Friday, September 18, 2020

The Woman Her God Her Brand

Unveiling of Official Logo and Brand Identification. To you, O Lord God, be glory and honor, thanksgiving and worship today and forever. Amen.

Copyright (c) 2020 Hortense Duarma Grimes. All rights reserved.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

How Do I Say Leave Nicely

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. You are always on my mind. How are you getting along today? You have done fantastic. You have made it to Thursday! Yeaahh... Keep putting one foot in front of the other, standing tall, with upright head, and shoulders squared. Add a wide smile and a happy heart. That's it. This is how you tell the world, "Look here earth, I've got this cause my God's got me." You are in my prayers. You pray for me and I pray for you. Prayer is how we love one another and stay connected. Hear me.

The Bible warns there will be many false prophets in that day. The word "many" denote occurring in multiples, of various forms, formats and types, more than one version... etcetera. I want to believe mainstream media fits the description. False prophets today are modernized. They are not bad people. They could be wonderful human beings. Of course, they’re not necessarily good people. They do not have to be preaching and teaching Scripture. They are secular. They are smart and knowledgeable. They have wisdom. They are both godly and ungodly in their beliefs. They could very well be at either extreme. Who knows the full story! They with their transmitters make for a whole different story.

False prophets of the day are everywhere spewing. You are everywhere receiving spewed stuff.  No more wearing long robes with scrolls and parchments. They are electronically transmitting straight to your brain cells. You sit for hours and absorb Their opinions. No room for yours. No dialogue. You cannot talk back to the screens they speak through. Hours and hours and hours listening to another person and only receiving their points of view. Yours is not considered. Not at all. How would they hear you? They’re shielded by electronic technology meant to hold you captive to their voice. Whereas in a dialogue you would rationalize and participate, give feedback, make input, going back and forth on the topic. Discussion stretches the minds of the participants in a conversation. With the Smartbox it is one way in no way out. What a fix we've gotten ourselves into.

You have got to ask Omniscient God to help you repair you. Jesus can help you tear away from the fix you are now in with the Tele! Oh! Television. The devil will destroy every good opportunity if you let him. No doubt. Lucifer is out to dismantle you bit by bit, piece by piece, pound for pound, flesh for flesh. And he is starting with your mind. The center of your being. That tiny spot of your human temple where the awesome Jehovah God has encapsulated his eternal existence into a circuitry of mortal brilliance for his Divine worship. In your entire lifetime you could never utilize more than 10% of this magnificence. Your brain. The destroyer is after the creature. Leave it to your archenemy, Satan, to use every means possible to get his mission accomplished. Make no mistake.  Almighty God has given you the moral right and divine obligation to protect your mind. I want to say this as nicely as I possibly can. Take back your head and set your internal cable to station Jesus. I tell you this. Lucifer’s fight is with God. You are just a pawn.

Change that dial. Get away and find you. Find your own voice. Locate your missing radar. You are smarter than over half of the people you are listening to. Your point of view is correct. As well. Is it platform you lack? Go ahead and create one. You are the child, exact the image, of God the eternal masterful Creator. Look at the universe. Marvel at creation! The firmament takes my breath away! On any given day God's handiwork leaves me stunned and speechless. I am telling you...GO FIND YOUR OWN VOICE again. Don't leave it up to that Tele. Seek the Lord in prayer. Jesus is answers.

Here's sending much love your way today and always. Keep praying my friend. Keep praying because God listens. 

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

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Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author.