Is it true the heart wants what it wants? Do you believe so? Talk to me! Does your heart keep insisting what it wants. Talk to me. Better still tell yourself what your heart insist it must have. Should it?
~HortenseInspiration Once Uponar Time
I MISS LIBERIA all the time. I miss what my birth country was. I miss how the people were. I miss the uniqueness of our way of life. I miss baby life in Careysburg. I miss toddler life and Kindergarten in Gbarnga. I miss every year three-month vacation in Bensonville/Bentol. I miss gorgeous Liberia. I am a Cape Palmas girl, raised right there on Maryland Avenue, from 6 years to 12 years old, elementary and first year of high school, Harper City. Then I went on to Ricks Institute. Oh how I miss being on the mission. Those were absolutely my wonder years. I miss Liberia. I miss Monrovia. Oh how I love love love Monrovia!!! I miss University days at LU. I miss riding the buses back and forth to Science College and days at Fendall Campus. I miss living around 72nd area. I miss walking from Paynesville Red Light along Somalia Drive. Aye mehn! Liberia. Liberia! Liberia. My heart gone way back soon this morning. I guess underneath all the travels and living abroad and the Western lifestyle, I am just a little Liberian girl turned full grown Liberian women turned Liberian senior citizen in the making. Still mussing what is gone forever... Being Liberian in the First Republic. Yes, my friend. I miss Liberia. And those people that are causing the "next to impossible for life to return to normal in Liberia" I take God to beg your. Your please try, at least...I know. There's always other alternatives. I believe, home is wherever you make home. I love dearly my America. It is my greatest joy living here and to call here home. My America has been awesome and continues to be great for me. USA is my numero uno. A heart full of gratitude and patriotism, forever, I owe America. Still. Deep inside me is a constant yearning for the African way of life. The "this is Africa oo" lifestyle. As it is lived on the African Continent! I cannot seem to shake this hunger. Even when I starve the desire the pangs remain. I thirst for Africa. I also know there are good "another African country" options. I hunger for African lifestyle. Do you feel this way sometimes? Many times? Often? Every now and then? Talk to me.
Much love my friend. Blessings!
~Servant Hortense