Saturday, April 16, 2022

Saturday Warfare Ready

Today is Saturday after Good Friday (the crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus Christ). Below in the grave Christ was not being still, he went further, down to Hell to confront Satan Devil Lucifer. Do the same today with the terrors of evil, and that enemy which have refused to release you from its evil grip. Fight back and repossess whatever the devil stole from you. Do what Jesus did on this Saturday over two thousand plus years ago. With effective, strategic intentional prayer. PRAY

This Blog post is addressed specifically to my Liberian audience. 

LIBERIA it is time to cut the pretense. Stop the daydream; feigning INNOCENCE and acting like you don't know what You Know You Know. You know what's up! Stop pretending to be that naive. You know. Hear me...

THE CHRIST the Promised Messiah died and was buried. Saturday after Good Friday Jesus went down to Hell, beat up Satan and took away the Keys of dominion over mankind. (Adam and Eve gave Satan our dominion by their disobedience to God in obeying the Devil). Likewise, spend today  PRAYING AWAY the WITCHES OF LIBERIA and all the witches around you. 

Witchcraft is deception by Satanic alignment, at inhumane and critically harmful levels. Many of the witches operating in Liberia are those constantly saying Liberia is better off today than Pre-Coup Liberia. That's how witches think. They are inherently evil inside so they crave evil for others and inflict agony on others. They will kill their own mother for nothing. They love seeing human sufferings. They clap when people die from misery. Witches function in wickedness. Witches thrive in chaos, dirt and filth. Any witch is an enemy to you provided you, yourself, are not also a witch.

We can tell some of these practicing  Liberian witches by reading comments posted on Facebook (FB). These do not want the Country to be fixed. These celebrate the agony of their people. These love seeing children suffering all over. These have immoral cravings so the "children prostitutes" everywhere is what they like. Witchcraft thrives in darkness. All the hateful, evil, bitter, divisive, vulgar talk and threatening words are from these dark hearts full of wickedness. 

Don't be fooled. Modern day witches do not only ride brooms at night. Witchcraft have advanced way beyond broomstick. And night time only. They walk around town and drive cars during the day. They look harmless. They sound learned. They appear normal. They act like regular folk. They come on Social Media. Remember, Satan uses human agents as partners to carry out the works of the kingdom of darkness.  Witches work for Satan the Devil. And they do get paid and rewarded for good performance.  They are right here on FB with you. Stop calling everybody "my friend and brother; my sister and friend" because you believe it's being reconciliatory. It is not. These dark minds are the ones keeping the Country hostage from the goodness that God has for it. It's called welcome to witchcraft in the 21st century. Witchcraft is spiritual and you'll only know witches by the deeds spewed out of the heart of a witch. People post what their hearts speak onto their hands to write. They often will attempt to trap you by making you angry or scared. Then they have a reason to witchup you. Witches throw bait to catch more people. Pay attention.

Read people's social media expressions and know their hearts for Liberia, and by extension for you. You are Liberia. Liberia is its people. PRAY against witchcraft and the Liberian social media witches. Clean the "House Liberia" like Jesus did with Hell after dying on The Cross. Satan was defeated and disgraced in his own territory. Jesus then took all  the saints of God out of Hades (where Abraham Bosom was) and they, too, resurrected with him. Liberia will resurrect. Soon.

My friend. You, Liberian you. Spend this Saturday fighting Hell like Jesus did, by PRAYING  AGAINST THE LIBERIAN WITCHES domineering over territory and the beautiful Liberian atmosphere. In Jesus mighty name I come in Prayer. Hallelujah! Amen. Much love from my end. 

~Servant Hortense


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Spring into Prayer Walking

 It is here! Warm weather in my neck of the woods. Long daylight hours have arrived again. Let's go prayer walk territories! One street one neighborhood at a time.

SPRING into action by Prayer Walking your neighborhood. Patrol your streets. Walk up and down the street in front of your home. Your children go back and forth that path, remember? Come outside in the morning and jerk your city from Satan's hand. Come outside in the evening and smash up the Devil's devices. Frustrate the enemy Satan. As the Devil build you demolish. Over and over. Do not get tired. We're in war time: Spiritual Warfare. Ignore at your own peril.

Oh! My friend! Never you get weary! Come to Jesus for replenishment. Almighty God has a limitless supply of strength. The LORD will infuse you in bravery and courage Jehovah Sabaoth style. Hallelujah! Know this. If you do not confront satanic demonic elements you will be swallowed up by it in this evil time. Believe me, the days are evil. Do not trust natural eye only. Physical sight is extremely limited. Don't trust physical sight. 
We are living in the Age of Deception. Scripture tells of the power of the "air." Atmosphere is programmed for deceiving. Fooling mankind is Satan's favorite and most enjoyable pastime. The more foolish we become the more satisfied Satan is. Making a fool out of you gives the devil his greatest pleasure. Ask ALMIGHTY GOD to open your Spiritual eye. It will shock you what is happening in the Earth realm. Exempt yourself by prayer. PRAY. Take exemption in the Blood of Jesus.

Hear me. Jesus Christ paid it all in full by shedding his Blood on Calvary's Cross. The finished work of The Cross guarantees man's complete and total victory. However, it will take your effort and participation to WALK IN that victory. Jesus has conquered Satan by his death and resurrection, but Christ did not stop Satan from operating fully in the earth nor did Jesus remove Satan from earth realm. Satan the Devil is absolutely free to operate in the entire earth. The devil chooses human agents he  could use as partners. And there are countless willing.
The Devil is the Prince of this world. Jesus himself called him this name in the Bible, the Word of God. Scripture says Satan is Ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness. The kingdom of darkness is a full scale machinery. It's darkness manifest through wickedness and evil. The kinds of vileness which we human beings lack the capacity to fully comprehend. Seek the LORD for help.

Make no mistake you are no match for Satan. Not by yourself. You need to team up with THE CHRIST to be able to stand up to the Devil. You and God together are a undefeatable match for Satan.  You need Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to enforce your upper hand over Satan.
God the Creator has given mankind dominion over the entire earth. Satan steals your dominion by convincing you to trade good for evil and align yourself with him. Then the Devil usurp your power and use it against you. Say to him NEVER AGAIN.

Now. From today onwards.  Make time to go outside in the open air and prayer walk your territory. It means be praying as you're walking! Open your mouth and speak Scripture, rebuke, overturn, declare, decree, establish God's will over territory, seal declarations in the Courts above. Heaven will hear you! Prayer walk and cause demons to run away.

Never mind who thinks what, you just keep walking the streets and neighborhoods while praying from the bottom of your heart. This is what I do every day the weather permits. So, as warm weather 2022 rear it's invigorating head this means back in business for me. I will walk around praying every corner of the territory near and around me! In Jesus mighty name I come in prayer.  

My friend. Spring time is here in the USA and elsewhere. Let's go PRAYER WALK. America did you hear me? Africa did you hear me? World did you hear me? All around the Globe hear me. If you want your neighborhoods back you'd better grab it by force with prayer walking. Thank me later! I love you with a sisterly love. Blessings from my end.


Servant Hortense

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Salvation by THE BLOOD of Christ

 JESUS the CHRIST OF GOD. Arose from the dead leaving behind an EMPTY grave! Alive Forever that Mankind may live with GOD forever.

Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)

The Cross Where Christ Died

 JESUS the CHRIST OF GOD. God died that man may live forever. 

Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)


Friday, April 1, 2022

No to Premature Delivery

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Happy April 1, 2022. Be wise in all your ways. Whenever you feel depleted,  especially during these days, the beginning of the End Time, look up to the Fountain of Wisdom. His name is Jehovah God.

Do not allow ungodliness in your life that is intended for allowance after the Rapture. God is shielding you by placing restraints on the kingdom of darkness. Be spiritually wise. Satan and his human agents wish to bring forward a time of what is not meant for you as a believer.

Reject every premature delivery from the Devil's womb. Evil and wickedness are not God's desire for mankind. They are from Satan the Devil, father of wickedness. Pray and seek the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God can shield your mind and shape your thoughts. The Holy Spirit can perfect your ways. Salvation is your boast of righteousness. Hallelujah!

The strength we need to persevere as believers in Jesus Christ is available. There are triple more angelic forces than there are demonic forces. You decide what forces to align with. Your choice matter.

An attachment to Jesus The Christ carries with it tremendous benefits. The only requirement is detachment from sin and sinful lifestyle. Pray. Repent. Read the Bible. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Declare your victory over hell.

The Ancient of Days is also your Heavenly Father. The creator of Eternity is also your Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ loves you with an everlasting love. Choose the way of Almighty God in the name of Jesus Christ.

Much love to you.

Servant Hortense