the times. Observe the shifting from God’s way to the manufactured ways of the
day. All around the world evil is racing to overcome good. Like a vacuum many
people are being sucked into paths that lead away from God. Christians are not
exempt from the sway. Too many once-strong believers are getting caught up in
this new way new age shift. Be careful what you allow your spirit to ingest.
Guide your faith. Focus on the Word of God. Read the Bible constantly so that
you would remember the word as God intends it. Avoid misinterpretations of
Scripture. Reject the watered down versions of God’s truth the world attempts
to force down our throats daily.
is short and temporal. Eternity is long and everlasting. While you are still
alive there is hope in Christ and forgiveness of sins. While you are still
alive you can accept salvation in Jesus and be saved for eternity with God. You
can secure your future while you are still breathing God’s breath of life. But,
my friend, when the breath leaves your body and you are without Christ as Lord
and Savior, you have lived for nothing. Your reward will yield you nothing but
everlasting destruction. It is while you are on this earth that you should turn
your eyes toward Jesus. Turn your face toward God. Turn your mind toward the
Holy Spirit.
your focus away from the world’s focus. It is YOU who have the most to lose.
You are responsible for working out your soul salvation according to God’s
perfect plan. You must make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as the way to
God. You must decide today how you will spend tomorrow God’s way. Pledge your day for Jesus Christ.
midnight approaches, make time to keep watch tonight. Pray during the Third
Watch of Night (12M-3AM). Be steadfast in prayer. Personally, the only way I
know to handle life is to pray nonstop. I submit to you that when you spend
your time praying more and talking less you will see God’s revelation more and
hear less of this world. You will care more about being in tune with your
Heavenly Father and care less about being attuned to this world. Make prayer
the job you were born to do. Pray like your life depends on. Pray to Almighty
God in the name of Jesus Christ. That is effective prayer that will be
answered. Only Almighty God has unchangeable power. Pray for yourself. Pray for
your family. Pray for others. Pray and focus on God.
wish you many beautiful moments as you grow closer to the Lord. JESUS CHRIST our
HOPE for the ages. Blessings abundant!
Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma
Servant of the
Living God
Founder, Do It
For Christ Ministries
HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer &
Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa
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