Tuesday, December 12, 2023

One Day Dilute Not my Holiday

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. I pray life is treating you well and you are celebrating every day you are alive. To all of you who celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during this time of every calendar year! I say Merry Christ. Leave me let me enjoy my Christmas festive mood oh! I love all the festivities, and enjoy the childlike glee that I attach to my Christmas season, year after year! 

Merry Christmas, World. I declare: The LORD GOD Almighty bless you more. The Holy Spirit be your companion as you walkabout for the holiday season and Christmas time. Pray your way through every minute. Cling to Jesus all day! Get to know the Christ, I guarantee you would love him forever. 
I love you like Christmas tree love ornaments!

I do see how increasingly nations and its people are removing the LORD JESUS out of society and traditions that reference Christ. They do not want mention of Jesus name. They do not want prayer in public places.  They hate and ban any form of prayer that is said in the name of Jesus Christ. Society have arrived where they do not want Christmas reflecting joyful reminders of a "Jesus-festive" holiday season. Wow. Just wow!

Are these the same streets. Are those the same malls and shops and stores? Tell me those are the same public buildings and arenas; atrium and lobby. Tell me about wrapping paper and decorative bows and trims and ribbons and tinsels. Show me show me show me! Oh. Oh! Um um um. Huh! Um huh. Uh um. Hortense, stop grunting. Okay. I hear you. It's not that big a deal I guess. But wait a minute. Hear me. Please! Just don't force any other holidays and color themes on me. Fair? Fair. Dilute my holiday. Dilute all your holidays. The Devil is a whole scheme that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Watch Satan carefully. JESUS to the rescue!

We earthlings and our arrogance and destructively powerful ego. They do want vulgarity. In every exaggerated form. Undercover rudeness dressed up as fairness and inclusion. Tastless messaging. Unwholesome content shoved down ones throat whether we like it or not. Classlessness overload. I pity where we have arrived as a collective unit. I feel sorrowful for my fellow earthlings. Don't we all just need a little more Jesus! Indeed. Yes. For true true. Certainly. If all the writings on all the walls, everywhere, are anything to go by. Then, the answer is YES. Earth needs JESUS. Desperately, we earthlings need Almighty GOD. Wake up and find Christ. Salvation is the great escape. Only escape.

My Bible tells me all I need to know about my Redeemer. The Holy Bible tells me the mind of God by the Word of Almighty God. The word which is personified in The Christ. He came. He's coming back. One day. One soon day! The season heralds the Coming! The again Coming. We call it the Coming against of the risen, resurrected Christ of God. The one and only JESUS the CHRIST.

One Day. All of us earthlings will see the end. The end of the Era of an onslaught of blatant disrespect for the King of Kings. The end of gross disregard for the Lord of Lords. The end of the wickedness of which the whole world lies in. One day in a big fiery blast the end of these miserable evil reigns of Satan and his earthly minions will cease. Demonic activities, across the globe, will end. Satanic reigns of terror will cease forever. Every form of evil will end. Just like that. Boom! Finished. All the policy makers, worldwide, the greatest nations on earth, the poorest and least  nations on earth, everywhere, all the earth, WILL BOW. Tongues will be wagging as they cry out shouting, in screaming voices, confessing JESUS CHRIST is LORD. For the meanest and the most vile and "evilest" creatures, tongues cleaving to their mouths on their way to hell and eternal damnation, they, too, will be saying loudly, confessing for all to hear, that JESUS CHRIST is LORD.

Hear me. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, now is the time to be bold in your witness for him. The reach of ungodly powers is increasing. Soon, it will stand at your front lawn demanding, like in the days of Lot in Sodom. Remember the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah with Lot and those people that gathered at his door making demands and wouldn't go away. Satan! The Devil is here to stay. If you do not kill him from your front porch, and drive him from your front door, Satan will move in with you and take over your family. By the time you snap out of your daydreaming and realize you have stopped following Jesus and the ways of God you could be on the way to being a pillar of salt. Beware!

Tis the season to be jolly! But this is the season the Chist, God's promised Messiah, and the redeemer of mankind, came to earth. JESUS CHRIST the Son of God Almighty came to earth to die for you. All of mankind, the entire human race; the children of Almighty God. For us Christ came. We the human race made in God's image and likeness. For humans Christ came. For humans Christ will come again.

Are you saved? This Christmas season, have you been born again? Do you know Jesus? Have you come to terms with what it means to know God in the name of Jesus Christ? Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb? Are you allowing yourself to be filled with the Holy Spirit? How is your prayer life? Do you read the Bible with understanding? Do you pray the Scripture? You must pray more.

How is your Christian life? Are you ready for persecution? It's right around the corner. It's subtle. It's almost faded. It's nothing really. Really! You think.

Christmas is the season to be festive. To be jolly. To be vigilant. Look around you. Create the joy of Christ this Christmas season.
Separate yourself from any worldliness that brings dishonor to the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not bow to the world. Certainly do not indulge worldly nonsense. Obey the principles of Almighty God. Only the way of The Christ makes sense. Spare yourself the grief. Only God Almighty brings relief.

One day. One fine day. One Day. Every man will answer for self. When Jesus Christ comes again.

In the meantime, during this awe-inspiring Christmas season remember the reason for the season is THE CHRIST. Celebrate with your heart and your hands. Celebrate with your mind and your being. All for Jesus sake. Love the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY in your Christmas spirit. Until that One Day. . .

I love you. Take seriously the matter of your soul salvation. Eternity is a long time; a forever, everlasting time. Make sure you're preparing to spend everlasting life with Almighty God the Father. Make your Godly living a serious priority. Blessings galore!

~Servant Hortense