Monday, April 20, 2020

Plead The Blood Again and Again

Anoint yourself so that the storm does not take you with it. This raging madness called "Covid-19" will pass. Cry out to the Lord God Almighty in repentance, and ask for deliverance. Pray to the Heavenly Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Relief is on the way. PRAY PRAY PRAY. The Blood sets mankind free. All power in heaven and on earth is with the one who died to set you free. Christ the Lord. The end is in the Lord. The beginning is in the Lord. PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY... Prayer completes.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense 

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense Duarma Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Send a Loud Roar

SING ALONG... "Prayer is the key of heaven; faith unlocks the door. If that is the way to the Kingdom, I'm going to tell it wherever I go." (2x) Old Gospel Chorus

Monday, April 13, 2020

My Thoughts of You Today

Hello everyone. How are you doing? I pray you are fine and all is going well with you and yours. These are some serious, and for many, scary times. Take care of yourself. Preserve your mental health. Watch out for triggers of depression. Eliminate all thoughts of self-pity, negative self-worth, suicide. Disengage from conversations that do not add value. Really concentrate on you; you are most important to get yourself through this.
Pray. Read the Bible daily. Worship the Lord with thanksgiving. Be appreciative of every day that you are alive and here. Take nothing for granted. Recognize the fragility of each moment and focus on God’s protection, covering and deliverance of you. Our God is able. Jesus died to give you abundant life now; embrace Christ.
May I add. Make reading a new pastime. Spend long periods reading material that interest you. We have been busy in the daily grind of “rush, rushing, rush-rush, hurry, hurry” with hardly a moment to stop and catch your breath. How about you spend some of your newly found leisure moments to catch up on favorite books, newsletters, magazines, and online articles. Read. Read. Read. Build up your mental capacity by stretching your mind. Reading and comprehension is a fantastic intellectual exercise. It’s always good to think for oneself. Step away from the television, radio and plugged earphones. It’ll be great to get into the habit of acquiring more knowledge about topics you care about. It is said, “Every disappointment is a blessing in disguise.” You’ve now got lots and lots of time to spare; use it wisely.

My friend. Blessings come in many ways. This lock down period has many unseen blessings. The quiet time could be used by you to address some stuff about you. Handle your “inner self” business. Reflect on you. Rediscover the hidden person layers of activities had overwhelmed. Fall in love all over again with the gem you are. One day coming, this period will be “in the past” and you will still be in the present. Take care of You. No fake. No pretense. Watch You. Watch out for You. Take good care of yourself; mind, body, spirit, and soul. Then, watch another. Watch out for another person. Take good care of others. Help loved ones take care of their mind, body, spirit, and soul.
God bless you in Jesus name. Much love my dearest. Stay well, remain calm, and be safe.
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter...Resurrection Day

Celebrate the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. Happy Easter! Live like an overcomer.
Believe God Almighty, Pray in the name of Jesus, and know this: 
"You will rise from every grave situation in your life because Christ has opened Paradise for you. "~HortenseInspiration
I love you my friend.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Salvation in Simple English

The payment for your redemption was steep...It cost God everything. 
You owed a SIN debt you could not pay. Christ paid your SIN debt he did not owe. You benefit from the crucifixion of God The Son, Jesus Christ. 
The only begotten Son of God, who was always God and became Son of Man to bring you, sons and daughters (mankind), back into a sinless relationship with your Creator, God the Father, who is God the Son... Sounds like a mystery to you? I agree. Come to think of it, is not life itself a mystery? Where does breath come from? You still breathe, don't you? Who can stop death when it shows up? A person lives on earth for a while, stop breathing one day, and then they die and never return to earth again. A person dies and never is heard from again. Worst of all, no one can do anything about that...they're dead and gone and that's it. Weeping or mourning or missing them is as far as we are able to do for that person. We carry their memory in our hearts, that's it. No amount of love from us brings back the dead. Our loved ones leave us and we can do absolutely nothing about it. We are powerless. You are powerless to stop your death when it shows up anytime, anywhere. Powerless. I mean powerless...the end of your power-ful-ness. You powerful you...power that only stays on earth. Power that can only work while you are alive on this earth. Power that is nothing when death shows up for you. Powerless! Ah... the mystery of life. So yes, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit...same one person...same Jesus Christ. The whole understanding of it is a mystery. I'll take my chances and believe it. What's one more mystery to me! I know how wretched a human being I am. What perfect holy God would want me as I am? I know the sum total of all my righteousness is worse than dirty clothes, it's filty rags! I'll take the Redemption a perfect holy God offers freely. I'll take the redemption package. So should you. I want the Redemption, it makes me perfect. It makes me like God wants me to be. Glory! I win because of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ died that you may have real power...power that allows you to live forever. GOD THE FATHER. GOD THE SON. GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. That is who Jesus Christ is, but he took on human form for the sole purpose of saving you from sin, death and the grave. Jesus died to save you from eternal death; everlasting separation from your creator. 
Accept Salvation. Receive forgiveness of sin and life everlasting. As surely as you live, you shall die one day. Life on earth will end. You will cease to be, in the physical. However, you will continue to live forever with God or without God. Life in eternity begins when your life on earth has ceased. You will need JESUS to continue. If you accept Salvation today, belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, you will live forever with God. You need Jesus Christ to be reunited and live forever with God the Heavenly Father. 
Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

 Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Monday, April 6, 2020

Night Watch...Awake and Pray

Get up and pray...Stay awake and pray...Wake up and pray...

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Be Encouraged Motivated and Inspired

From the Archives of HORTENSEInspiration CLASSICs 
HortenseInspiration radio program, broadcast Monrovia, Liberia

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Friday, April 3, 2020

Keep Praying Jehovah Hears

We can overcome. We must be Vigilant in Prayer. We must rebuke fear. We must stay calm. We must fight back against threats to our mental health. We can do this by rebuking the spirit of fear, spirit of depression, spirit of despair, spirit of suicidal thoughts. Prayer is a universal remedy for all of life's situations. Pray with faith. Pray and believe. Pray with expectation. Declare the result you anticipate by your prayers. 
Speak into being, by standing on the authority of the Word of God. "In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1 Holy Bible). That is Jesus Christ. Christ is the Word.
Christ the Lord is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. Christ is the one which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. (See Revelation 1:8 Holy Bible)  Stand on the authority of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. 

The victory is ours. Our loving, generous, kind, merciful, forgiving Lord God Almighty will come to the rescue and cleanse our world. We are God's children, purchased and redeemed by the Blood of Jesus. We will overcome. Soon.

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author