Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How is everyone doing? I pray you are holding up well and staying focus on what is important about life: Getting close with Jesus Christ so that your life on earth is abundant and your everlasting life in eternity with God is certain. Here's something to know. Do not slack up on your prayer life and be woke. Stay AWAKE and alert. Satan is WOKE itself and is watching you. You must be awake in Jesus Christ. Prayer has power to change everything that is not right in your life. Prayer has power to turn everything around in your favor. Pray nonstop daily. And be wise. Jesus loves you today, yesterday, tomorrow and forever! Love yourself and know your worth. Celebrate you and stay grounded. Nothing should take you out of here before God says it's your time!
Read the sermonette below. Digest the information. I wanted to let some secrets out of the box so you can know how to maneuver well. Too much is at stake for you to be complacent. Ignorance is no excuse to let the devil win over you. God Almighty has armed us with the Holy Spirit, the Bible, The name Jesus and the Blood of Jesus. Employ them and keep moving. Victoriously!
Hortense Duarma Grimes
HortenseInspiration ~ BURST OUT all The Secrets
. . . Satan found a way to be "best friends" with good Christians: Carnal Nature Nurturers. The mind control systems of the present day. The Bible says RESIST the Devil and he [Satan in all his demonic forms] will FLEE from you.
It starts with YOU. You must resist: Push back. Stand up to. Put him in his place. Drive away the bully the Devil is. Hear me. Before the Devil can fear you even a tiny bit to flee from you, you must RESIST him totally. Hear me again. Satan is not afraid of a Christian who has and hold on to any of his presents. The Devil is not afraid of you while you carry his gifts. When you intentionally open yourself up to Satanic stuff, like demonic ideals and mental constructs, the Devil knows you are his. Regardless how much a Christian you think you are. When you like Satan stuff Satan loves you dearly.With Satan it is always and all about legal ground. If you like his things; you spend endless hours receiving his thought processes; you behave like he expects; you align with Anti-Jesus teachings of Scripture; you talk so and talk so [double minded double spirit] regarding the things of GOD . . .
My friend. Are you best friends with Satan? And you. You, good Christian you who loves the Lord! Are you maintaining close personal ties with Satan? Don't be quick to say No. Not yet. Not until you confirm that you are not in bed with carnal nature nurturers. These are the new false prophets. They utilize tools from the "Days of Noah" time; albeit such tools now modernized to fit these "Like It Was in The Days of Noah" times.
BUT JESUS to the rescue. Hallelujah! Find Christ. Pour our your heart to Jesus and ask the LORD to reconstruct your mind His way. Ask the Holy Spirit living in you to dominate your world view. This way, instantly, your mindset will begin to shift. Your spiritual eyes will pop wide open. My friend you will see. Yes YOU WILL SEE.
You will see that your new best friend, Satan, in all his perfectly crafted disguises is nothing but the Devil. That same Devil whose clutches you're trying to escape, and live your Christian life trying to run away from. The same Devil that wants to only use you and dump you. Dump you right into the pit of Hell where he is chief resident. The plan Satan the Devil has for you is no plan to want. Nothing good.
Discard your new found best friend, Satan. Discard your best friend Satan and all his minions, demons and satanic entities, and evil agenda against the Living God of Creation manifest in Jesus Christ.
My friend. It is time to make a new best friend. A friend indeed! The new best friend you need is Jesus Christ. The only friend you need is JESUS CHRIST. When you choose Jesus the Christ from God as your only friend, the LORD Strong and Mighty selects the best friends you need to befriend you in this mortal realm. You know something. You do need friends and best friends. God wants us to love one another. As long as you have only one first best friend named JESUS. Jesus called us believers his friends! Hallelujah.
That's the only time and the definite time you in return dump Satan before he dumps you. For your own good. RESIST the evil Satan the Devil from Hell and the evil devil from the pits of Hell will flee from you.
Your resistance is in Jesus Christ. Your mode of resistance is the Holy Spirit.
Gear up! Now. Now now! God's arms are mighty to save you. Elohim already did: HE SENT JESUS. Now, today, do your part.
I love you always. Pray. Pray. PRAY. Stay with the Christ. Blessings overflow!
~Servant Hortense