Monday, April 12, 2021

Death of A Nation

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. I pray life is treating you well. You are always in my thoughts.

Greetings to Liberians at home and abroad. I come in the name of the Lord. On this infamous day in the history of the Republic of Libera, permit me to direct this article to all of us. Blessings abundant!

Forty-one years ago on this date a nation died. It was on April 12, 1980 that the Republic of Liberia, a once beacon of hope in West Africa, suffered a sudden and violent death brought on by brutal players and behind the scene orchestrators yet unknown. Until today, April 12, 2021, the real criminals and perpetrators of this atrocity are still unidentified. Notwithstanding, that barbaric event was pinned on a renegade group of soldiers in the Liberian army. Incredible. To say the least.

In my Liberia voice, "So you mean to tell me a handful of BTC Nokos (enlisted soldiers at military barracks Barclay Training Camp) were militarily savvy enough to plan, mastermind, and then infiltrate that fortress of an Executive mansion and savagely butcher one of Africa's most visionary and astute leaders just like that. Okay oh." If you say so, I agree.  

The Nokos were now in charge. They proceeded to unleash a reign of bloody terror on a sleeping nation early that Saturday morning. The terrified, dazedly-frightened populace was reduced to zombies and robotic activity. Within less than a fortnight, thirteen of the most brilliant and dedicated statesmen in Liberian history were summarily tied to wooden poles and gunned down amid taunts and silly charges of rampant corruption. Their bloodied and lifeless bodies draped in various poses as more Nokos and citizens alike mocked and jeered and clapped, believing they had purposefully rid a nation of its menace. Many Liberians then believed they had become "Woke." As I look back on that time and recall in my mind’s eye my heart cries out, Lord have mercy. Huhm um. I say out loud in my old settlement voice, "welladaclear!" Well, I declare, indeed.

Just like that, the beacon of hope in West Africa and most peaceful country in Africa was plunged into an awkward, brutal and chaotic military dictatorship. It did not take too long for the twelve overrated soldiers to turn on one another. There is rarely honor among thieves. In a relatively short time all but one of the band of twelve remained. That ruling regime would be remembered for many things, good, bad, and ugly. Most notorious of the ugly being, the regime introduced mass murders and graduated to mass graves of humans buried alive. Until that time, Liberia had no record of people being buried alive in multiple mass graves. Whatever good that military turned dictatorship regime may have done is obscured by its bloody history. It would seem the country has been plunged into blood baths everywhere, hidden and overt. The Republic of Liberia died on April 12, 1980. What emerged in its stead remains in a decaying state till today.

What am I saying? It is one thing for a particular regime to supposedly oppress a people and harbor discriminatory practices. It is a whole different story for a regime to bury human beings alive. I am saying this. It is evil enough to indiscriminately kill masses of people and bury them together in the same grave. It is an abomination, wicked plus evil plus vile, to take living human beings and throw them into mass graves, burying them while their screaming voices beg for their lives. All in a quest for a regime to hold on to stolen power. Similarly, Nokos were plentiful available to pile on the brown muddy dirt, one shovel full after another. Scripture teaches that Yahweh the Creator, God the Almighty, is Judgement itself. God's vengeance. In his Word, God says, "Vengence is mine. I will repay."

Life was sucked out of the nation forty-one years ago. Its spirit strangled. The soul of a once beautiful, peaceful, growing and evolving country died. In the history of humanity only one person, a man sent from God, has ever risen from the dead. In the history of humanity, only one man has raised the dead. That man is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Authoritatively, it is in the name of the Lord alone that any living creature that has died can be raised again to life. Jesus Christ is Lord. Liberia died on April 12, 1980. In the last forty-one years there have been numerous attempts to resuscitate the nation. At best, such efforts have resulted in restoring a slight pulse. That pulse ensures a heartbeat, enables it to breath and keeps the Republic on life support. Life support simulates a vegetative state; always being attended to but unable to do anything for itself. The constant flurry of activity around her bed gives Liberia hope that she will wake up, arise and stand again. Hope tells me the Republic will rise soon. Before that happens, there is unfinished business that must come first.

In the matter of the universe, Jehovah God is sovereign. Almighty God stood outside of time to create creation. The Bible tells us, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The heavens, a supernatural realm where sits the Throne of God and all nonphysical-existence occur. The earth, a blot in the universe where God’s footstool rest and physical life is harbored.

There is no need for a throne if not to seat a ruling king. In the Bible, Jesus Christ speaks the words, “All power in heaven and on earth have been given to me.” The Bible says Christ the Lord is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When the Christ of God became man, it was for the purpose that mankind would have a redeemer. For the purpose that if ever and whenever blood would cry out to God from the land because one brother has refused being his brother’s keeper, God the Father would have his legal remedy. Jesus Blood spilled once to answer for every cry from the earth and satisfy the Heavenly Fathers justice. Jesus Christ died to offer the mercy with which God the Creator would tamper his justice. There is but one catch: the offender must accept the substitution mandated by the creator. Life is that precious to God. For as long as there is a blood cry the Father continues to ask about it. This is God’s legal system. There is no way around it, except the redemption Christ offers.

On the earth, the first human beings were Adam and Eve. Their first two children were sons called Cain and Abel. Cain, in a spirit of jealousy brutally killed Abel. Scripture tell us that Abel’s blood cried out to God from the land. That blood cry reached the Throne of God in Heaven. God the Creator, the Heavenly Father, responded by coming down to question Cain, the killer of his brother Abel. Recklessly, Cain rebuffed God, responding he was not his brother’s keeper and therefore owed God no explanation. God knew otherwise. God exacted justice for Abel. The gravity of God’s judgment against him caused Cain to plead for mercy. God the Judge of all the earth who is also God the Heavenly Father responded to Cain by tempering his justice with his mercy. Subsequently, Adam and Eve would give birth to a son named Seth. It is Seth Scripture remembers. Cain is never heard off in the lineage of God’s chosen people. Thus is God’s prerogative to do as he pleases.

Four decades ago a nation died. A dead Liberia can and will rise again. The timeliness depends on the inhabitants of the land. As it was with Abel’s blood, so God does for the blood of those Liberians buried alive as well as the multitude of innocent others killed at will and pleasure. The authority to command Liberia to arise is in Jesus Christ. The power to release Liberia and restore her to life can only be found in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The blood altars that rise up against the nation and reach the Throne of God can only be addressed by invoking the Blood of Jesus. It is the Blood of Christ that sets men free. The Bible says, “Even the lawful captives shall be delivered.”

As a nation, Liberians must pay attention. Liberia must answer for the blood cry. This is God’s legal system manifesting. The nation must shun pride, ego, explanations, reasons, excuses, justifications, rationale. We must embrace humility and take responsibility. We are our brother’s keeper. (Brothers in this context is gender neutral as applicable in Scripture.) Collectively we are every regime that has ruled Liberia. The leader and every single citizen and inhabitant of a nation constitute the regime in that nation. God is asking all Liberians for those souls buried alive in mass graves. God is asking every Liberian for the millions of innocent souls slaughtered in cold blood on our collective watch.

Liberia can rise. This nation does not have to stay on life support for another forty one years. Think of the time in these number of years as generations gone by. Wasted years. Barren years. Years steeped in mediocrity, sadness, complaints and impatience. In summary, many irreplaceable lost years. Ironically, rampant corruption ingested steroids and overtook the country. It has refused to relocate elsewhere. And the blood cry points thereto. Mercy, Lord!

To my fellow Christian ministers and believers in Jesus Christ, to religious leaders of different faiths, it is time to think about Liberia in another dimension. I respect the different faith and beliefs of all Liberians. Religion is a sensitive topic. All Liberians must be free to practice their faith, worship whom they please and hold their spiritual beliefs. As a follower of Jesus Christ and anointed Servant of the living God, I boldly proclaim that the God of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will answer in this matter concerning Liberia and the blood cry. So you pray and I’ll pray. The God who answers prayer will hear our cries and heal the land. Liberia will begin the upward journey to complete and full restoration. My soul knows this to be true.

In closing. Please digest this: Liberia constantly appears to be going somewhere but is getting nowhere. The blood cry is responsible. Sin gives Satan (the originator of evil) legal right to block the comeback. Iniquity, sin, and transgression create altars in the spiritual realm. Those altars arising and speaking against Liberia are legitimate. Everything the Lord God has in store for this nation cannot and will not manifest until such altars are silenced. That is the ordinance of God’s legal system. God’s incorruptible system of justice. The system of God is not subject to corruption. To Liberians far and wide, the time has come to handle this situation. Liberians in the Western diaspora and around the globe, if you think not of yourself, take this seriously for the sake of your seed; your children and grandchildren. The last time I checked they are the ones steadily making their way back. A constant stream of returnees to their mother and father land. Those ever present altars are there waiting. The blood cry is speaking and nothing will shift until we answer. Our children and the generation after us deserve our responsible action today.

My fellow Liberians. WE NEED A BLOOD CRY REVIVAL. I do not currently live in Liberia. I make a plea to the Religious leaders of the country, the ruling establishment, Political leaders and Influential society. Let us work together and address this matter sooner than later. I am pledging myself to work alongside with especially the religious establishment to plan, strategize and execute this exercise. We are all responsible for where we are and where we go from here. The main architect of April 12, 1980 have not died. Evil does not die. Evil is a spirit that can live forever. (Even in eternity Evil will be alive with Satan.) We must stand up, together, with one accord to turn Liberia. FOR THE SURVIVAL OF OUR COUNTRY.

The Lord bless you. I love my people. I love my country of birth. Here’s sending God's amazing peace to calm your hearts.

Servant Hortense D. Grimes


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