad enough to invade Hell. Join me and knock down the daylights out of hell. My two home countries which I cherish, United States and Liberia, are bombarded daily; I have no choice but TO PRAY LIKE A WARRIOR. I will kick and scream at the top of my lungs that GOD IS ABLE TO DELIVER America, Liberia, and The World, from this madness of turmoil.

I have no choice but to Watch, Fight, and Pray. I watch the flight pattern of Lucifer. I fight with the Word of God to dismantle Lucifer. I PRAY in the name of Jesus Christ to silence Lucifer.

Are you ready to go to war against the enemy, Satan? If it’s any consolation to you, know that Your God, Almighty God, has already won the battle. But you must go through the exercise—PRAYER.

Servant Hortense Grimes
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries, Inc.

The Real Somebody

When it comes to Jesus matters, I am just a nobody trying to tell everybody about Somebody who can heal, deliver, protect, direct, guide, envelop, cleanse, forgive, and restore Anybody.
My friend, tell a stranger about God’s love. Tell a friend that Jesus cares. Tell everybody who crosses your path about Salvation.
Tell yourself, and others, to pray steadfastly. You, too, are that sinful nobody that has been bought with the “Bloody Price” of Jesus death on The Cross. The price of that Blood now makes you priceless in the eyes of God. You, sinful nobody, are now a priceless gem! Wow!! You are joint heirs with God the Son.
My friend, stop wasting time and go tell everybody about Somebody named Jesus. Tell everybody that Somebody named Jesus can bring hope and healing to them. Right now. Today.
My friend, you like to talk plenty; all day all night you got a whole lot to say, so begin telling people about Somebody named Jesus who is waiting to hear from them. Encourage people to pray. Start with your inner circle. Then step further and include others—do not stop talking until you have told everybody about Somebody named Jesus. Tell them The Lord is God. God is Able to do it all. Don’t hush up until you have told everybody about Somebody named Jesus Christ! Encourage people to pray. And you start praying, too.
When people pray God will move for the Earth. When we pray as citizens of Earth, God will demonstrate mighty powers. Until we pray with faith and believe that God can, those mountains of global problems would not bulge one inch—those mounting problems will not move. Until we pray, we cannot command the mountainous issues facing our world to get up from in the way and let us proceed further. Let us pray. World, USA, Liberia…PRAY. Join the Noon Prayer Campaign. Say the Noon Prayers, daily, at 12:00 Noon.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes

Friday, October 10, 2014

World Noon Prayer Campaign

People of The World:  STOP in your tracks at 12:00 Noon daily and say the World Noon Prayer.  noon prayer. 


Father God, We thank you. We ask you to forgive our individual and collective sins as citizens of Earth. Our World is decaying. Please remove the chaos and confusion. I lift up my country {INSERT COUNTRY's NAME}. Heal this land. Save your people. Protect our borders. Lord, deliver us from evil. Teach us to love one another. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Servant Hortense Grimes
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries, Inc. 
Outreach for Spiritual Motivation, Rehabilitation and Prayer

USA Noon Prayer Campaign

Americans and others residing in the United States, pause daily at 12:00 noon and say the Prayer: USA Noon Prayer.

Father God, I thank you. I ask you to forgive my sins. Please heal America and restore our values and morals. Remove hatred from our midst. Keep us safe from threats, and acts of terror. Lord, fill our hearts with love for God and country. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Noon Prayer Campaign, Liberia

Liberians, pause every day at 12:00 Noon and say the prayer: Noon Prayer Liberia

Father God, I thank you. I ask you to forgive my sins. Please restore Liberia and heal our homeland. Lord, please renew the mindset of all Liberians. In Jesus Name. Amen.

On Mission for Jesus

My Friend, the World is about to experience the power of prayer like never before. When God’s people do the one thing God says to do without ceasing…God will do what God alone can do.
When situations make it seem like you are helpless, remember what God has said before. God’s Word is truth. The Bible says, “God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah” (Psalm 46:1-2 KJV).
The word “Selah” means pause at that knowledge, and calmly think of what God is proclaiming by this word.  God Almighty never changes who He is. The fundamental nature of God is that God does not change who God is. God word does not change, ever!
Ask Jesus Christ to pacify your emotions, bind your hurting, scary heart, refresh your scarred memory, and strengthen your resolve to trust The Lord completely. Ask God to make sense out of the craziness. Ask Jesus to perform miracles. Specifically ask God to take away the Plagues— a world in chaos, Ebola virus, ISIS, terrorism of all kinds, natural disasters, man-made confusions, ungrateful peoples, unholy nations—these are different types of plagues, some lesser others greater, being visited on the earth. God alone can stop plagues. God is Omnipotent. Almighty God has power and total control over the affairs of earth. We must humbly ask God to forgive our sins and heal our lands and countries—Beg God to heal Our World.
My friend, dialogue is great. Talk is good, but talk alone is always cheap. The only talk that is guaranteed to bring lasting relief and make universal waves is the talk that you do with Almighty God. I am asking you to pray. I believe the time has come when only "the effective fervent prayer of the righteous" will avail much. Of course, there is no righteous human being on earth. God’s cure for that was to send Jesus Christ to die for mankind. In His death Christ makes us all righteous. When you accept salvation and become one with Jesus Christ, you suddenly are the righteousness of Christ. You then become “that Righteous One whose prayer brings about dynamic actions.” You become the righteous person that God, because of His nature of keeping every promise He makes, listens to and takes action on your behalf. You become the person God Almighty acknowledges and answers. You incite God to perform great and mighty wonders!
Talk all you want, discuss all you want--talking things over makes us feel much better. BUT, we must pray. We must confess our sins to God and ask God to intervene in the matters of this our one and only world. Let’s all pray more and pray with conviction. Pray with hope. Pray with Faith. Pray your fears away. Pray with a clean heart. PRAY. Pray. PRAY. Pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray NONSTOP.....
The Lord has divinely inspired the following prayers to be said at 12:00 Noon daily. To date, specific Prayers have been given to me for Liberia, The United States, and The World. Below are the prayers. Join the Noon Prayer Campaign Worldwide.

Liberians, pause every day at 12:00 Noon and say the prayer: NOON PRAYER LIBERIA

Father God, I thank you. I ask you to forgive my sins. Please restore Liberia and heal our homeland. Lord, please renew the mindset of all Liberians. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Americans and others residing in the United States, pause daily at 12:00 noon and say the Prayer: USA NOON PRAYER

Father God, I thank you. I ask you to forgive my sins. Please heal America and restore our values and morals. Remove hatred from our midst. Keep us safe from threats, and acts of terror. Lord, fill our hearts with love for God and country. In Jesus Name. Amen.

People of the World, Stop in your tracks at 12:00 Noon daily and say the Prayer: 

Father God, We thank you. We ask you to forgive our individual and collective sins as citizens of earth. Our world is decaying. Please remove the chaos and confusion. I lift up my country [insert Country’s name]. Heal this land. Save your people. Protect our borders. Lord, deliver us from evil. Teach us to love one another. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Friday, September 26, 2014

Morning News

Here's wishing you all a happy good morning. I felt like telling you something good about Jesus, early this morning. 
My Friend, It is a good thing to praise the Lord. To give thanks to Almighty God. The Lord is good and greatly to be praised. As for me, and my household...we will serve the Lord. I've come to ask you to choose this day, today, whom you would serve. Not the lip service type of serve. I am talking serve as in worship--bow down, depend on, obey, respect, honor, revere, exalt, glorify, live for Jesus--type of service. There is a joy and comfort to choosing Jesus. I wish you a life sprinkled with more Jesusness. I wish you would be quick to ask forgiveness of your sins so that unconfessed sin is not your portion. Once you are forgiven by the Lord it's like you are brand new. In God's eye you never sinned. The Lord’s memory of that sin is removed. It is gone. Never to be remembered. And your passage way to God is cleared. Jesus took care of that on The Cross!!!
Embrace Christ. Love God. Trust in Jesus name. That's all I've got going for me...
My Friend, be good to you. Hold tight to Jesus. His eyes are watching you. The Lord's ears are listening to hear from you. His arms are outstretched to hold you close. Live for Jesus. Do all your living for the glory of God. Cherish your life. It's all you've got on this side.

I love you with a sisterly love. 

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and encouraged. Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bigger Than You...That's God

The Scripture is intended for the benefit of mankind. Keep the Bible close by your life. The many versions we have today make it easy to read God’s Word in a context that makes it everyday language for you. The ERV (Easy to Read Version) translates:

“Control yourselves and be careful. The devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat.”  (1 Peter 5:8 ERV).

My friend, Sing these two choruses along with me this morning:
Tis me again Lord I got a problem I need an answer. Tis me again Lord I got a problem that I can’t solve olve olve! I don’t mean to worry you, but here I am facing something new. I need help that only comes from you! It’s me again, Lord.

Unto The Mount I go. Unto The Mount I go oh oh! When the host of hell comes upon me, unto the Mount of Prayer I go.
In Jesus name I go. In Jesus name I go oh oh! When the host of hell comes upon me, In Jesus name I go.
Unto your Mount Lord I come. Unto your Mount Lord I come um um! When the host of hell comes around me unto your Mount of Rest Lord I come!

Tis me again Lord I got a problem I need an answer. Tis me again Lord I got a problem that I can’t solve olve olve! I don’t mean to worry you, but here I am facing something new. I need help that only comes from you! It’s me again, Lord.

Children of God, do not remained focused on the circumstances of life. Be it personal situations or global times we are facing. The Ebola crisis, the ISIS crisis, the world in turmoil, are all powerless against the name Jesus! The forces of hell combined can never stand up and cannot survive The Power and Might of the Triune Force of God—Father Son Holy Spirit—ALMIGHTY GOD.

Lift your hands in triumph this morning. God is alive. God is in control. Hallelujah! God hears the prayers of His children. Hallelujah! Summons the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit to overcast your life today. Surrender your space to the authority of Jesus Christ. Today. Do it now. Set the tone that whatever your lot, it is pleasing to you because of the God that has authority over you. Wear your faith like a beautiful jewelry. Let it announce to the world who you are. Your God is The Lord who answers by fire. Your God is Jehovah the consuming fire. Your Father is the almighty, eternal, everlasting, majestic, holy, triumphant, matchless, infinite, can-do-what-he-wants-to-do-when-he-wants-to-do-and-will-do-what-he-alone-can-do, GOD. Hallelujah. There is no fault in God.
Give the Lord permission to manage your life. Give God full approval to handle the affairs of your life. Give Almighty God the complete authority to dictate the circumstances of your life. Follow the Lord. Put Jesus in charge of you. Turn every situation that has come upon you to God Almighty. My friend, we are living in perilous times. The archenemy of ours is roaming LIKE a roaring lion. Seeking to devour whomever he may find. I declare to you this morning that the enemy will not find you to devour. You are standing on Holy Ground.

My friend, I find no fault in my God. There is absolutely no fault in God. Testify to the Goodness of Almighty God. Remind yourself what HE has done before, He will do again. Hallelujah to the name of The Lord. Live your life for Jesus. Do it for Christ. Kneel down right this minute. Lift up your hands in praise. Open your mouth in prayer and call on the matchless name of Jesus Christ. In the words of Psalms 73, say to your heavenly Father:  

“For my heart was grieved, embittered, and in a state of ferment, and I was pricked in my heart [as with the sharp fang of an adder]. So foolish, stupid, and brutish was I, and ignorant; I was like a beast before You. Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You do hold my hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to honor and glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And I have no delight or desire on earth besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the Rock and firm Strength of my heart and my Portion forever. For behold, those who are far from You shall perish; You will destroy all who are false to You and like [spiritual] harlots depart from You. But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God and made Him my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.” (Psalms 75:21-28 Amplified Bible).

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired. Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Head High Chin Up

As a Christian I am what I believe. I believe prayer is the ultimate that resolves all things for the believer in Jesus Christ. Sometimes as much as you would like to keep silent and stay out of non-spiritual matters (policies, controversies, politics…), I believe one cannot separate who you are from what you believe. Faith drives the life of a Christian. Many times what you achieve depends on the amount of faith that you have in yourself, in your circumstances, in your future. The amount of faith that you have in your God that allows you to see events and know in your heart that whatever it is that too shall pass. If you are what you believe, I ask you to trust the Lord and acknowledge Him today in all you do. Memorize Bible Verses. It’s a powerful self-help tool. Reaffirm that “As for God HIS way is perfect. The Word of the Lord is flawless. He is a SHIELD for all who trust in Him.” (Psalm 18:30)
My friend, have a Jesus-blessed day. Remember it is not over until God says so. Hold your head high and keep your chin up.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Merry Sunshine Merry SONshine

Good morning, merry sunshine, How did you wake so soon?
You chased away the little stars, And shone away the moon!
I saw you go to sleep last night, Before I ceased my play,
How did you get back overhead, To shine on me today?

I did not go to sleep, dear child, I just went round to see
The little children of the world, Who wait and watch for me.
I shine upon the little birds, And flowers on my way,
And then I come back overhead, To shine on you today.
                                                                                                            Nursery Rhyme

Imagine this chorus as you talking to Jesus, in prayer. The Lord is your merry sunshine. Imagine Jesus responding to you, telling you that God does not sleep. Imagine God assuring you that He is Most High and He never ever disappears from you. The Lord is always within easy reach. The Lord is forever awake. Whenever you may think Jesus is not present, remember God is watching over each of His children, in different ways. While we sleep He is our slumber. While others are awake He is our daylight. 
Our all-encompassing God is eternally on duty. You see, my friend, Jesus is that sunshine which brightens any darkness out of your world—life. A constant bright flame. Illuminating our lives, day in and day out. That is Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Jesus Christ illumines every day you walk with Him.
This morning, allow the perfect radiance of The Son into your space. Embrace His encompassing warmth. Allow the soft invigorating glow of the radiance of Jesus to overpower you. You and I have no way of knowing what this day has in store. The Lord does; Jesus knows how every second will unfold in your life today. I have committed my day and my way to the Keeper, my merry SONshine. Please do likewise—commit your way and day to Jesus. If you hadn’t thought to do that yet, do it right this minute. Jesus Christ is a merry sunshine. Let the Lord keep your spirits bright, calm, warm, and peaceful throughout today. Read a passage of God’s Word. May it simmer in your soul. God is so good He will point you to a Scripture tailored to you. Get your Devotion to Jesus going. My friend, invite the uplifting presence of God the Holy Spirit.
Recharge the child in you by singing this nursery rhyme. Jesus says in The Bible, “…Unless you become like little children….” (Matthew 18:3).

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit www.doitforchrist.org

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Because...Just Because...Because

Because… Just because the weekend, especially Satur-Day and Satur-Night, is often the time some of those little big ugly vices jump out—I am talking about you getting involved in slander, gossip, rumor spreading, drugs, overindulgence, alcohol, gluttony, sexual promiscuity, adultery, fornication, swinging, friends with benefits, lying, cowardly actions—You know what I mean. Take a few hours of the Negative Fast. Be proactive. Repent from last night (Friday night). Before Lucifer makes you his target by telling you how sweet these “Sure Will Send You to Hell” vices are. Fast and pray that God would preserve you through Satur-Day and Satur-Night. That you would be kept pure by staying attached to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. That means obeying what God says. 
My friend, I love you with a sisterly love. Enjoy the weekend.

Try FASTING against Negativity…and Immoral Behavior.
At some point today between 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., take the Fast. Resist those urges for immorality and offensive behaviors. Shoo lustful thoughts away from your life. Stump the strongholds away with prayer.
Refrain from repeating or relaying negative information. No gossiping, no spreading false news, and "they say". No complaining. No swearing (cussing). No using four-letter descriptive words and sentences. No malice. No repeating someone’s confidential business, even if pretending to be “asking for prayer for the person.” During the fasting period only speak kindness and speak kindly. Use the time to bleach your character. Deep clean, sanitize and deodorize unpleasant smells from your life. Adopt this Scripture passage to help you. "A gentle tongue [with its healing power] is a tree of life, but willful contrariness in it breaks down the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4 Amplified Bible).
Keep asking Jesus to help you be a better you that your life may bring more glory to The Lord’s name.

Jesus Christ is not a bully. The Lord will not force Himself on you. But when you reach out asking Jesus for help, our loving Heavenly Father sends rescue immediately…Jesus Christ showup Holy Spirit showdown. You conquer your deepest shortcomings. And VICTORY is released in the name of Almighty God through the power of God the Son. The Cross has made that possible!!!
Believers, and all those who desire better for your lives, ASK FOR HELP. The Lord is kind and generous.  

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit www.doitforchrist.org