Good morning. This post is three fold: Invitation; Plea; and Update. Thanks for responding.
HERE'S AN INVITATION to see what we've been doing the last five years. Visit "Do It for Christ Testimony page" at our website Little is much in the hands of God. Catch up with HortenseInspiration social media activities. Enjoy the tweets, postings, and messages.
PLEA from Servant Hortense
I love doing this work, and I will gladly do it for free as long as God gives me the strength to continue. As God stretched the little boy five loaves and two fishes, I have seen him do the same with our one loaf and half a fish. The work is growing. The impact is exploding. The feedback is tremendous, and positive. People's lives are being touched in big and small ways. With the little that we do, with the little that we have, we glorify God. We want to do so much more! My friend, ministry is costly. Effective work in ministry is very costly. We are now officially based in the United States, Washington D.C. area. That means increased costs for operations. We would also appreciate volunteer help in any way.
If you are blessed in any way by this ministry, please consider supporting the ministry. Purchase our media products. Buy the book, "She Shall Stand" at The Spring/Summer edition of HIMagazine will be out after Easter. HI Audiocasts on CDs will be available for sale on May 1, 2014. Preorders can be placed through the website. All proceeds help to sustain the many costs associated with the growing demands of this work. You may also make a $1.00 donation at our website. Donate $1 and the pennies add up. We need resources to continue. I know God will provide; the Lord will never allow His work to dry. I keep moving along in faith. Faith my friend is the substance of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen. Call it into being and it will be. Soon. Take that into your life as well. Live in faith. Daily walk in faith.
If your heart is touched to make a donation other than purchasing products, we appreciate it. Now that we are United States headquartered, we are in the process of obtaining 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Until then your gifts are not tax-deductible. However, your gifts are multipliable by God--If you give $1 God will give you back $15. My friend if your heart loves our work, become a part of it. Help me help hurting people help themselves and lift up the name of Jesus that He may draw all men unto Him. Thank you. God bless you.
Our Website is for the benefit of God's children. Read daily
tweets of inspiration; refresh yourself with blog postings; and soul provision
messages. Listen to audio for devotional time, and uplifting of your spirits; memorize the weekly Bible
verses; connect in prayer. Be silent in God's presence as the Lord pours into
you. Laugh and feel good about the wonderful child of God that you are. Better
days are coming to you. Jesus is only a prayer away!
My friend, I encourage you to make Jesus Christ the
Foundation of your Life. Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired, when you DO IT
Thank you
Servant Hortense Grimes
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries