Thanksgiving signals our preparing to wrap up another year. In so doing lets each review “self.” Take a fresh look at yourself. Do you see? In a couple of days we will celebrate a day officially set aside to give thanks. To thank Almighty God first! To thank everybody else for the little or big that they are to you. An official day to just be thankful! An official day to just show gratitude! To just trash ingratitude and ungratefulness. A day to quit complaining, for 24 hours, and be compliant as far as thankfulness go. A day to officially just be appreciative for heaven’s sake! A day to say to one another “Thank you so much for doing this and that or the other.” A special day to declare to God Almighty, “Lord Jesus I thank you for life and everything about my life. Amen.”
One way to express gratitude is to give back of oneself. Beginning with the people right in front of you, start to SEE. See one another. See each other. See people. My definition of SEE means Stop Engage Express. Stop for a minute, meaning separate your focus from on you and put the focus on the other person. Engage the person, meaning take notice of that person enough to pull their focus away from self. Express yourselves to one another, meaning talk to each other about your both lives. Not about other people and events and things. Find out what is troubling or happening with each other. Do this from a genuine perspective. Show that you want to be caring, helpful and concerned. Lend your ears and offer your heart to the other person. Vow that your tongue will snap tight when you walk away with that person’s heart still sounding in your ear. This means what you SEE as is between you, that person, and God.
This Thanksgiving Day may you SEE the people around you. Show gratitude for each other. I am talking about beginning covenant friendships. This Thanksgiving Day trade up from empty friendships and begin establishing friendships that have depth and add value to the lives of each other. This Thanksgiving Day, I am asking you to ditch the “We meet once a year at thanksgiving dinner…” for more meaningful year round relationships. Make a point to exchange telephone numbers with family members. Follow up by actually dialing one another during the year just to catch up and SEE how each other is doing. Thankfully, we live in a great country, America; land of the vast everything. Except that the vast expression of our love for one another is displayed only when tragedy happens or unfortunate circumstances rear its head. It is time to change this. Starting one family at a time, one dinner table at a time let the Thanksgiving Day spirit continue all year round. It’s time to SEE one another. Stay in touch with your loved ones as often as you can. No excuses! Make the time to SEE your loved ones. SEE your family members. SEE your friends. SEE your neighbors. SEE the people you encounter daily. SEE others around you.
Share your life with others. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hortense Duarma Grimes
(Servant Hortense, Do It For Christ Ministries)
"HortenseInspiration Classics" Series of divinely-inspired messages commemorating specific annual celebratory seasons.
Thanksgiving See (c) copyright 2014 Hortense Duarma Grimes