Wonderful world. Beautiful people. This is the day the LORD has made. We had better rejoice and be glad in it. May I bring to you a few pointers from HortenseInspiration Quotebook. Here's coming straight from my heart to your heart! Enjoy today.
Love God Almighty. Love yourself. Love another for you. Love all others like yourself. In that order. *
Hear me. Love is dynamic and powerful. Oftentimes to love is to assign sheer power outside you. Therein lies the dynamite. Some other can hold your heart, your very being, in their pulse. Even so love resides in you, domiciled in your quickening. Never mind. The flow does not quench. Love is inexhaustible. It is a living being inside you; its source is from the Divine. Forever. Ignite its flame and love gushes out like liquid fire. Nothing stands in love way; its only match is love. Love can be volatile. So explosive. Love can be steady. So calm. They call it love and it will happen to you. *
My friend. Love all day. Love every day. You have not fully lived until you love. *
Blessings beyond to you and yours. I love you with a sisterly love.
Hortense Duarma Grimes
*HIQUOte (a HortenseInspiration Classics)