Thursday, September 13, 2018

Because Suicide is a Real Matter

This Week is NATIONAL SUICIDE WEEK (September 9-15, 2018)— Because Suicide is a real matter. Suicide is happening one time too often. The alarming rate of Suicide is every shade of painful. We must all find ways to deal with this problem, illness, and everything else which it is. Each of us is obligated to find a way to help end this reality.
Life is tough. Problems multiply by the minute. Frustrations add, subtract, divide, then multiply again and add on more. Disappointments mount daily. Your self-worth takes a dive. People leave you. People stay with you. Love turns sour. Love takes a chill. Love says never again. Friends betray you and foes destroy you. You lose jobs. You lose material possessions. Your life changes overnight. You get sick. You find out you’ve got cancer.
Trouble spends all day looking for you. Your baby dies. Your aged parent gets dementia, your child gets addicted to some weird stuff, your husband finds a younger woman, or a much older woman, your wife gets tired living in poverty with you, your only child drops dead. A powerful person steals your childhood dream. Your best intention does not turn out well. Everything goes from bad to worse. Suddenly, everything than can go wrong seems to go wrong. On top of overwhelming everyday issues, you begin to feel like you do not matter. Then to crown it off, the “voice” starts speaking to you. The voice tells you that you are nothing and nobody cares for you. The voice urges you to end it all and you will feel better.
My friend, does any part of what I’ve said so far describe you one way or another?
Hear me. The devil is a liar. You matter more than you can imagine. You belong here in the land of the living on earth. Your family adores you. You are loved by people you don’t even know admire you. Hold on and hang in there. In fact, stand in there. Many people wish you well. Start talking and getting it off your chest.
LIFE is tough but you are stronger, tougher, and better. You are loved. First loved by God Almighty and loved by all who know you well. People might not tell you how they feel about you, but just know you are special to plenty people around you. Whatever the crisis, we will share it and carry it with you. They call it the Village. Your village is waiting to receive you and all your issue, with love. Bring your brokenness to the table and let’s tough it out together in love. My friend, we are all we each have. We will get one another through this somehow. Don’t leave us now. Stay with us. We all love you. Allow us to show you how much we care.
The issue of suicidal thoughts and suicide is complex. More complicated than the breakdown I just described. But it does not have to happen that way. Help is around. Please SEEK OUT SOMEONE AND TALK IT OVER. GIVE LOVED ONES A CHANCE TO HELP YOU get past that moment.
Please Do Not end your beautiful life. Pray. Cry out to God. Scream and holler. Plead with the Lord for help. Do not think of ending it today. Wait for one more day. And then another. Every day, tell yourself to hold off until tomorrow. And call someone. Call me. I’m serious. Call me anytime, day or night. Wake me up no matter what time of night it is. I will get up for you. And so would many others. That is how much we love you and care about you. YOU MATTER.
Blessings and peace to you, my friend.

Your friend,
Hortense (HORTENSEInspiration Motivation with an African tinge)
~ simplified, heart-written in my Liberian colloquial voice

Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday Morning Pearl

I wish for you the beginning of a different kind of week. One in which your thoughts will bring you solace and laughter. One in which your deeds will bring you satisfaction and your actions will yield success for you. One in which your silence will bring contentment and peace. 
#RaisetheBar.  As I wind down a momentous ten-month stay in West Africa, I think of the way our entire world is today. Negative news, anger and bitterness, arrogant leaders and poor examples of leadership in many places, decline in neighborliness, so much unhappiness globally. Enormous challenges across the board. Do not let the world lead you astray. You lead the way: one thought, one deed, one measure, one person at a time.
It is left up to you. You are the hidden pearl. It is you, my friend, who must make the difference. You must make a difference in your world by beginning to be a positive force in your space, It starts by taking a pause from your “business as usual” manner and forging an unusual method for dealing with the ongoing madness. Because you are so much greater than the prevailing trend. It is up to you to think of outstanding ways to do things differently.
#ReconcileLiberia.  As I wind down my stay this round, I ask myself, why would such a natural wonder that Liberia is be so daunting for most of its people? I could say the same of most all of Africa. The answer and prospect of change lies with you. Allow the pearl in you to shine its luster. 
So on this new Monday morning, permit your thoughts to simmer and stew for a few minutes. How can you make a difference, for real? Ponder this. You could bring a shifting in your space today. When you do, decide to keep that momentum going. I don’t know much about all of it but I do know it has to get better than it is. And I do know there has got to be a way. A different new way. That way begins with love. Love for God. Love for one another. Love for country. Love for humanity. 
God bless you in abundance. I wish for you all that you wish for yourself and all that the Lord wishes for you would come to you. In Jesus name. I love you much with a sisterly love. Stay prayerful.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense D. Grimes
Do It For Christ Ministries

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