Monday, June 30, 2014

No Surprises, Not even Today...

"I know not what the future has, be it marvel or surprise, … I only know I cannot drift beyond God’s love and care. ... And if your heart and flesh are weak to bear an untried pain, the bruised reed, you, God will not break, but rather, The Lord will strengthen and sustain you." (Paraphrase, old hymn, “I Know Not What the Future Hath” – John Whittier 1807).

Live fully today knowing that grace and mercy are abundant. So says Jesus. God Almighty has promised to supply new dosage of mercy every morning and sustain you by HIS grace. God keeps EVERY promise He makes. My friend, I can’t say this enough to you: LIVE. Choose life and all of it. No circumstance is worth giving up on life. You are stronger than that. Our God is indestructible...Everlasting!
Personally, here I am this morning bursting with joy, and the Lord makes me write words to soothe a hurting heart. Truly, it is never about oneself when it comes to how Jesus operates. Someone out there who is reading this piece needs God’s assurance now. Please know that the Lord has His eyes fixed on you right this moment. The Almighty Perfect Holy God, creator of Heaven and earth, has heard you. That searing pain ripping through your heart, Jesus caught it. Let yourself rest in God’s ableness. Find strength in God’s love. And go on living. Live right through that tough moment, now.

Live life fully, in decency and taste. With reverence to Almighty God. Enjoy the sweet moments. Accept all moments. In God’s hands, they are beautiful. Whatever you do, LIVE at all cost. You do not have an alternative; I just took it away from you. So there, I command you to LIVE. Jesus Christ said to tell you, “GO ON LIVING.” You are never beyond God’s love and care.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Weekend Thoughts (JoyGiver Jesus)

Hello my friend. How are you? I hope all is well at your end. I know weekends are sometimes a little hard for some of you. The thrill of the work week isn't there. You feel lost without "your important weekday job!?"  Ha! Ha! Give yourself a break. Life is happening all around you. Embrace all aspects of it, with new and renewed energy!! 

You’ve had a busy week…Didn’t find time to check in with Jesus. That’s not right, but it’s okay; God gives many chances. Catch up today. Right now—PRAY. Try not to get swayed in the wrong directions because of all the sad news. Jesus Christ is joy giver. JoyGiver Jesus!!! Chat with Him. Do not venture in this world without God. The Lord makes sense of senseless issues. God knows how to straighten out tough matters. Jesus has a hammer that breaks up hard tasks into manageable components. Trust ALMIGHTY GOD.
May your day be full of SURprises. Surplus in all ways—so, so many blessings! May good come running after you. 
Pray for the World. Pray for the country you live in. Pray for the country you were born in. Pray for the country you grew up in. Pray for the country of people you know. Pray for everybody else’s country…you get my drift. You and I have to live here. It is your business what happens to our world. Prayer makes a difference. But we must PRAY in order for PRAYER to work. Pray about global matters.

Happy Saturday!!! Enjoy yourself. Make it a Fufu N Soup day: Gather together with loved ones and eat soup; talk loud about nothings; laugh your hearts out! That’s African styled weekend fun. Whatever you do today; wherever you go today…God’s protective eyes are watching over you, and looking out for you.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.  Visit

Monday, June 23, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

Take a Pause to Enjoy the Lord

"How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young--a place near your altar. O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you." (Psalm 84:1-4 NIV)

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and encouraged. Visit

Sunday, June 15, 2014

I Welcome 50

50. Welcome to my world, Fifty! I hope you are ready for me as I am ready for you, 50! I plan to give you a run for your money. I hope you are ready for a fierce partner. Together lets be fierce! I plan to fiercely live and love. Fiercely worship God. Fiercely serve Jesus Christ. Fifty(ies) I do not plan to sit you out. I intend to dance every single day of my life. Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually—Oh what a dance it will be.

In the last hours of yesterday, I danced half a century away. I danced into being the beginning of the second half century of my life. Truth be told, for a long while I did not think I would live to be 50 years old. With a grateful heart I say, Thank you Lord for keeping all your promises to me. I’d been dancing all night; beginning repeatedly with, “I’m Amazed (Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir). Concluding with one of my favorites, and my theme song for 50, “I Hope You Dance” (LeAnn Womack). I’ve played this song over 20 times this night. Woohoo!

Several years ago I made my peace with shoulda coulda woulda—all my missed moments. Firmly putting all the uglies of life to rest. I realized no amount of hell or hell bent hearts would make me lose my wonder. I embrace passion, love, dance, joy, song. I’ve been given a chance to sit it or dance. Guess what! I choose to dance. I agree with LeAnn W. May you never take one single breath for granted. When you stand by the ocean, please do feel small. I guarantee you when one door closes God will open another. Just know that when you give faith a fighting chance, God leaves you breathless! Dream big for yourself. The path of least resistance wasn’t intended to make you settle. Take those chances and translate them into captures! This thing called loving might not always turn out happy. But never, never, not take the chance to experience love. Whenever you find your heart’s been broken, no matter how many times… Ditch the bitterness. Love comes around many times… God is love! My friend, don’t you dare sell out—Always reconsider. And because heaven is above and Jesus Christ resides up there, ALWAYS keep your gaze UP. That is where help is.

My friend, I have been given the chance to sit it out or dance. You know what I’m choosing. I chose to dance. That is how I began ushering in my 50th birthday today—dancing. The praise-a-thon of my final countdown to 50 climaxed with the song, “I Get On My Knees” (Nicole Mullen). I prepared for prayer time by singing the hymn, “My Jesus I Love Thee.” Hymns are my thing, you know. The Hymns transport me into a place of deeper worship. Immediately, I fell face down on my knees before the Creator of heaven and earth. In thanksgiving I honored Jesus Christ for the gift of this milestone birthday. I worshipped God for who He is. I thanked the Lord for the gift of life—every aspect of my life. I am blessed that I could welcome my 50th birthday, alone on my knees. When midnight rolled in I was laying prostrate before the King of Kings, welcoming 50 into my world. How blessed and favor this child of God is! Thank you, Lord.

I do not intend to sit it out, not once. Life is too precious. You should embrace your life, too. Join me friends, (and foes too if there be any out there) and make your life a celebration. Celebrate the beautiful you that Jesus Christ has made out of nothing. You are here; right here, right now. And you are a child of God. It does not get any better than that. Thank you to my wonderful circle of friends, you know yourselves. You make this journey fun. Thanks to family, loved ones, acquaintances, children of God, you make life a pleasure. Thanks to those who encourage and inspire me to continue the work I try to do, you make HortenseInspiration happen. Thanks to the strangers and the passerbys, you too have a place. We are all God’s children—we need one another more than we recognize.

In closing, let’s each be one another’s keeper. Live large, and it has nothing to do with means or much. It has to do with heart—Live with a large heart! Love much. Forgive more. Laugh often. Pray always. Don’t you dare sit it out. Go Dance!

Blessings galore.

Your friend,

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Father's Day

For the many wonderful deeds you do every day of the year. For the sacrifices you make for your children. For the love you show your wives and daughters. For the reverence you give to the Lord Jesus. For making the effort to be the best man you could be.  Here's wishing all of you fathers, grandfathers, brothers, sons, uncles, cousins, friends and men of God....... 
Enjoy an extra ordinary time!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Launching "Hortense Inspiration Quote Book"

Today is the launch of Hortense Inspiration Quote Book. Thanks be to the Lord, God Almighty, the "CREATOR" of all creativity. To God be the glory! Celebrate your life knowing that God has got you fully covered. Jesus Christ has got your back.  Let your life reflect Him.

I say, with reverence, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Rise Shine Give God the Glory...

Earlier this week I needed reinforcement. God heard us. One of my warrior partners reminded me of the old chorus, "Rise! Shine! Give God the glory... I'm a soldier of the cross...!" In reply, I sang out, "Every round goes higher, higher! Every Round goes Higher, Higher! ...I'm a soldier of the cross."
My friend, I come to tell you, GOD ANSWERS PRAYER. That is a FACT of life. I urge you to rise up, shine for Jesus, glorify God. The Lord will lift you higher in your faith.

This bloom is a symbol of you when God breathes on you daily. That's how you look! Pure and green with new growth in Jesus! Laugh my friend. Celebrate one more day on planet earth!

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense Grimes
Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired. Visit

Monday, June 9, 2014

God is Chance

"When it comes to His children, God leaves nothing to chance. Whatever happens in the life of a child of God is destined. If we let Him, the Lord will use every facet to His glory. Even the least of circumstances gets woven into the Master's plan. Give the Lord permission to manage your life."
Hortense Duarma Grimes, "She Shall Stand"