Friday, February 17, 2023

Executive Mansion Liberia 2024

HortenseInspiration ~ Friday Morning on MONTSERRADO VERDANT HEIGHTS

. . . Liberia on my mind soon this morning! Of course, I am paying attention. I have been listening. I have been quietly following. I see the maneuvers. I hear the agendas. I applaud the efforts. I respect the hustles. You all mean well. At least. I pray so.

BUT HERE IS MY HEADACHE with all of you patriotic, stalwart, dynamic, well meaning President in the making. I have not heard a "Vision" for where you want to take the country. No candidate is giving a serious blueprint for their rulership. Not a single one of you have shared with Liberian people your Vision for Liberia.

Furthermore, here's the NO NO NO part. Just telling us how bad the current regime is and has been is NOT stating to me that you can do any better. Pointing out what is decisively wrong does not elaborate what you would do right. Recycling repetitive narratives of how corrupt the current government is, or reiterating how volatile law and order/national security has become, does NOT communicate how improved it will become under your rulership. Simply telling our people, over and over, that the present government is terrible DOES NOT present ideas or solutions. We all are fully aware of the mountains of problems in Liberia. What we are not aware of are those solutions you are offering? Where do you plan to take this country when you resume at the helm of Power?

We are tired of being the least among Nations today. Liberians may be traumatized from decades of conflict and wars, but we are emerging. Our stupid days are ending. Fast. Talk to us like people who got sense. Your dead silence on HOW is traumatizing to us. It is very possible, and equally as easy, that any situation can "progress" from worse to ridiculous. We do not need mere handlers taking over in 2024. Show us the VISIONARY LEADER in you.

Whomever YOU are. You, the aspirant, Presidential Candidate in 2023 Elections, Liberia.  Listen up. Republic of Liberia. This is no time for games. Tell the world your VISION for the future you foresee for Liberia. Tell us your expected deliverables. Tell HOW YOU ARE GOING TO BE DIFFERENT. Tell what YOU PLAN TO DO about the conditions we are complaining about. Everything YOU detest now, and complain about! How will you be different than the current situation on ground!!!???

I am listening. Everybody is listening. I hope so, at least. Everyone wants to know. I pray they are all listening to hear you point out your HOWs. Stop telling me how bad the George Weah-led government is. Start telling me how good a government you will lead. Maybe, begin by answering these. Tell us how will you approach crisis points. What's the plan from you? What are your plans to achieve the following of my expected deliverables from you, upon your ascend to the highest Office in the Land,  as  the next and newest President of Liberia. For starters: Tell me how you plan to:

1) Implement domestic Law and Order and upbuild a fortified national Security  Sector;

2) Dismantle, disrupt, or disable the Massive Corruption syndicate;

3) Turn around wayward youth, zogos (former combatants-child soldiers)  into normal citizens, for sustaining a decent society for the population;

4) Upgrade Educational System nationwide;

5) Curtail the tremendous wastage of youthful potential;

6) Manage the Sanitation disaster and reduce mounds of filthy trash, disease causing garbage strewn everywhere;

7) Address food security? Don't give me no white-wash language. I'm talking addressing food security in AFRICA, the bedrock of civilization. 

BOTTOM LINE... What will be different under your rule, and how are you  planning to deliver this different period?

Hear me. We are not stupid people. Liberians are not all that stupid. In this new Era, we plan to merge the remnants of The First Republic with what is good or better about The Second Republic and forge a brand new day, that begins the rise of a Third Republic. One that will show the world how much Almighty God still loves LIBERIA. Are you truly on board for it? The question is for you, presidential aspirant aiming to occupy Liberia's Executive Mansion beginning 2024. Are you on Liberia's side? 

If any candidate seriously believe you are the next leader to sit in the Executive Mansion, start by stating your VISION. Clearly and Concisely. All of us know or have heard everything that is wrong about the country. We nah hear eh enuf nah. Enough already. What will you do differently? Are you even planning to be any different? Talk to me. Talk to us. 

To Whom It May Concern... START TALKING... We're here listening oooo...!!! We got time. Start talking to sensible us.

Blessings and Peace. Much love from my end. Let's not forget to remain prayerful and trust Jesus.

~Servant Hortense

*writing includes Liberian local vernacular and African jargon

Monday, February 13, 2023

Ethnic Authentic Black History

 HortenseInspiration STRETCHING MY MIND AND YOURS . . . Black History

~ I have no idea why in more recent times, Africans on the Continent have begun to celebrate a "Black History" month. 

I have always thought this month-long period to be a Black American holiday that commemorates the triumps of the Civil Rights era. A worthy reminder of the massive progress integration has achieved. A momentum that systemic racism in the United States have been defeated. Hence we celebrate Black History Month in the USA. To remember, recognise, celebrate, and NEVER FORGET the sacrifices of Dr. Martin Luther King and the heroes and heroines, along with their many collaborators-- Collectively, the giants of Black America triumphs. 

Sadly, in today's America this history is being rewritten. Rewritten, for the most part, by many Black Americans themselves. If they do not snap out of it soon enough the coming fifty years will indicate it wasn't Dr King and other stalwart, brave, bold figures in Black American history who won that struggle. The history is being craftily and cunningly rewritten to place the triumph in the hands of those who own the Presses that record and write down history. As They want to see history be remembered.  Still yet shall it be coined "Black History" in America. 

When Black America return the Black church foundation to its proper, rightful place in its life their liberation is preserved. When Black America place its value system back to the Church and godly principles of Christ, their history is unerased. When Black America take back its traditional family values. The morals, ethics, culture, and foundations that dominated Black life during segregation. Black History will outshine detractors. The real Black history will remain. Only then. 

My Africans, hear me. The way to be African is not that African ethnicity must blindly mimic everything about Black American culture. In the Continent of Africa it is being African that is the history. African itself is a system. Africa does not need to rehearse extensions of itself to redefine what it means to be African and/or of African descent. Africa is a whole. Any connection of it is parcel of it and not the other way around. Western comforts should not dictate what being African is. Africa is itself.

The African Continent has not systemic racism. Our issues in Africa are far more grave. We are free today. Technically. The colonialism era is over. Technically. We learned how to free ourselves. We set our ownselves free FOR FREE. We found a free way to free ourselves. The whole world see it now. Africa is free. Try denying this.

Black History Month on the African Continent is mental slavery. Enslaved by your own self. Parallelism! You bet. 

Hear me. I have witnessed a trend. The past decade has shown that Africa is emerging free, at last. That free at last train is being made possible by the move of the spirit of God Almighty across the African Continent. As Jesus Christ is being lifted up in lengths and breadths along the shores of Africa, we Africans are finally set free. We are telling our stories. Our way. Our pride. Our perception. Our African life. We have forced anybody and everybody to listen. Those of African ethnicity outside the Continent must watch and learn from how it means to be African. Truly African. 

Whomever them gates of hell is [intentional mis-grammar]. The gates of Hell are frustrated. But they are relentless. Satan! They, those gates, know the African and his God are insurmountable. The Gates come on platforms. They come screaming, "Look at me I am here for you; I alone am here for you; I have always been on your side." Says the gates of hell. The Bible says it shall NOT PREVAIL. Wake up and read the Word. They want to keep you from your God by making you dilute your worth with sin. The Gates of hell are smart. Satan! But the gates are defeated by omniscience. Pure eternal wisdom. Almighty God in Christ. The gates have lost. Boom!

Outside the church of Jesus Christ, there is nothing Africans both at home on the Continent and abroad in the Western diaspora can fasten onto permanently. Take God away from the Black man and you snap out his soul.  This is Black History 101 African version. Authentic Black Proud. My History. And You?

Wise up my people!  I love you. Blessings galore!

-Servant Hortense