Wednesday, May 24, 2017

You Are Not Tired You are Alive

This good morning, I bless you with good wishes for your life. Someone called me recently for a heart to heart chat. I was startled to hear them say these words, “…I am so tired. I am just so tired of everything. My life is not making sense…What is there to live for again… I am tired asking God… I am tired of praying...”. I listened carefully to the distress in this person’s voice. I heard the darkness of their cry. Such kind of talk always make me sit upright and blow the whistle, for Jesus to send legions of angels to feed me with right words to reply with, quickly. We began the dialogue; it quickly launched into deep conversation. We prayed. We sang. We ended up having revival on the phone. The devil ceremoniously lost that round, quick.
Something I rarely do is pray on the telephone. I do not attend prayer lines; I do not do prayer-line praying, period. I cannot connect in prayer with multiple people who I cannot all see at the same time, and are not standing face to face with me, in the same room. Before I agree in intercessory prayer with anyone, I have to be certain that your God is the same God as mine. My God is Almighty Jehovah God, Christ the Lord. I must know you are bowing down and saying “Amen” to Jesus Christ alone. I can only tell this if I know of your faith, and you, personally. I can only see someone’s hand clap if I’m in close proximity. Therefore, I remain very strict when it comes to connecting and agreeing in prayer through electronic means and any digital devices.
I made an exception in this case because life was on the line. More importantly, the person had believed and relied on me as almost a desperate resort. Someone was at a critical place in their life. My reaction and counsel would be crucial in helping them escape that place. Both they and I must talk until they see how to and get pass the “I am tired of living” phase. We must watch, fight and pray together until they saw light. It happened. Thank God we got there. They got it.
As a “servant” my responsibility is to serve God first; serve God’s people, next; and serve myself, last. I love it in that order. This Hortense here does not want any of the many titles assigned to ministry work. I just want to be here to serve. I want to be the help (maidservant, houseboy) for God and God’s people. Sometimes the servant just must ask questions. Just for clarity. Do not be offended, Boss, I know you’ve got it all under control. You may answer yourself in your privacy.
My friend, where are you this morning? Just exactly what place are you this morning. You are at what place in your life? As we say in Liberian English, “Where you eh so?”
Contemplate where life has led you at this very moment. Gauge your strength and reply, truthfully, to yourself, exactly where are you at this moment. Today? Where were you yesterday has a big influence on where you will be tomorrow if you do not figure where you are today! So, again, may I ask, “At what place are you this morning?”
Kindly allow me. May I send you to the Mount of Prayer. May I direct your gaze to the Throne of Almighty God. An intercessor of divine majesty is up there sitting at the right hand of God the Father. He was down here on this earth and he knows fully how life can get down here. Jesus Christ your personal person is a prayer away. Call his name. Find his address: it’s called Our Father In Heaven. Don’t wait for him to answer, instead start shouting “Hallowed be Thy Name…”.
I am asking you to pray like your life depends on it. Believe that your life depends on you praying like it does. Your life depends on your prayers. In Jesus Name is all you need to regain the strength for living without you getting tired and depleted. If you are that tired, stop now and pray. Pray to Almighty God in the name of Jesus Christ. Pray for God to bless your life with strength for the life you are blessed to have. Pray my friend. You owe you another day of living large!

Srvt. Hortense D. Grimes
Anointed Servant of the Living God.
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries