Thursday, July 2, 2015

Independence Day Reality Check

As we celebrate Independence Day in America...
Much of the recent national, and international headlines, is ridiculously outrageous. All types of evil seem to be permeating the global social environment. It cannot continue. We think. It will continue. We know. These are indeed the last days. We must act together to somehow influence the trend; albeit the times indicate exactly what the Scripture say will happen. How long “the last days” will last, no one knows. We do know the Bible speaks to and about our present times.
“The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in my sight so that it does not obey my voice, then I will relent the good with which I said I would benefit it.” (Jeremiah 18:7-10 NKJV).
The great Antarctica is melting off huge portions, and mankind can do absolutely nothing to stop the massive glacier from becoming a huge puddle of water. What makes us think “Super Mankind” can stop the downward spiral and evilness that is prevalent and spreading quickly throughout societies, communities, nations, and globally? Mankind makes a great, admirable effort. Superpowers of the world make substantial efforts. 
The United States, the world’s greatest superpower, makes tremendous efforts to keep the world sane, safe and livable. BUT mankind does not have the control button for earth. God does. Almighty God controls earth. Absolute control of the destiny of planet earth and its inhabitants is in the hands of God Almighty. It is a non-negotiable fact of life.
“I made you I own you,” so says God. Almighty God is Sovereign. Without him, merciful, loving, generous, kind, gracious, forgiving God that He is, we are nothing but dust. “If you do not believe me then order death to resist when I draw the last breath out of your body,” so says God. We are powerless to control our own lives, let alone control destinies of earth. Do the best you can with the best you have, but submit to your maker, God.
Superpower that you are, America, get your spiritual house in order. Return God to be the God in whom we trust. Put prayer back where it belongs every day. And not only when you think it is impressive on programs and agenda. Allow public prayers to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Therein lay the catalyst to control social compasses globally and within your borders. 
Freedom of religion also means freedom to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Freedom of religion also means freedom to proclaim Christian messages along with all the other stuff that is heard and seen in the media on a daily basis. That is true freedom of religion. Freedom of religion means Christians should be free to express their belief as well.
The nation needs God. The nation needs a Savior. The nation needs Christ. Who will fight for you, America, if you reject God? No one else is rejecting their God. Why should you? Why do you keep diminishing your God? Why do you keep fighting, with all your might, to keep your God hidden? You will never succeed in doing that. The God in whom America has placed its trust is omnipotent and omniscient. That God cannot be hidden. The Lord cannot be contained within man’s confines. Give up trying to restrain the Lord God of Heaven and earth. Jesus Christ has the answers all of your collective brilliance could never fathom. Let us call out to our God, America. The Most High Almighty God, creator of the universe, ruler of Heaven and earth. Jehovah God, the one true living God in whom we trust.
There are two main characteristics that make this nation great: 1) Inherent belief in the Rule of Law and 2) Economic Prowess. Both are undergirded with phrases which invoke deity. So help me God. In God we trust. Hear the African in me bluntly say this: If your law implores it and your money proclaims it there must be something to it. America, God is behind you, before you, beside you, above you, around you, upholding you, and uplifting you. Look to Almighty God without fear or reservation.

The Word of God says, “Do not be afraid of this vast battle, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.  … You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you…” (2 Chronicles 20:15; 20:17, Holy Bible NIV).

Servant Hortense Grimes

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