Thursday, July 15, 2021

Critical Race Theory Not

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing? I pray life is treating you well and you are happy to be alive. Stay the course. God Almighty is good. PRAY.

Many Almighty God loving Christians are operating against the very Christ they profess. Innocently, and sadly, they do not realize how far they have strayed or where they are in their walk with Jesus. Ignorance is no excuse for the believer who takes a worldly approach to events and ideals. At the core of any idealism should be the question: Is this right or wrong? There is good and bad.  

The Devil is after destroying families. By any, every, and all means. In America it would appear Black people are the tools most often used by Satan to cause their own self-destruction. Here comes Critical Race Theory. Another arsenal from the pit of hell. To heap more destructive tendencies on the Black race.

Critical Race Theory (acronym "CRT") is the newest gift from Radical White Liberals in America to their favorite target Black America. As is always the case such presents are hand-delivered by Black on Black, championed by celebrated Voices in the Black community, heralded and sealed by Demigods who enjoy unflinching devotion from their constituencies. These gifts from Radical White Liberals keep on giving, one generation to the next, and way into the future. Radical White liberalism will destroy Black people everywhere. It has reached all the way to Africa their origin of Black people. Radical White Liberal idealism is destroying the Black race every single day. The only hope is JESUS to the rescue.

What puzzle me about Critical Race Theory are simple thoughts. Interracial marriages are at the highest peak ever. White wife and Black husband. White husband and Black wife. Children born to interracial parents are identified as "Black". Intermarriages among the races are a signal of much transformation and how far society has advanced socially.

Let me go there...There. Let's go there together with this one. Among the wealthy and elite it almost appears as a rite of passage. For example, many Black men who attain celebrity status and/or become insanely wealthy prefer to marry White women. Many successful, accomplished Black men often choose to date only White women. Likewise, many Black women only date and marry White men. This is beautiful to see. Color of skin should never count against love. We celebrate interracial and mixed race unions. Marriages between men and women of all race and color must be tolerated, appreciated and celebrated.

Critical Race Theory bother me foremost for "Seed" purposes. The children born to interracial marriages are being indoctrinated to hate one parent because the White parent is the evil one of the two. It says to the child, your loving mother, who happens to be White, is wicked and only pretending to love you her mixed race-Black child. It is saying to that mixed-raced Black son, who adores his father, your White father is evil and hates you, your mother and siblings because you all are inferior to his race. The children internalize this demonic hate-planting deceptive spirit called CRT. An innocent child is scarred and strange vices begin to take root and build up from the confusion within. Regardless of how much love, affection and happiness that child experiences at home with their mixed race parents school is telling them that what they see at home is a sham. In today's society we can attest children absorb the teachings in school far superior to the training at home.

Who are these "confused" children? They are Black children. Remember it was society that has said if there is  an ounce of the Black race in your genes you are a Black person. May I ask again. What families will CRT hurt the most? The answer is Black families. Another keep you down tactic which is already working.

The proponents of CRT are the same ones saying, as well, mixed race marriages are great and must be applauded. Vigorously against racism they advocate Black and White must be free to intermarry. Yet CRT screams to the children born to these beautiful unions that evil lives at home with you: one of your parents is inherently wicked and hates you. A wedge begin to form in the home and soon progress to the Black in-laws and the White in-laws. Families start bleeding. 

My friend. Hear me. Please. I have tried to tell you it is your seed the devil is after. Satan has sized you up and decided it is best to go after your children. In the usual sneaky, crafty way of the enemy. Those who do not believe we are at war think again. Spiritual Warfare. And the warfare begins with your mind. Confusion. In the disguise of progressiveness and sophistication. You are not woke. You are sound asleep. 

It is past time to wake up from the nonsensical daze and the crazy sleep. PRAY. All who call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Let GOD arise and his enemies be scattered. 

Much love from my end. Blessings to you and yours!

~Servant Hortense D. Grimes (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Midnight Push

TONIGHT ... it is now the Third Watch of Night. 

PRAY. It is as if we are watching a movie, isn't it? You must be seeing it, I'm sure. Unless you're sleeping or blinded. Satan thinks he is smarter than God. What a joke. If the devil can use human beings to carry out his agenda why wouldn't he use microorganisms? When you disregard the principles of Jesus Christ you volunteer to be on Satan's side. You embrace the darkness and shun the light. Dark powers are operating everywhere using all kinds of techniques. It is called demonic activity and the operation is called spiritual wickedness in high (heavenly) places... Spiritual Warfare!

Do not negotiate with wickedness. Enforce your stand by praying. Refuse to settle for all evil, including those forms that have been packaged to look like good. PRAY until the madness which have come to town leaves your town. Read your Bible to get a clearer picture of what period it is on the earth today. Be ready to beat the devil at all of his games. Your life is at stake. Your eternal destiny is at stake. This is not the time to sleep throughout the night. Turn things upside down by staying awake at deep night and breaking up stuff. You are soldiers in the army of the living God on earth. My friend, we are in warfare. DO BATTLE. Fight for your life and your children and family. On your knees... Ready. Set. Go. Start praying now! 

Grab the Cross and the Holy Bible. Pray like your life depends on it.  By the way it does! Your very life depends on your prayer. 

~Servant Hortense

(DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
