Most preachers don't preach about Hell. Instead, many preachers are Human Resource managers for Satan. They have become too afraid to rebuff church members. Satan is happy with such clergy people Hell, No! Not on my watch. You're not going to hell if I have anything to say about it. Hell no. Not without hearing from me on the way there to stop you dead in your tracks. Before Satan gets you for free. In my Liberian voice, I will burst out all the secrets first. Hell no. Go the Heaven route. That's the JESUS CHRIST route. Hear me for a minute.
HortenseInspiration ~ SERMONETTE Resist Hell
. . . Many Christians have turned their lives over to carnal nature nurturers. That medium where all the "I know it all, I am superior to all, You can't tell me nothing" often overrated, so-called cream of the crop, mortals operate, knowingly or unknowingly, to carry out Satan's agenda. It is called arrogance, to say it lightly.
Welcome to the now ERA OF ARROGANCE. Pomposity is the main course served. Sheer pridefulness. Wicked arrogance. A Satanic snare. The goal of the Devil, Satan, is to take you to hell with him.
The saddest part is many of God's precious creatures, human beings, will lose their chance at eternity with God because of close affinity with carnal nature nurturers. People, places, and things which cater deliciously to a undernourished, self-seeking, Godliness-starved palete. Including lukewarm believers and false Christians.
Hell is real. My people. Dare to stare into the bright sun and go blind instantly. Same with Hell fire: Instant demolition. But you won't die from it. You will remain alive burning forever. Away from the everlasting presence of God. Jesus Christ would have nothing to do with you by this time. When you close your eyes forever from this earth realm, by death, and die without accepting Jesus Christ as Lord, you are done. Finished. Jesus will deny you to his father GOD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS. God the Creator. Our, mankind, Heavenly father.
Your choice of allegiance and blind devotion to carnal nature nurturers over the TRUTH of God's Word will help seal your destiny in Hell. These carnal nature nurturers take your brain and freeze your mind. Hell fire will thaw you. Sadly, it will be too late by then. You've only got one chance at Eternity with God. That choice is made while you are on earth. Here.
Remember. Satan has unlimited approaches to steal from you, kill you, and destroy you. The Devil is a master of deception and a genius at trickery. Satan rules with countless legions of demons. Demons operate through human bodies on the earth. Without Christ in you, Satan is smarter than you by yourself. Satan has massive, countless, unlimited supply of demons out to attract you and gain your allegiance. Afterward, the Devil wants nothing to do with you. He's had you for cheap and discards you like trashy nothing. Wise up. Particularly if you call yourself a believer in Jesus Christ. If you call yourself a Christian. If you plan to spend eternity with God. If you desire everlasting life through the Christ sent from God. WISE UP.
Pray more. Read the Holy Bible, seeking revelation from the Holy Spirit. Take a stand for where you want to head your life. What side are you aligned with! Jesus Christ? The many types of carnal nature nurturers? False prophets of this modern day? Satanic preachers hiding behind God's pulpits and Godly platforms? Messengers of Satan that come claiming the name of Christ? Demonic lights shining as the radiance of Christ? Oh! My friend! The deceptive methods are numerous. Be wise.
God Almighty the JEHOVAH. ELOHIM the Sovereign Lord God is Omniscient God. Seek His wisdom. Seek His Christ who is the fullness of ELOHIM.
Stay ahead of Satan's attempts to capture you for eternity. Wise up. I beg you WISE UP.
Much love from my end. Blessings!
~Servant Hortense