Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

HortenseInspiration Blog...My Voice

Social Media has proven a huge platform for my work. I am grateful for Facebook, Twitter, Google Blogger. These are all phenomenal aids and tools for disseminating information. Initially, the HI Blog was another avenue for evangelism and prayer, the focus of my ministry and work. It now highlights another element. I have redefined this blog to satisfy the cravings of a civic responsibility. Majority of the posted articles will complement “HortenseInspiration Changing The Narratives” #ReconcileLiberia #RaisetheBar. The Movement was launched July 2018 with a pronouncement, “I Feel Like Preaching True True Truth” (see Blog post 7/29/2018 and re-post of 5/22/2019). My purpose is working toward lifting up the nation, with a united people and one unified voice of Love for Liberia. We must be reservoirs and vessels of love for country. Liberia desperately needs all her children. Besides, I have a vested interest. The Flagship Campus of THE VISION for Do It For Christ Ministries is to be built in Liberia, West Africa. We work in Hope—Jesus.

All written material on the HortenseInspiration Blog and other literary works of Hortense Grimes Inspiration & Media Group are protected under U.S. Copyright laws. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author. Expressions in Hi Quotebook and Hi Flashcards are Divine-inspired original quotations of Hortense D. Grimes.

Servant Hortense D. Grimes (~HortenseInspiration / DOITFORCHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat

Over and Over and Over

What a daybreak it would be for Liberia. What if, collectively, we continued to build on the great legacies of the past! We could cement the future with positivity and endless hope. What if we could learn to like one another! We could show love for God and love for country. We could take pride in offering sacrificial service! What a glorious day it would be for the Republic if we made our beloved Country a priority. Liberia will outlast you and me, and anyone else.
Maybe, we could begin with healthy dialogue. I believe this is how national unity can be forged. It begins, continues, and ends, with good healthy dialogue. It begins, continues, and ends, with respect for what each person has to contribute to the conversation. We can accomplish the task of nation building if we open ourselves up to listen and hear one another. What if we made it a national lesson to learn that we can, nationally, respectfully agree to disagree!

“Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, for the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” (Ephesians 5:1-14 Holy Bible NLT)

Liberians, we have a vast divide to bridge. We have deep seated emotions to attend to. We have open wounds to bandage. There are hearts to balm. There are tears to dry. There is much anger to assuage. We must find a way to replace bitterness with kindness. We must restore the easy laughter Liberians are known for. Yes. The divide must be bridged; the gap can be closed. All the Liberian stories must be told. What is meaningful to me might not be meaningful to you. Nevertheless, it is my story. It is your story. It is my memory. It is your memory. It is our collective narrative. We must tell those stories over and over. Over and Over and Over.
As a people, we must understand that no amount of naysay can undo history nor rewrite the History books. We must get it into our system (head, mind, body, spirit, gut) that true progress happens by building on foundations that others have laid through their sweat, sacrifices and toil—their collective labor. As a national lesson, we must learn that it is acceptable to continue legacies; it takes nothing away from you when one builds on the groundwork of another. It is perfectly normal to continue the legacy of another person who has made great accomplishments.
The one who takes up where another leaves off, and builds up from there, indeed, has made a laudable attempt. The fact is the fact is the fact. I cannot stress this enough: Heroes and Heroines (SHeroes) have left their marks. When we acknowledge and celebrate those who were before us we tread a path to greatness. We benefit from their wisdom, insight and knowledge. We profit from their experiences. We reap the rewards of their labor. Liberia has benefited from the greatest statesmen and women to have graced the African continent. Liberia has been an integral part of monumental achievements in the global sphere. Liberia was once a trailblazer on the African continent. Liberia has participated, favorably and respectably, in movements and causes and struggles throughout the African continent. Those who took the country into these arenas must be remembered and celebrated. Many Liberian dignitaries were respected and revered by their colleagues and associates, all over the world. Liberia had a face globally.
I believe this is a Liberian conversation that is desperately poking its head to be heard. All our history must be passed down to generations. Truth has a way of forcing its way out of hiding. The truth will see the light of day. At the appointed time. My prayer is that we keep talking until we get it, even if at least, half way right for our country and ourselves. The more we talk, the more we understand one another. The more we understand one another, the more we break down the barriers that keep us from celebrating one another. The more we break down those barriers, the more we emphasize the extraordinary group of Africans that Liberian were created by God to be.

“It is the Lord who provides the sun to light the day and the moon and starts to light the night, and who stirs the sea into roaring waves. His name is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, and this is what he says: I am as likely to reject my people Israel as I am to abolish the laws of nature! This is what the Lord says: Just as the heavens cannot be measured and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored, so I will not consider casting them away for the evil they have done. I, the Lord have spoken!” (Jeremiah 31:35-37 Holy Bible NLT)

My purpose with “HortenseInspiration Changing the Narratives” is to help wake up the nation’s consciousness. We, Liberians, are often a complacent people. We move when there is crisis. We are loud when there is calamity. We break down the altars of Heaven when troubles assail our nation. We are on our holiest behavior when disaster lurks. God Almighty always intervenes and releases Liberia. Albeit, in his time. God continues to be our deliverer. When it seem like the crisis has passed we resort to blasé—same ole same ole. We are quick to lose our passion and our commitment to see things through. It’s a national flaw. We must remedy this type of behavior. A beautiful republic is depending on us. This unique little haven, located by the sea, that beacon called the Republic of Liberia, is depending on us. For posterity sake we must preserve this, our one glorious land of liberty. One sure way is to make all our voices heard.
I admonish each of us to do our part. Each one must do your part, and do it grandly. As a devoted and committed Christian and servant of the Living God, I believe in the remarkable, dynamic power of prayer. I believe when prayers accompany our actions and advocacy, Jesus Christ will bring redemption. The Lord is God; with God nothing is impossible. All things are possible with God. As a woman born and raised Liberian, I believe in Liberia. I believe in a day coming when our Country will rise from the shameful ashes of today. I foresee a time when the world will take notice of Liberia in an astounding way. I believe Liberians have it them to change their own narratives. If only we could see beyond the dark cloud of hate and division. If only we could give the forgotten past a chance to shape the future. Maybe, what we need to do is look a little deeper into the buried treasures from yesterday. God Almighty, help us and be our guide. Jehovah Sabaoth—God of Heaven Armies—The Lord of Hosts! Help us, Lord. 
#RaisetheBar  ~HortenseInspiration
Svrt. Hortense D. Grimes (DOITFORCHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,

Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Rogues Rogues Everywhere

The masses must cry out in repentance. The masses must cry out for God’s forgiveness. The phrase, “The plot that failed” is being manifested in Liberia in recent times. I say, beware the hole you dig for somebody today you will fall in it tomorrow.

The masses cheered  in jubilation, on and on, “Native woman born soldier. Congau woman born rogue.” In Liberia today, it is evident that the native woman born the worse rogues than the Congau woman ever could.
Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)

When you profess to abhor a scenario to the point of extinguishing it, you cannot turn around and recreate the identical scenario and pass it off as excellent undertaking on your part. Such is the case in the Republic today.

Until the masses say out loudly that Liberia was wrong for executing 13 innocent, outstanding ordinary men by firing squad for alleged Rampant Corruption, there will be no lasting scenario of peace and prosperity. Until the masses repent from joyously, gleefully and satisfactorily clapping their hands because they killed "all the rogues who were suppressing them and stealing the country’s money…" Until Liberia admit that the bloody aftermath following the 1980 military Coup was wrong... There will be no lasting scenario of peace and prosperity. Admittance is the first step to recovery from addiction.

BECAUSE it has come to pass in today’s Liberia, that Rampant Corruption is Good and Acceptable when it is practiced by the heroes of the masses. The masses are still selectively indulgent. We should know that Almighty God sees the hearts beneath the faces.

Liberia’s woes will not end because of protests and uprisings. Liberia’s woes will not end because the masses are tired and want it to end. Liberia’s woes will end when the bloodshed is appeased by Almighty God. The masses have to speak it out that they were wrong for rejoicing at the barbaric execution of the 13 Men and the rivers of innocent bloodshed from systemic murders in the aftermath of Coup d’état 1980, all because of rampant corruption.

God Almighty has not turned over the administration of earth to mere mortals, human beings. Jehovah God exacts penalty for the shedding of innocent blood. Until the masses cry out in repentance and sorrow, Liberia woes will continue in a cyclical pattern. No Rest.

The masses cheered in jubilation, “Native woman born soldier. Congau woman born rogue.” In the Republic of Liberia, it is quite evident today that the native woman born worse rogues than the Congau woman ever could.

Liberia, we must know the error of our ways. Individually. Collectively. We must acknowledge and accept the error of our ways. Only then can we cry out in true repentance and ask God’s forgiveness. Almighty God will forgive our collective sins. Almighty God will erase our collective transgressions and pardon our iniquities. Loving and generous Jehovah God will heal our land. Then shall Liberians see the nation restored.

We appeal to a merciful Almighty God for the country, Liberia. In His Mercy, the Lord will deliver in Jesus Name.

*Writing includes local Liberian vernacular

Servant Hortense D. Grimes (DOITFORCHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat

Dethrone Ungodly Powers

BECAUSE… Life has its way. You may think you never have to return to Liberia. You may choose to remain silent about Liberia. Your life in the Western Diaspora is comfortable, to say the least. You have arrived. Or have you! You may think it is irrelevant for you to stay active about Liberia. But life has its way. Life has its way of including you in its way. One day, your only child, or all your children, could surprise you with these words, “… I am moving to Liberia ...” My friend, that means you, too, have moved to Liberia. If nothing else, your heart would have moved to Liberia. And we know where the heart is that’s where your life stays.

There was Goliath. There is David. There was the Philistine. There IS The Living God
Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)

Diaspora Liberia, we need to do more with our voice. May I speak this to you: The most important way in which you can use your voice for Liberia is for you to pray for your native Country. Liberia needs prayers to bring about Divine intervention. Actions and Advocacy are extremely important, no doubt. However, Liberia needs prayer to break through, for the actions and advocacy to yield results. The only force that can release Liberia from the snares it is entangled with is the force of Jehovah God. Prayer moves the hand of God mightily. Liberia needs the hand of God to move mightily for the country. There was Goliath. There is David. There was the Philistine. There is The Living God.

Hear me. Pray strongly against principalities and powers of darkness operating against Liberia. Pray to dethrone the power that wants to eclipse the will of God for Liberia. To date, Liberians have served 39 years and 2 months of a 40-year sentence. We have ten months left to be released. The sentence began in 1980 with the atrocities of the military coup and its aftermath. Liberia must be careful to not begin a recount of time in the vast desert.

Let us PRAY TO MOVE THE HAND OF GOD that all eyes may see clearly for the sake of this nation. Pray that God will make us humble and expectant.

Until Liberians are ready for their promise land, another forty years of roaming could begin. God Almighty has equipped believers with power to overturn situations. It is called Prayer. Prayer is the ammunition that Christian believers have to overturn adversity and unfavorable conditions, whatever those may be. Pray to Almighty God in the Name of Jesus Christ. PRAY. Pray. PRAY. Pray. Keep Praying.

*Article written and first published June 2019 
 Servant Hortense D. Grimes (DOITFORCHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat