Father God, I thank you. I ask
you to forgive my sins. Please heal America and restore our values and morals.
Remove hatred from our midst. Keep us safe from threats, and acts of terror.
Lord fill our hearts with love for God and country. In Jesus name. Amen.
Composed by Hortense Duarma Grimes
Do It For Christ Ministries National Call to Noon Prayer
America, you have a silent weapon, prayer. Use it. Take Prayer out of
storage from that hiding place and use it vigorously. The times demand an
action. That action is Prayer. Once upon a time the Chambers of the U.S. House
of Representatives was used for church services, which included prayer. Once
upon a time the Gospel was preached in the U.S. Supreme Court. Prayer was vital
to the founding fathers of this great nation that is the United States of
America. Prayer still works, America. Do not sit idly and let a good thing slip
out of your hands. This is still the greatest country in the world. Now is the
time to reach Heaven with our voice. LET US PRAY.
At a time when fierce enemies commit acts based on religious beliefs, Americans
must assert our religious belief in prayer as the bedrock of the American way
of life. Return to some of those things the founding fathers believed in to
keep this nation strong. Let us get America praying, more. Adopt
the Noon Prayer Campaign for America. Together, we can send a collective voice
to heaven daily making the same request. Join the chorus every day at 12:00
noon and say this simple prayer.
Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
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