The Scripture is intended for the benefit of mankind. Keep
the Bible close by your life. The many versions we have today make it easy to
read God’s Word in a context that makes it everyday language for you. The ERV (Easy
to Read Version) translates:
“Control yourselves and be careful. The devil is your enemy,
and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat.” (1 Peter 5:8 ERV).
My friend, Sing these two choruses along with me this
Tis me again Lord I
got a problem I need an answer. Tis me again Lord I got a problem that I can’t
solve olve olve! I don’t mean to worry you, but here I am facing something new.
I need help that only comes from you! It’s me again, Lord.
Unto The Mount I go.
Unto The Mount I go oh oh! When the host of hell comes upon me, unto the Mount
of Prayer I go.
In Jesus name I go.
In Jesus name I go oh oh! When the host of hell comes upon me, In Jesus name I
Unto your Mount Lord
I come. Unto your Mount Lord I come um um! When the host of hell comes around
me unto your Mount of Rest Lord I come!
Tis me again Lord I
got a problem I need an answer. Tis me again Lord I got a problem that I can’t
solve olve olve! I don’t mean to worry you, but here I am facing something new.
I need help that only comes from you! It’s me again, Lord.
Children of God, do
not remained focused on the circumstances of life. Be it personal situations or global times we are facing. The Ebola crisis, the ISIS crisis, the world in
turmoil, are all powerless against the name Jesus! The forces of hell combined
can never stand up and cannot survive The Power and Might of the Triune Force
of God—Father Son Holy Spirit—ALMIGHTY GOD.
Lift your hands in triumph this morning. God is
alive. God is in control. Hallelujah! God hears the prayers of His children. Hallelujah!
Summons the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit to overcast your life today.
Surrender your space to the authority of Jesus Christ. Today. Do it now. Set
the tone that whatever your lot, it is pleasing to you because of the God that
has authority over you. Wear your faith like a beautiful jewelry. Let it
announce to the world who you are. Your God is The Lord who answers by fire.
Your God is Jehovah the consuming fire. Your Father is the almighty, eternal,
everlasting, majestic, holy, triumphant, matchless, infinite,
GOD. Hallelujah. There is no fault in God.
Give the Lord permission to manage your life. Give God full approval
to handle the affairs of your life. Give Almighty God the complete authority to
dictate the circumstances of your life. Follow the Lord. Put Jesus in charge of
you. Turn every situation that has come upon you to God Almighty. My friend, we
are living in perilous times. The archenemy of ours is roaming LIKE a roaring
lion. Seeking to devour whomever he may find. I declare to you this morning that
the enemy will not find you to devour. You are standing on Holy Ground.
My friend, I find no fault in my God. There is absolutely no
fault in God. Testify to the Goodness of Almighty God. Remind yourself what HE
has done before, He will do again. Hallelujah to the name of The Lord. Live
your life for Jesus. Do it for Christ. Kneel down right this minute. Lift up
your hands in praise. Open your mouth in prayer and call on the matchless name of
Jesus Christ. In the words of Psalms 73, say to your heavenly Father:
“For my heart was
grieved, embittered, and in a state of ferment, and I was pricked in my heart
[as with the sharp fang of an adder]. So foolish, stupid, and brutish was I,
and ignorant; I was like a beast before You. Nevertheless, I am continually with
You; You do hold my hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward
receive me to honor and glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And I have no
delight or desire on earth besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God
is the Rock and firm Strength of my heart and my Portion forever. For behold,
those who are far from You shall perish; You will destroy all who are false to
You and like [spiritual] harlots depart from You. But it is good for me to draw
near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God and made Him my refuge, that I
may tell of all Your works.” (Psalms 75:21-28 Amplified Bible).
Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes