Hello everyone! My Liberian People. A major event has climaxed in our country. Campaign 2023 is over. All I want to say this morning is thank you to God. Thank you LORD JESUS.
The circus of the last few months is over. May normal life resume in the Republic of Liberia. Let normalcy become the new normal in the Republic of Liberia. Everybody must slow down, and rest from aggression and those traits that do not bring about good.
To the Younger Generation, hear me. Politics is not a way of life. Politics is a game. Politics is a professional career. Politics is an artful game career politicans play every four or six years to keep their jobs. Politics is a necessary deed in the execution of democratic principles. If you choose Democracy as your guide, there must be elected officials. Politics is the governing method to get elected officials. Politics is a game at its best and at its worst. Politics is how career politicans make their living. It is imposible for all the young people in a country to become politicians. You are not a politician. FOCUS on yourself. Start now.
Get off the streets, young people and face your uncertain future. Vigorous campaigning is over. Everybody can go back to their old life. Many to their comfortable lives. Many are winding down in the comfort of luxury and ease. Where did you go home to? Where are many of you winding down? Get off the streets, men and women, and begin to think on your future. Get off the streets adult aged people who still think of yourselves as "we the youth". Sit quietly in a corner and think about how you are going to use the opportunities, failures, possibilities, situations, circumstances, frustrations, goodness, disappointments, pain, joy, and all other things that life will throw at you. Think on how to make your life better. Get from in the streets shouting political slogans, singing nonsense songs and militant phrases, and sit down easy for at least one whole day. Sit down and be quiet to think about your life. Where you have done wrong, repent and seek God's forgiveness. Forgive yourself and forgive all others you hold anything against. Prepare to MOVE ON.
Think. Then PRAY. Sit down a lil bit in your quietness and see what the Holy Spirit will bring to your mind. THINK about your own tomorrow. Elections is over. Campaign season is over. Regardless who is President of Liberia, you are still you. You will always be yourself. For the next six years it will be you yourself and you. You have not become president. You are just same ole you. The exact person you woke up as this morning and all the mornings of the past campaign season. Your person is still your person. YOURSELF. You are that exact personality you have always been. Work on yourself. Politics is not a way of life. Let me repeat this again. Politics is a game professional politicans play every 4 or 6 years to keep their jobs. Politics is a profession people choose as a career. FOCUS on yourself now.

Hear me everyone! When the dust settles today, not everyone will be pleased. When the dust setttles today, not everyone will be sad. When the dust settles today and the results are finally proclaimed to the world, not everyone will dance and not everyone will mourn. People will rejoice. People will cry. Everyone will handle the news the best way they know how. Each in their own interest.
When the dust settles today, forgive your friends and enemies. And MOVE ON.
Campaign season is over. Period the end. Campaigning for Public Office 2023 is over. The end of the last months of campaign season has come. GET OVER IT. Get over it. Forgive your friends. Forgive your enemies. Forgive Everybody who has made you mad, sad, disappointed, vex, angry, bitter, perplexed, confused... Just forgive all around. Please! It will take massive amounts of forgiveness to get our collective national mentality back on track.
Friends have hurt you with their decisions. Enemies have hurt you with their decisions. Friends have disappointed you with their decisions. Enemies have dissapointed with their decisions. FORGIVE ALL.
Resist Satan. Do not allow the Devil to hold you hostage. Resist Satan. Resist evil in any and every form. Expel wickedness from your heart and your entire being. Do not fall for Malice. Do not entertain Jealousy. Do not play with Jealousy. Run away from Envy. Do not receive or give Hate. Do not hold on to Grudge. Do not plan Vendatta. Do not seek Revenge. Do not Plot Evil for another person. Do not plan Harm against people. Stay away from the voodoo and witchcraft to destroy your enemies and your own friends. When wickedness creep into your heart and your thoughts, tell it to get out right away. Talk to yourself and tell yourself you reject wickedness and evil. Resist the Devil. Drive Satan away from your life. Do not add to your frustrations by adding more sin to your soul. LET IT GO.
Another thing. It is time to put this obsession with Tribalism and Dialect Speaking out of our country. Hear me. Liberia must turn away from the "tribalism" agenda. A Liberian is a Liberian first. Tribes and dialects are not supposed to divide a people. Celebrate your diversity. Celebrate the good in all. Let's try to change what is negative about ourselves. Let's hold on to the good in us. Let us embrace what is positive about our Country. We are first and foremost Liberian people. What is positive is our Liberian spirit. Our Liberian pride. Our Liberian way. Our unique Liberian culture and lifestyle. The way we know how to be "Liberian people". This is the way to get us to that place we are trying to reach. Good heart for one another will get us far far far. Far! Far. Good heart will take us the distance we need to go.
Hear me once more. In this world, you do not get what you deserve; you do get what you CONTEND IN PRAYER for. Hear me. Whatever you pray to God for, in the name of Jesus Christ, you will get.
We can turn this country into any place. Liberia is already a God-created paradise on earth. Look around you. See the gorgeous landscape. Look at the climate. Feel the temperature. Look at the sunshine. Feel the rain. Look at your beaches, forests, natural resources. Look at the gold, diamond, and precious metals. Look at the soil under your feet. Look around you and see GOD HAS BLESSED this country called LIBERIA.
Hear me one more time. PRAY. If you want something good you must go to the person who is the giver of every good and perfect thing: ALMIGHTY GOD. The Bible says "every good and perfect gift comes God above... Amen.
Find your strength in the Scripture (James 1:16-18 NLT): "So don't be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. HE chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all crations, became his prized possession." James 1:16-18.
Together, let's pray these three prayer-points together, expressing our flaws and frailties. We must admit we are nothing without Almighty God. We come short before God.
PRAY with me: LORD thank you for loving me even when I am not serious with God. Amen.
PRAY with me: LORD please stop me being a foolish person who like nonsense. Amen.
PRAY with me: LORD GOD, please help me to stop being a lazy spineless Christian. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I come before you in the name of Jesus. You alone are God. Beside you, there is none other worthy of my worship and my praise. LORD, I ask you to please forgive my sins. Please open my eyes to see what you have in store for my life. Heavenly Father, I want your will to be done in my life. Show me the way. Teach me how to find my path in life. Guide my steps. Guard my heart. Protect my space. Deliver me from evil. Hide me from the face of evil. Cover me from Satan's arrows. Make me a person you can use for your purpose. Reveal to me what your plan is for my future. Make me better today than I was yesterday. Make my present reflect the tomorrow you are preparing me for today. Give me peace. Bring me joy. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Order my life. Keep my feet from slipping into wrong. Bless my hands to be able to feed my body. Lord Jesus, stay in my life. Let me walk the straight way. Turn my sorrows into gladness. I am lost without you. Please help me find my way today and for the rest of my life.
PRAY WITH YOUR OWN WORDS. Pray! Keep Praying! Keep praying because God listens.
TO ALL Christians: Wear your priestly JESUS regalia. Put on the full armour of God Almighty. Open your eyes see and to seek Almighty God. Open your mind to accept that Jesus Christ is the only way forward. Christ the Messiah is the only way for Liberia, Jesus Christ is the only solution for a broken world. Christ is coming soon! The whole world will know soon that Jesus Christ is LORD. Jesus is LORD of Lords and KING of Kings! Every knee will bow and every tongue will tell it. Soon.
Liberia. Open your eyes and pray LIBERIA into God's Way. Then we shall have good success!
I love you today. I love you tomorrow. I love you always, my wonderful LIBERIAN PEOPLE. Through thick and thin, through good and bad, through happy and sad, I love you always! I wish you God's best.
~Servant Hortense