If ever there was an urgency for a call to prayer, now is that time. Time for the body of Christ, THE CHURCH, to rise up and begin an ongoing national revival. How like us, The Church, to whine much, but remain careless in prayer and slovenly evangelism. These are the last days! Scriptures tell us what these days will be like. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled minute by minute. Christians, it is good to talk and speak your piece, but it is even better to pray some things away. You have been given the authority to do that. For every one minute expressing outrage at the ridiculous stances occurring daily spend five minutes in prayer, bringing down strongholds and breaking yokes. We are experiencing spiritual warfare. Prayer is the ammunition of choice for these times. Starting with each of you, let us begin neighborhood prayer walks, community prayer rallies, tent meetings and camp meetings revivals, Holy Spirit fire-power prayer services. Let's keep it going round the clock, statewide and nationwide. Pray until this nation is overrun by prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ. Seems the more we express outrage the worse the culture gets. Shift strategy--speak up and pray away simultaneously. Do not take it sitting down; take it praying up. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.
If you'd like a starting point, adopt the "Do It For Christ USA Noon Prayer Campaign". Or start your own prayer agenda. Christians, we are followers of Christ. Jesus Christ told us to pray without ceasing! That is, just like you take a breath, pray nonstop. Let us pray.
Blessings and peace
Servant Hortense Grimes