The unnecessary “gospel of hate” which is termed “Congau/Country divide”
will not survive in Liberia. Hatred has done nothing for Liberia. Never mind that
this hatred is constantly gift wrapped in beautiful packaging and presented to
the vulnerable citizenry, it has no place in this country. Hate did not survive
yesterday; neither will it survive today nor tomorrow. Seeds of hate will not
germinate. Flowers of hate will not bloom. Plants and shrubs of hate will
wither. Trees and greenery of hate will decay. Hate has done absolutely nothing
for Liberia. Hate as a commodity must be rejected.
“You didn’t choose me. I choose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.” (John 15:16-17 Holy Bible NLT)
#ReconcileLiberia #RaisetheBar ~Spiritual Motivation to Quicken your Spirit
Hatred has destroyed the real Liberia. Hate has caused us to lose our identity.
Hate has stolen our culture. Hate ravished our generation. Hatred choked the
life out of our way of life. Hate suffocated our lifestyle. Hate dimmed our
national light. The Liberian way of living is almost forgotten. Liberia has
become a melting pot of confused, missed identity. Hate has done absolutely nothing
for Liberia. Hate as a national pastime must be rejected.
"This is my command: Love each
other.” (John 15:17 Holy Bible NLT)
#ReconcileLiberia #RaisetheBar ~Spiritual Motivation to Quicken your Spirit
No matter what fancy names are given to this ongoing wave of hatred, it
will dismantle and deteriorate. Hate has placed Liberia permanently, it seem, at
the bottom of the social ladder of nations. Hate has caused massive intellectual
disability. In today Liberia, a staggering two-thirds of the population is illiterate.
Hate has stenched our political atmosphere. Hate has polluted our landscape.
Hate has dismantled our infrastructure. So much hate is being spewed out daily
in the name of “Country/Congau” divide. The spewers cannot tell that they are
the very ones being fleeced by these propagators of the hate gospel. Hate has
done absolutely nothing for Liberia. My friend, if you care one ounce about
your Liberian heritage, you must work towards eliminating hatred in whatever way
you can. Hate must be rejected in the Republic of Liberia.
Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Hortense D. Grimes, a Servant of the living God, was called and anointed by
Jesus Christ and sent to establish a global spiritual motivation ministry. Do
It For Christ Ministries—helping hurting people help themselves—proclaiming the
Word of God and encouraging spiritual rehabilitation in Jesus Christ.
*Writing includes local Liberian vernacular