In one of the many visitations I have been blessed to behold from The Lord, Almighty God is revealed to me in these words: "... I am God. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am big. Mankind wants to contain me... mortal man wants to fit me in an image they think I am. The creature wants to contain the Creator into their limited minds. I am big. I am God. I fill time, space, and void. I am big ..." (Full revelation and message is published in HORTENSE Magazine 2013 Christmas Special Edition. Also in audio format in the Christmas Classic Series. -Visit
All I'm saying this morning is, Almighty God is huge. The ways of Almighty God are "... As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways ..." Isaiah 55:9. My friend, God does not tell untruths. What The Lord has said about Himself in the Bible is exactly who He is. I come to testify to you, prophecy in your life, coach, tell and teach you, simply, that Almighty God is big. Almighty God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is One God. The only true and living God is bigger than your mortal mind could ever comprehend. Almighty God manifested himself in human form, as God the Son Jesus Christ. For your benefit. Jesus Christ is phenomenal. Jesus loves you with a perfect love. The Lord is the lover of your soul. Big, infinite, matchless, soul redeeming, tremendously astounding, Jesus Christ. You ought to know him today. You would go far places in Jesus.
I like African movies. When I had more free time on my hands it was one of my favorite leisure activities. Discovered during one of my life's darkest periods, those movies became a source of comfort at a time of deep despair. As I mourned and groaned over major losses--loss of trust, marriage, love, financial stability, good health, possessions--you name it I've seen it. Endured it. A comforting thought was the constant wishful feeling of being home where I was born and raised. The movies took me back to the culture of my childhood. It felt safe to recreate the innocence of childhood. Back then there were no complexities to deal with. Hahahaha(!)...had I fully understood and believed how my Lord Jesus would shortly perk me up and fill me with strength, hope, and joy. More joy than I have ever known! Multiple Rounds would quickly emerge. Some of the same stuff plus new stuff. But each time it met a different, confident, woman of God. Round Two met a seasoned, matured follower of Christ. The impact was zero. Subsequent Rounds have met Teflon; nothing can stick. Hallelujah!!! These days my laughter is lasting. My smile is tattooed on my face for good. The pep in my step is rocking. The twinkle in my eye is captivating even to myself. The point I'm making is, Jesus Christ makes ALL the difference. You ought to know that. You ought to make sure your life has an anchor like Jesus. What awaits you when you place faith and trust in Almighty God is unexplainable by human terms. My friend, you ought to take Jesus and run with Him. The Lord is your source. Allow Jesus to be all the resources you need. The Lord is absolutely phenomenal. I know you could use such a friend. Your life needs such a bolster. There is no better support system than Jesus Christ.
In the words of a joyful chorus I learned from the African movies:
"Allelujah eh. Allelujah eh. I go worship my God, he go do ahm for me! Allelujah eh eh eh Amen! Allelujah eh. Allelujah eh. I go worship my God, he go fit ahm for me. Allelujah eh eh eh. Amen!"
(TRANSLATION: "Hallelujah, so it shall be! Amen. I will worship my God; He will elevate me far beyond anybody's imagination. Hallelujah, so it shall be! It shall be so. Amen. I will worship my God; He will set me up highest! Hallelujah, so it shall be. It shall be so. Amen.")
This is my prayer and wish for you. My friend, keep taking it one day at a time, with faith. May you know increase, today. In Jesus name.
Your friend,
Servant Hortense Grimes