Friday, September 26, 2014

Morning News

Here's wishing you all a happy good morning. I felt like telling you something good about Jesus, early this morning. 
My Friend, It is a good thing to praise the Lord. To give thanks to Almighty God. The Lord is good and greatly to be praised. As for me, and my household...we will serve the Lord. I've come to ask you to choose this day, today, whom you would serve. Not the lip service type of serve. I am talking serve as in worship--bow down, depend on, obey, respect, honor, revere, exalt, glorify, live for Jesus--type of service. There is a joy and comfort to choosing Jesus. I wish you a life sprinkled with more Jesusness. I wish you would be quick to ask forgiveness of your sins so that unconfessed sin is not your portion. Once you are forgiven by the Lord it's like you are brand new. In God's eye you never sinned. The Lord’s memory of that sin is removed. It is gone. Never to be remembered. And your passage way to God is cleared. Jesus took care of that on The Cross!!!
Embrace Christ. Love God. Trust in Jesus name. That's all I've got going for me...
My Friend, be good to you. Hold tight to Jesus. His eyes are watching you. The Lord's ears are listening to hear from you. His arms are outstretched to hold you close. Live for Jesus. Do all your living for the glory of God. Cherish your life. It's all you've got on this side.

I love you with a sisterly love. 

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and encouraged. Visit

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bigger Than You...That's God

The Scripture is intended for the benefit of mankind. Keep the Bible close by your life. The many versions we have today make it easy to read God’s Word in a context that makes it everyday language for you. The ERV (Easy to Read Version) translates:

“Control yourselves and be careful. The devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat.”  (1 Peter 5:8 ERV).

My friend, Sing these two choruses along with me this morning:
Tis me again Lord I got a problem I need an answer. Tis me again Lord I got a problem that I can’t solve olve olve! I don’t mean to worry you, but here I am facing something new. I need help that only comes from you! It’s me again, Lord.

Unto The Mount I go. Unto The Mount I go oh oh! When the host of hell comes upon me, unto the Mount of Prayer I go.
In Jesus name I go. In Jesus name I go oh oh! When the host of hell comes upon me, In Jesus name I go.
Unto your Mount Lord I come. Unto your Mount Lord I come um um! When the host of hell comes around me unto your Mount of Rest Lord I come!

Tis me again Lord I got a problem I need an answer. Tis me again Lord I got a problem that I can’t solve olve olve! I don’t mean to worry you, but here I am facing something new. I need help that only comes from you! It’s me again, Lord.

Children of God, do not remained focused on the circumstances of life. Be it personal situations or global times we are facing. The Ebola crisis, the ISIS crisis, the world in turmoil, are all powerless against the name Jesus! The forces of hell combined can never stand up and cannot survive The Power and Might of the Triune Force of God—Father Son Holy Spirit—ALMIGHTY GOD.

Lift your hands in triumph this morning. God is alive. God is in control. Hallelujah! God hears the prayers of His children. Hallelujah! Summons the peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit to overcast your life today. Surrender your space to the authority of Jesus Christ. Today. Do it now. Set the tone that whatever your lot, it is pleasing to you because of the God that has authority over you. Wear your faith like a beautiful jewelry. Let it announce to the world who you are. Your God is The Lord who answers by fire. Your God is Jehovah the consuming fire. Your Father is the almighty, eternal, everlasting, majestic, holy, triumphant, matchless, infinite, can-do-what-he-wants-to-do-when-he-wants-to-do-and-will-do-what-he-alone-can-do, GOD. Hallelujah. There is no fault in God.
Give the Lord permission to manage your life. Give God full approval to handle the affairs of your life. Give Almighty God the complete authority to dictate the circumstances of your life. Follow the Lord. Put Jesus in charge of you. Turn every situation that has come upon you to God Almighty. My friend, we are living in perilous times. The archenemy of ours is roaming LIKE a roaring lion. Seeking to devour whomever he may find. I declare to you this morning that the enemy will not find you to devour. You are standing on Holy Ground.

My friend, I find no fault in my God. There is absolutely no fault in God. Testify to the Goodness of Almighty God. Remind yourself what HE has done before, He will do again. Hallelujah to the name of The Lord. Live your life for Jesus. Do it for Christ. Kneel down right this minute. Lift up your hands in praise. Open your mouth in prayer and call on the matchless name of Jesus Christ. In the words of Psalms 73, say to your heavenly Father:  

“For my heart was grieved, embittered, and in a state of ferment, and I was pricked in my heart [as with the sharp fang of an adder]. So foolish, stupid, and brutish was I, and ignorant; I was like a beast before You. Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You do hold my hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to honor and glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And I have no delight or desire on earth besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the Rock and firm Strength of my heart and my Portion forever. For behold, those who are far from You shall perish; You will destroy all who are false to You and like [spiritual] harlots depart from You. But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God and made Him my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.” (Psalms 75:21-28 Amplified Bible).

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired. Visit

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Head High Chin Up

As a Christian I am what I believe. I believe prayer is the ultimate that resolves all things for the believer in Jesus Christ. Sometimes as much as you would like to keep silent and stay out of non-spiritual matters (policies, controversies, politics…), I believe one cannot separate who you are from what you believe. Faith drives the life of a Christian. Many times what you achieve depends on the amount of faith that you have in yourself, in your circumstances, in your future. The amount of faith that you have in your God that allows you to see events and know in your heart that whatever it is that too shall pass. If you are what you believe, I ask you to trust the Lord and acknowledge Him today in all you do. Memorize Bible Verses. It’s a powerful self-help tool. Reaffirm that “As for God HIS way is perfect. The Word of the Lord is flawless. He is a SHIELD for all who trust in Him.” (Psalm 18:30)
My friend, have a Jesus-blessed day. Remember it is not over until God says so. Hold your head high and keep your chin up.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Merry Sunshine Merry SONshine

Good morning, merry sunshine, How did you wake so soon?
You chased away the little stars, And shone away the moon!
I saw you go to sleep last night, Before I ceased my play,
How did you get back overhead, To shine on me today?

I did not go to sleep, dear child, I just went round to see
The little children of the world, Who wait and watch for me.
I shine upon the little birds, And flowers on my way,
And then I come back overhead, To shine on you today.
                                                                                                            Nursery Rhyme

Imagine this chorus as you talking to Jesus, in prayer. The Lord is your merry sunshine. Imagine Jesus responding to you, telling you that God does not sleep. Imagine God assuring you that He is Most High and He never ever disappears from you. The Lord is always within easy reach. The Lord is forever awake. Whenever you may think Jesus is not present, remember God is watching over each of His children, in different ways. While we sleep He is our slumber. While others are awake He is our daylight. 
Our all-encompassing God is eternally on duty. You see, my friend, Jesus is that sunshine which brightens any darkness out of your world—life. A constant bright flame. Illuminating our lives, day in and day out. That is Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Jesus Christ illumines every day you walk with Him.
This morning, allow the perfect radiance of The Son into your space. Embrace His encompassing warmth. Allow the soft invigorating glow of the radiance of Jesus to overpower you. You and I have no way of knowing what this day has in store. The Lord does; Jesus knows how every second will unfold in your life today. I have committed my day and my way to the Keeper, my merry SONshine. Please do likewise—commit your way and day to Jesus. If you hadn’t thought to do that yet, do it right this minute. Jesus Christ is a merry sunshine. Let the Lord keep your spirits bright, calm, warm, and peaceful throughout today. Read a passage of God’s Word. May it simmer in your soul. God is so good He will point you to a Scripture tailored to you. Get your Devotion to Jesus going. My friend, invite the uplifting presence of God the Holy Spirit.
Recharge the child in you by singing this nursery rhyme. Jesus says in The Bible, “…Unless you become like little children….” (Matthew 18:3).

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Because...Just Because...Because

Because… Just because the weekend, especially Satur-Day and Satur-Night, is often the time some of those little big ugly vices jump out—I am talking about you getting involved in slander, gossip, rumor spreading, drugs, overindulgence, alcohol, gluttony, sexual promiscuity, adultery, fornication, swinging, friends with benefits, lying, cowardly actions—You know what I mean. Take a few hours of the Negative Fast. Be proactive. Repent from last night (Friday night). Before Lucifer makes you his target by telling you how sweet these “Sure Will Send You to Hell” vices are. Fast and pray that God would preserve you through Satur-Day and Satur-Night. That you would be kept pure by staying attached to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. That means obeying what God says. 
My friend, I love you with a sisterly love. Enjoy the weekend.

Try FASTING against Negativity…and Immoral Behavior.
At some point today between 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., take the Fast. Resist those urges for immorality and offensive behaviors. Shoo lustful thoughts away from your life. Stump the strongholds away with prayer.
Refrain from repeating or relaying negative information. No gossiping, no spreading false news, and "they say". No complaining. No swearing (cussing). No using four-letter descriptive words and sentences. No malice. No repeating someone’s confidential business, even if pretending to be “asking for prayer for the person.” During the fasting period only speak kindness and speak kindly. Use the time to bleach your character. Deep clean, sanitize and deodorize unpleasant smells from your life. Adopt this Scripture passage to help you. "A gentle tongue [with its healing power] is a tree of life, but willful contrariness in it breaks down the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4 Amplified Bible).
Keep asking Jesus to help you be a better you that your life may bring more glory to The Lord’s name.

Jesus Christ is not a bully. The Lord will not force Himself on you. But when you reach out asking Jesus for help, our loving Heavenly Father sends rescue immediately…Jesus Christ showup Holy Spirit showdown. You conquer your deepest shortcomings. And VICTORY is released in the name of Almighty God through the power of God the Son. The Cross has made that possible!!!
Believers, and all those who desire better for your lives, ASK FOR HELP. The Lord is kind and generous.  

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Public Needs to Know...Really?

Let every Christian proclaim, “I know that My Redeemer lives and at the last He [Jesus] will stand upon the earth.” (Job 19:25).

Pardon the African in me, but, I can never understand WHY the American Public needs to know every detail of every homeland security matter? Pardon me, again, but I still do not understand why tactical matters need to be fully revealed to the public at every stage. Why should matters of top national security be dissected publicly throughout the planning and development and implementing of those strategies and ideas? Why should detailed matters of military intelligence be dinner-table talk for every household? Pardon my African heritage being blunt, but I think it is because we are a nosy people! Overindulged. As we say in Africa, “You are too spoiled.”
Don’t tell me the public has a right to know every detail of these types. The public does not know every detail about events and happenings—stuff—going on in your own homes. The public doesn’t know even half of the details in their lives, their children’s lives—people living under your own roof. And you, the public, are just fine with that. You call it Privacy. You claim you are respecting one another’s boundaries. Well! Respect the boundary that you should not know every single minute detail of matters that you are not capable of handling. You have enough going on with your mortgages, your careers, your family issues, your many frustrations, your health matters, your financial headaches, and your one-thousand- and-one other issues. 

United States military leaders and commanders are some of the most competent generals on planet earth. Our combined national leadership is performing. The American way of governance is functioning. This country has some of the greatest and most brilliant minds of any nation. Our military is top rated; the best in the world. Our leader and Commander-in-Chief is a savvy, brilliant leader. I say this with no political favoritism or bias. We have a leader who has the American people at the forefront of his agenda. Decisions are thoughtfully made, and well informed. The meticulous restraint of this president has played favorably in America’s interest. And, God still has His hands in the affairs of the United States regardless who is at the realm of leadership.
The American public is some of the most informed people in the world. The public does have a right to know about important national security matter that concerns the nation. But you do not need to know every single detail of each strategy and planning. That is the reality. That is the way it is. The dynamics of global affairs have changed tremendously. The things we see happening around the world are real. Many Americans have never seen nor heard of these types of horrors before. The rules of games have changed and continue to change by the minute. Threats are real. Live coverages may make it seem surreal, but those are very real events playing out. This is no reality television. The scenes popping up around the globe are not matters of dress rehearsal. Those are events happening in our world, now. This is not the time for “who gets brownie points today."
Pardon the African in me, but I say, “It might be a good idea to leave intricate matters of national security to those responsible—The Experts. They are the ones that you, the public, have placed confidence in to steer you.” Arrogant pride is destructive. Beware that you do not become self-destructive. Respect the fact that your enemies get front row seats to all your business when you lay out your business in the name of “Public Needs to Know.” No one else is telling their public all their national security business. One cannot stay ahead of the game if one placards one's every move in advance. Beware that you do not enhance your enemies by making unnecessary noises in your marketplaces.
I speak as a servant of the Living God. The Bible says, “Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.” (Proverbs 13:3 ESV). 
Let’s get with it. The Church must rise and lead the way in today’s world. The Church must stop taking its cue from the world. When the Church follows the cue of the world we lose our grip; the world strangles our thoughts and quickly swallows our voice. Pardon the African in me, but I am sick and tired of a whining church which prays less and less but criticizes more and more. Church, stop multitasking just so you win worldly approval. Do the work Jesus left for us to do. Evangelize. Impact. Turn lives around for good. Oh! If the Church would pray more…if Godly people would follow promptings of the Holy Spirit more … if the Church would honor The Word more. The world would wake up to a different life daily.

Enjoy a fabulous day! God sent today so you would get another chance. Live well. Love God. Serve others. Trust in Jesus. 

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit

Wednesday, September 3, 2014