Friday, August 6, 2021

Declare A Thing

Sunday August 1, 2021 was a special day. It is good to wait with God. Ministry life, for the most part under the radar and away from the applause of humans, as fulfilling as it is, can be overwhelming and exhausting. Yet I found that with Jesus every moment is sweeter than the last minute. My prayer is the next twenty-two plus years will be more impactful and on a much larger scale. There are still over 5 billion people on planet earth who have not made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior. I intend to reach every single one of them. Someway. Somehow. One way or another.

Thank you Heavenly Father for your never ending love, mercy and grace. Thank you Lord Jesus for choosing me worthy to die for. I call you Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Friend, Master and King.

22 Years of God's Faithfulness

Sunday August 1, 1999 - Sunday August 1, 2021

DECLARE A THING... Our ministry is fully utilizing and have now outgrown the many free platforms available. I have successfully and vigorously used the Internet and Social Media to deliver on God's agenda. Ministry activities, including grassroots evangelism, global call to prayer, spiritual motivation, inspiration media, and humanitarian projects, have crisscrossed territories worldwide. Our reach is global. I have learned to cherish and have healthy appreciation for humble beginnings. The Lord has done amazingly with my mustard seed faith. Now I say, Enlarge my territory and reach, O God Almighty. I pray in Jesus name.

My goal by 2022 is full access to a Television Station in the United States. It is time Jesus Kingdom of Heaven messages, which save and lift and uplift and free people, have more channels on Cable TV. The darkness from the Age of Deception will cave only to the light of the Gospel when mass media is usurped by the powerful content of agape love, Godly hope, prayer, Christ like faith, eternity focused inspiration and truths. Too many precious souls are being subtly stolen from their once strong foothold in Almighty God.

This African-immigrant woman needs a space on American television. For Kingdom of Heaven purposes only. God Almighty gets all the glory. I declare and decree that before next year this time access to a cable television network will be provided to DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministry for the purposes of the Jesus Gospel and spreading this Light of Christ that heals, mends, bridges and transforms. The world need more light. The world watches America. When the USA is more balanced the world become more balanced. Light is the answer.

The Gospel brings Light. Not condemnation, but light. The more light we have entering our minds and hearts, the brighter light we emit to the hearts and minds of the people around us and this world in which we live.

Pray for me. Pray for the TV station to come to pass. Jesus to the ends of the earth!

God bless us all.

By this time next year…Hallelujah. Amen.

Servant Hortense  (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)