Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Eve Watch Meeting

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. In less than seven hours 365 days will roll into oblivion. Time from your life will group itself into memories making up the past. While we tarry we watch in faith, hope, love and worship to the Lord God Almighty. As always, PRAYER is how we step into and reach for the unknown. Blessings sent your way in overflow.




Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Special Program

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Merry Christmas and a joyous Happy Holiday!  

Please follow the link to HORTENSEInspiration TV on YOUTUBE Channel for a Christmas Special Presentation. Thank you for being a part of my work and ministry. The Lord God bless you more!

Monday, December 20, 2021

Jesus Christ The Prince of Peace

HEAR THIS WORD... Especially all the multitude of lukewarm believers! And my many clueless Liberian and African people. Hear and take heed. The Lord God Almighty desires that you look and see with your Eye. Your Spiritual eye. Ask the Lord to give you sight.

~It is not a coincidence that the United Nations unveiled its symbolic "Guardian of International Peace and Security" in December 2021. (If you haven't heard of this goggle is your friend, use it.) Stay abreast of current events in the world you live in.
Note December is the month and period when Christmas, the Season which symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ, is celebrated Worldwide. Christ the Messiah came as the Prince of Peace to save humanity and reconcile mankind back to God. Salvation in Christ brings everlasting hope and security of life in eternity.
My friend. PRAY like never before. The Church (body of believers) is in the End Time period. We are already living in the Messianic Age. Things are progressing mighty fast and Bible prophecy is constantly unfolding right before our eyes. Do not wait for secular media entities to point out Biblical breaking news for you. READ THE BIBLE. Turn to prayer, repentance, supplication, thanksiving, praise and worship. Adapt a Iniquity-free lifestyle and live like Jesus is coming in the next five minutes. Be prepared so that your soul finds rest in God Almighty. Do not play with Jehovah God. PRAY. Pray more for your children. Your precious seed are even more clueless. Many do not know Christ. 
(This message was dropped, again, in my spirit this time for delivery, since 3:00 am this morning just as I attempted to sleep after keeping 3rd watch of night. It's now 4:20 a.m. Goodnight or Good morning!)
~Servant Hortense

P.S. I refuse to repost a photo of the statue. Collectively my platforms are a spirit-filled medium used to glorify my Heavenly Father. I celebrate Jesus with every thing and in everything I do.
DISCLAIMER. Furthermore I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus. I take Divine immunity in the Name of Yeshua. I claim exemption by the Blood of the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. My life is in the hands of Jehovah. I stand as a watchman on the wall and a vessel used by Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace.  I am called, anointed, sent, for a time as this. In Jesus mighty name. No weapon formed against me shall proper; today, tomorrow, never ever shall it prosper.

Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Missionary for Jesus - Visionary for Africa

Friday, December 17, 2021

Jesus The Reason We Celebrate

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Merry Christmas! Decorate a tree with love for Jesus. May I share with you my Christmas Tree 2021, adorned with the lights off and with the lights on!!! If you have not made your space reflect the season, go now and get a tree up and lit for Jesus! Say to yourself, the Lord is my light and my salvation. Enjoy the festivities during the holidays and be especially happy this Christmas Season. Much love from my end. ~Servant Hortense

Let your light shine all around you for Jesus, making a difference in the lives of people everywhere this Christmas and always. 

Christmas Is A Love Story

Nine (9) years ago, on December 4, 2012, God  Almighty gave me a glimpse of His vastness to bring to the world. Thus saith the Lord. ~Servant Hortense Grimes

CHRISTMAS IS A LOVE STORY.  Everybody wants to see God. They want to see someone that looks like them. That is not who I am. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am big! Every day they are looking for me in things. You say, ‘He’s that person. He’s in this person. He is the trees. He is the leaves. He is the breeze.’ They say, ‘God is in everything. Everything is God.’ You call others God. Nothing can be me. Nobody is me. I am God. I created all. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. 

Every day man has their own interpretations of God. I have fitted all of me into what I know your mortal mind can handle. See Jesus. That is the only manifestation I want mortals to see me as. You are mortal, created for a fixed time frame. For that fixed time the way you would know me is if you know Jesus. To reject Jesus is to reject all of God. I am big. I’m big. I’m big. I am infinite God. Infinite I came into the world to save you. Jesus is the manifestation of me that your finite minds can handle. What I am no man can behold. So that you would live with Godliness you must accept Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of me packaged to fit human limitation. The creature now wants to contain the creator into your limited mind. You are created and given a time frame. I am eternal.

Go tell the world Christmas is a Love Story... Christmas is a Story of My Love. I am big. I’m big. I’m big. I am infinite God. Infinite I came into the world to save you. Jesus is the manifestation of me that your finite minds can handle. What I am no man can behold. So that you would live with Godliness you must accept Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of me packaged to fit human limitation.” 

You say God is in you. But you reject my Holy Spirit. How is God in you? All of who I am is symbolized in the Dove that is my Holy Spirit. Infinite God, condensed to reside in you. That Dove, my Holy Spirit, represents an explosive. A dynamite force of God contained in smaller amount to live in you. The Holy Spirit is a dynamite of all that I am. That is the gift I sent into the world so that the world would have me in their midst. All my power; I am God. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I fill it all. Time is eternity. I fill eternity. Stop looking for God in different things. I am tired that you say He’s in the trees. He’s in the leaves. Look! He’s in the breeze. Oh! He’s in all people. God is in all things. NO. I am big. Mortal man with the fixed time frame wants to contain infinite God. Do not contain me. I am God. I am big. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. You say God is in everyone. NO. Know me. To reject Jesus is to reject all that I am.

Why are you not afraid of me? I am big. You have no fear of me. The creature wants the creator to look like him and fit their mind. Your mind is too limited. I cannot fit it. I am God. I am big. Mankind, you mock me. You are not scared of me. I am tired of your mockery. Mortal man who I created and put a fixed time frame on you. Now you say God is another mortal. NO. You say God lives in everything. In the trees. In the leaves. In the breeze. The only way I live in you is in the dynamite that is the Holy Spirit. No other way do I live on earth. If you want to know that I live in you, take my Holy Spirit. That is the only way I am on earth. That is the only way I live in mortals. 

Stop worshiping things. I am not in things. I am God. I am not things. You mortal here for a time reduce me to fit your mindset. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am tired hearing that God is in the birds. He’s the air. Look around us everywhere is God. That is how your mortal mind wants to see God. The creature wants the creator to look like and fit their perception of God. You, created with the limited mindset and fixed time span. I have created man. Now man wants to fit me into how your minds see me. The creature wants to contain the creator. The creature wants to limit the creator in your limited time frame. I have told you who I am. Jesus is the manifestation of me that I want mankind to see. Accept Jesus. To reject Jesus is to reject me. I am God.

Religions are figments of man’s mind. I regard no religion. I do not care about your religions. Religion is man’s perception of things. What is religion? Religions are man-made doings. All religions are man’s interpretation of belief systems. Those are beliefs you mortals have made up. There are not many ways to me. There is one God. I am God. I am big. I relate to man only in one way. I am God. I fill time, space, and void. There is only one way to me. That way is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way I want all mankind to know me. 

The Christmas story is a love story. So that man would know God in a way you can relate to. That you would be able to understand through your limited mindset. Man is mortal created for a fixed timeframe. Man cannot see the creator through your mortal mindset. That mortal man would know God in a way you could relate to, I took on human form. I am big. I am big. I am God. I fill time, space, and void. Jesus is all of me fitted into what I know your mortal mind can grasp. That was the purpose of Jesus coming to earth in human form. A Love Story. The purpose of Jesus coming to earth the way I did is a love story. Jesus is all of me. The Christmas story is a love story. All of me put into what your mortal mind can handle. Remember this. Christmas Story Love story.

It is not my desire that any man should perish. I am the Judge of all the earth. Mankind disobeys me. They go around looking for God. I have told you who I am. Jesus is the manifestation that I want man to know me as. Mankind has reduced me to how they want to see me. I have told you who I am. I am not the trees. I am not the breeze. I am not the air. I am not things. 

Stop worshiping things. I am God. I am big. I’m big. I fill time, space, and void. How could I be the wind? I am not the wind. I am God. The wind obeys me. The storm stops when I speak. I cannot be in the leaves. I am not the birds. I am not in the air. I fill time, space, and void. I am not everything. I made everything. Nothing can be me. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am God. The Christmas story is a story of love; My Love. Go tell the world the Christmas story is a love story. Go tell the world that the Christmas story is a story of my love. This is the Christmas Story.” 

Divinely imparted to Servant Hortense D. Grimes on Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On the morning of Tuesday, December 4, 2012, I entered the presence of God and received a Word from the Lord saying, “Go Tell the world this is the Christmas story”. The voice of the Lord continued speaking. Bewildered, I picked up my voice recorder to be sure I would not miss any part of the message. I tried to be calm. I wished to remain as calm like the calming presence that had entered the bedroom. The presence filled the room as I listened to the firm, but sweet, gentle voice. As gentle as the voice was, in my ears the authoritative reverberation echoed loudly. It was not a human sound. It was the sound of Divine.
I sat upright on the bed, for several minutes, transfixed and awed as tears began to flow. Softly at first, but soon my tears were streaming down full force. When it ended I thought out loud, “I must tell someone, quickly.” I grabbed my phone, controlled my sobbing and dialed the number of a trusted relative with whom I often share spiritual moments. Just three days prior we had had an extended talk. I had shared my then recent experience of transitioning into a celestial place. I told of being transported for a brief period from my space on earth. This time it was a ten-minute sight my eyes have never before beheld. That miraculous experience was followed by several days of being directed by the Holy Spirit to read specific scripture passages. I read the same passages, repeatedly. I realized that for the fifth time since my calling to ministry, the Lord had given me another glimpse of heaven. Naïve as I sometimes am in the workings of God, little did I know that God was preparing me again for a visitation from the Most High.
This "Do It For Christ Ministry" journey is so amazing to me. I marvel at how Almighty, Infinite, Omnipotent (all-powerful) God can work with, and work through, low, powerless, finite, me. Before an all-sufficient, righteous God the sum total of me is zero. Before a most worthy God my net worthiness is zero. Before a complete God my qualification is zero. My humanness makes my fitness for God’s kingdom work zero. Against the standard of a Holy God my righteousness and piousness amount to zero. In the eyes of Jehovah Tsidkenu my righteousness equal filthy rags! I am unworthy. It does not seem like the Master cares that I am unworthy! In His eyes my littleness amounts to much because it is about Him. Only the Master sanctifies. He gives us worth. Thank you Lord. There is no one like you, Lord!
The voice said to go tell the world what is the Christmas Story. Momentarily, I panicked, thinking, “Tell the world? What world! How could I tell the world this strongly worded message? Me?” I broke down again, crying. As hard as I was sobbing there was a comforting presence in my spirit. I was not afraid. I felt strong. I felt determined. I felt brave. My tears flowed, but I felt empowered. I was on a mission. I felt in it my bones. Those tears must have been just a washing of my soul. I now realize that when one comes in touch with Divine, tears flow because you immediately feel the dirt of your sinful self. Being in God’s presence will point out all the spots and stains of your mortal human self.
Yet, the Divine overrides the sinful soul with the saving grace. That’s why I could weep bitterly and still experience laughter and smiles. Gentle warmth spread throughout my being. I was on clouds. My humanity was in the presence of Divinity! I would tell the World the news, when my tears stopped flowing. When the crying ceased I would go on a mission to tell the world what the Divine wants this world to know. I would go on a mission and tell the world what the voice of God has sent me to say. I dried my tears. I fell before the Lord in prayer. I thanked God for His faithfulness. I worshipped Him for His grace. I asked for strength. I prayed for wisdom to transfer the message to the world as God has given it. I needed courage. I begged God to help me handle this assignment. I cried out for strength, peace, wisdom. I asked the Lord for ability. I stayed on my face in the presence of God for a long period.
When I emerged from prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “You who are hopeless this Christmas let The Story bring you hope. God will use the nothings of the world. The people from nowhere. God will use the “Nobody’s” of the world. God is using the nothings of the world to turn this world upside down and around for Jesus. God will use the ‘Nothings’ of the world.” Then I heard a different voice in a loud pitch, say, “Hallelujah.” Immediately, I was assured that the world is not impossible to reach. The world is no longer so large. The world has shrunk. Indeed, it has gotten smaller. The world is reachable for Jesus. Instantly, by Social Media. Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. Print, Radio. Television. It was as if the Divine teacher was prodding and enlightening me. Again, educating me as He constantly does on the how to. I felt peace. I still feel peace. The task is not intimidating. –Servant Hortense

Blessings and Peace
Hortense Duarma Grimes 
Servant of the Living God

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copyright (c) 2012 Hortense Duarma Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without written permission by the author.