~HortenseInspiration SUNDAY SERMONETTE
Good Sunday morning! Get dressed up and find your way to a Church Edifice for worship. Go to church. Watching church online is not enough. Besides, you go everywhere else. Have you left home for a doctor's appointment? Have you gone grocery shopping? Have you opened your front door to look outside? Then you can go to church inside a church house. So go. Start back today. Scripture says believers must not neglect gathering together for fellowship.* Go to the church with others. Just like ALMIGHTY GOD would not give us pure air to breathe only to have our noses covered up for life. No. God does not contradict himself. Pestilence and plagues will come. Remember Egypt. God's wrath comes at the invitation of abomination from a wicked and perverse generation. We on earth today have achieved the qualification for "wicked and perverse". Wicked and perverse generation is us. We have arrived. Are we happy now? Wicked and perverse generation we are indeed. Lord have mercy!

Hear me people. Especially my African audience, and by extension, Black America. Hear me. The only hope Africans and those of African descent have ever had is God. God freed the slaves because the slaves honored God Almighty. Remember what is called "Negro Spirituals"? The slaves sang about the power and love and grace and mercy and mighty hand of their Lord God until..! One day God shook everything and the slaves were set free! Singing "Free at Last Free at Last ...thank God Almighty I am free at last (x2)." The slaves had sang their way throughout slavery. The slaves sang, "Jesus on the main line tell Him what you want ...call Him up and tell Him what you want." The slaves were a singin...! They sang "Pharoah, Pharoah, let my people go (x2)." Oh, they sang, "Go down Moses, down in Egypt land, go tell Pharoah to let my people go! Oh how the slaves sang to God. They sang their way free by exalting the NAME of their God. The LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY. Hear me Black America. Hear me The poorest of Black America and the poorest of White America. Hear me America in general. You turned your back on the ways of Almighty God in exchange for grafts of liberalism. Now that liberalism has gone extreme, you're finding out it was to separate you from your ONLY true caretaker, Jesus Christ. You have stopped singing Negro Spirituals and Gospel Choruses and become woke. But woke means falling asleep on Jesus name. You cannot claim Jesus Christ and be woke at the same time. Unless you are awake in the Holy Spirit. Hear me: it was to make you leave your God one side and go the other side! Guess who told Nimrod and those wicked folks of old to build the Tower of Babel so they could climb up to heaven and fight God until they kill him and take over the world? You guessed right. Satan. This was wokeness in the days of Noah time. Nimrod and them wanted to reach Heaven and become God, since the people had become woke and earth was too small for them. God was their next target! Oh why do the heathens rage and the people imagine a vain thing!** Why? Oh! Why oh why do the heathens rage!
Extreme liberalism knows its mandate is to create a Godless society and flush out the name Jesus Christ completely. And ALL Black people ever have is their God who fights for them when they sing his name. So if you turn them away from their God ... finish my sentence, please (you know what I'm saying). If you turn them from their God you weaken them and leave them defenseless and you can lead them like a pack of herd. Because they are the most gullible of God's creation. And they are the stupid poor. And they are people who do not think. And they are destined to be second class. Really!!! Yes, this is how extreme liberalism thinks of poor people. ALL poor people, regardless of race, including the slaves and those with slavery mindset. Black slavery and white slavery mentality. Nimrod and them think you are stupid enough to leave your God. The question is Are You? Nimrod were Satan, again, using human agents to do his evil deeds upon the earth. Nimrod and them were the power of darkness. Nimrod and 'em never learn. Satan in overdrive. The end of time is near and the devil is losing ground. Well hear me Satan, you've got another thing coming! No one messes with Jesus Christ children. God will come down like he came to see Nimrod's Tower of Babel. In fact, God has already come. Keep watching the clouds! Don't you see the shaking in the heavens? Jesus is getting on a white horse with a machete in one hand and about to walk down here and straighten things up! No power on earth or in the heavens or under the earth can stop The KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. You heard me right. Jesus Christ is coming down to straighten things up for his children. We have help! That's what I said. What do you say, Nimrod and 'em? You want to dare Yahweh? Go ahead, dare YAHWEH.
Satan can huff and puff and blow the earth in but all for nothing! Last I checked, the earth is the Lord's, the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.*** ALLELUIA.
Christians and all who desire to know God the Heavenly Father. Go find a church house and gather together inside the sanctuary for Worship. Get out of your pajamas thinking you are in church at home. All hell is breaking loose and you're sitting down waiting for hell to release you from hell. That is impossible. Hell does not pardon its captives. You must release yourself by the power of Jesus name through the Holy Spirit and faith in Almighty God. Everywhere else can hold people, except church! I heard Church must remain off limits to the people because gathering in church is toxic. For whom, may I ask? I heard you can worship God anywhere. Maybe. Maybe not. Who goes to church, for three years, in their pajamas, while at the same time eating, chatting, texting, doing laundry, staying in bed... Church? In my African voice, tofeeyahqua!!! ... God forbid. Almighty God will never contradict Jesus Christ. We must be able to assemble together for fellowship. We believers in Jesus Christ must enter the sanctuary and worship and praise and pray and give thanks and offer thanksgiving to The LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY. Yahweh has told his children that He have loved with an everlasting love.**** Hallelujah! That's all we all have going for us. GOD. Almighty God. Nimrod and 'em cannot destroy God's tower that's in us when Jesus Christ linked us to the Father, forever and ever, through Salvation by the shed Blood of Christ.
My friend hear me. Only JEHOVAH GOD can save the world and you included. Anytime you are encouraged to turn your back on the things of Almighty God--Jesus Christ and Prayer--you are being set up. This particular set up permits the enemy to cage you. And if you die caged in and having lost your faith you'll end up with Nimrod and 'em. Satan. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.***** You had better get up and go to church and make a loud, joyful noise unto the Lord! Stand firm and see the Salvation of the Lord...******
~ Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
* Hebrews 10 / ** Psalm 2 / ***Psalm 24 / **** James 4 / ***** Exodus 14 / ****** Jeremiah 31