Sunday, August 26, 2018

Righteousness in the Valley Liberia 2018

DO IT FOR CHRIST MINISTRY Outreach Branches Campaigns and Raids 2018

Operation Righteousness In The Valley
Individual Prayerfest for Liberia by all Liberians who love Liberia
(10 days of strategic prayer) August 22nd – August 31st 2018

It is easy to shout Jesus from the mountaintop. Often, it is in the valley that one’s song is tested. What is the rhythm of your valley chorus? What are the lyrics coming from the depths where you may be? Is it Jesus all the way! There is the breakthrough. Freedom comes with the praise. Liberty comes with worship. Love the Lord even through circumstances that stifle your voice. Shout glory through the chokehold and you would become like hot charcoal in the enemy’s hand. You would be let go. Set free to glorify Christ. Liberia must align with its purpose. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. When the nation is aligned with its purpose then shall the restoration begin.

 ~Righteousness in the Valley~

Liberians, spend the next 10 days praying for the righteousness of Christ to override the temperament of man (men and women). Liberia must be gloved in prayer and worship. Undergirth the Republic of Liberia with collective prayer. Desperate times call for determined measures—Let Us Pray. In the name of Jesus Christ so Almighty God can hear us. Align the nation with its purpose and the restoration will begin. Amen.

 ~Righteousness in the Valley~

Operation Righteousness in the Valley is a Prayerfest conducted individually. Pray for Liberia if you love Liberian. Go to The Father one on one, no one is watching. Just you and God. Make a commitment to pray for your Country’s righteousness in the valley. Liberia must align with its purpose. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. When the nation is aligned with its purpose then shall the restoration begin.

Do It For Christ Ministry Outreach Branches (MOBs)
Operation Righteousness In The Valley
Individual Prayerfest for Liberia by all Liberians who love Liberia (10 days of strategic prayer)
August 22nd – August 31st 2018

Do It For Christ Ministry Outreach Branches Campaigns and Raids 

Do It For Christ International has seven (7) Ministry Outreach Branches (MOBs). MOBs have many and varied functions. One type of MOBs activity includes Operating raids and campaigns, tailored to personal spiritual development. 
MOBs Raids are assault missions carried out by the individual, against evil and temptations which threaten personal wellbeing and good character traits. Individuals stand on the promises of God Almighty to achieve righteousness, in Jesus, by discarding the sins which so easily beset you. The purpose is to drive out Satan and his mercenaries from attacking one’s mind and attitude. 
MOBs Campaigns target spiritual integrity, housekeeping and character sanitation. Raids and campaigns are designed to preserve one’s personal spiritual space by being proactive with your faith. Every operation aims to replenish the individual with fruits of the Holy Spirit, arsenals found in Jesus Christ. 
Whereas an individual operates in secret, the heavenly father rewards openly, once again transforming a person’s life. If you move towards Jesus Christ the Lord will move towards you. The end result is that your spiritual territory is refortified with the might and power of Almighty God. Make a Commitment to operate with Jesus.

Do It For Christ Ministries International
Servant Hortense D. Grimes

Be encouraged, motivated and inspired.  Visit
Socialize with us:  ## Twitter: #Himotivat

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Checkpoint...The Point Is

NO to impulsive actions. Jump NOT at basic first instincts. Revolutions never bring peace along with it. In moments of anger reality gets distorted. The bag of rice never was offered for sale at ten dollars ($10). Just a ploy which incited people to unrest. 

Produce became scarce. Inflammatory language does harm for the hearer and soothes the speaker. Reports of wide scale oppression were false rhetoric. Next thing I know those so-called learned men moving for justice in Africa were plundering for self. Empty coffin and the palaver hut. Imagine a RAID on Lux in Tenebris. Rice riots. Seriously!

Who burns down a century of nation building for a bag of Parboiled rice? Seriously. Work gone down in smoke. Worth gone up in char. Who would decimate a population because of a bag of rice! Cannot climb stairs without climbing steps. No can't do. Really believed thugs would govern better than law and order. From poverty to overnight wealth. Real oppression began. Darkness. Sickness. Uneducated masses. Poverty stricken population. Mattress traded for bare floors: No mats anywhere. 

Fighters for freedom freely plunder and exploit. Now you know what suppression means. Any more movement for justice? Not so pal. What for sup? Would be nice to afford a decent meal every day! Just one a day would suffice. Come do comedy. This day and age is too serious for play. People burned down a whole country, one hundred plus years of sacrifice and labor to build a nation, for a bag of parboiled rice! Would you decimate a population for a sack of produce? Vast farmlands lay waste. Dormant vitality.

Mounds of garbage. Now that is oppression. Filth breeds filth. Shacks everywhere! Metal doors steel plates iron rods board you in. Oppression takes many forms. Progressive indeed. On a scale of one to ten. Negative one. Depends who is  counting. One hundred and seventy years later. Maybe. Preferences. Can teach you a thing or two. Checkpoint. #ReconcileLiberia #RaisetheBar

Check the point. Checkpoint. The Point Is... Check It.  

(HortenseInspiration Online Publications © Copyright 2017 Hortense Duarma Grimes)

Servant Hortense D. Grimes
Spiritual Motivator and Jesus-gospel Minister
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries

Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: Visit
Socialize with us: // Twitter: #HImotivat

*Writing includes local Liberian vernacular

Drill To The Beat

The Narratives dominating the land must change. The Hate agenda must be thwarted. Gorgeous Liberia. An accomplished nation and not a failed state. Breathtaking Liberia. A beacon of hope and not collateral for despair. LIBERIA best chance is a reconciled nation of one united people. This is why we must not and can never give up on our Liberia. All good voices blended. Every complaint accompanied by suggestions for solutions. We must drill to the beat: Left. Right. Forward March. #ReconcileLiberia  

Government must provide the environment. Citizens must commit to hard work and diligence in moving country ahead. Lazy people hush up. Hard workers take the lead. All hands needed on deck. All minds focused on thinking progress for one people. Every heritage respected. All experiences relevant. All stories told. Each heart opened to forgive. Every soul ready for reconciliation. Because,Frankly, nobody has been able to tell which came first, the chicken or the egg. Liberia needs all hands on deck to restore the ship and keep it sailing. 
The Republic of Liberia needs the mindset of all her children focused on thinking progress for one people.

Join the Movement CHANGING THE NARRATIVES #RaisetheBar #ReconcileLiberia

Servant Hortense D. Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God
Spiritual Motivator and Jesus-gospel Minister
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries

Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: Visit
Socialize with us: // Twitter: #HImotivat

Friday, August 10, 2018

A Nightly Exercise

God Almighty is big. I most certainly do not have all the answers. I pray my way through life. I hold on to Jesus hand and trust my way to him. This one thing I do know for sure: Jesus Christ is bigger than everything else combined. May I encourage you with this thought, my friend: That big ugly thing called fear is just big for nothing. Fear must not paralyze you. Do not allow fear to disable you. Fear must be pushed aside so we can think straight and reason well. Fear must be eradicated so that, collectively, we can articulate our thoughts and ideas, formulate plans, and chart new pathways for moving our country forward. #ReconcileLiberia

I have a feeling, in Liberia today Satan has devised a new strategy to keep us right where the devil prefers this country to be. A prevailing atmosphere of fear, defeat and dysfunction. Let us pray until every semblance of fear and confusion would run away from our country. Every grip that wants to choke Liberia will dissolve like an ice block placed in hot weather. Every mechanism fashioned to bring this country to its knees will crumble to minuscule pieces. Every hate and hateful agenda will disintegrate beyond recognition. God will arise and scatter every evil machination against Liberia. Let God arise by your prayers to him.
Tonight before you go to bed, say a special prayer that God will have mercy on Liberia. Pray that God Almighty will dispense wisdom and place humility in the hearts of the President and Officials in Liberia. Pray for compassionate leaders to emerge in the Republic of Liberia. Pray for all the people to become god-fearing. Pray for a godly environment. Pray that God will ceremoniously remove the vices that are determined to wreak havoc on this fragile nation. Pray that common sense, love for nation, and fear of God will find its way to the highest offices in the land. Pray especially for the leader God has allowed to rule us this day. Pray for direction of our country. Pray for a transformed Liberia. Then lift up your hands and worship God, for at least three minutes before you say Amen and end your prayer time.
Believers in Almighty God and Jesus Christ, it is in our power to override any direction that is adverse to the will of God for our land. Do not just get discouraged and slow down to a halt. Rise up and lift your voice and watch Almighty God straighten things out immediately. If you do not pray, you are agreeing to whatever wrongs there are. If you do not pray, you have allowed everything to happen. If you do not pray, you have only yourself to blame for anything that happens. So get up and say your prayer. Pray with faith and trust and belief in God Almighty. #RaisetheBar
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:12-14 Holy Bible KJV)
There is too much at stake to remain silent. Use your voice and PRAY for your country, Liberia. Pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Prayer will accomplish everything good. The Word himself said in the Word of God, “Ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.” 
Liberia, LET US PRAY tonight. Amen.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense D. Grimes
Do It For Christ Ministries

Be encouraged, motivated, and inspired: Visit
Socialize with us:  // Twitter: #HImotivat

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Liberia 26th Is On You - Independence Address

This presentation, first delivered July 26, 2014 in an Online publication, is HORTENSEINSPIRATION Unofficial 26th Day Statement delivered by Servant Hortense D. Grimes, on the occasion of the 167th  Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Liberia. The Writing is being reproduced as part of a comprehensive collection of media material for dissemination purposes, in the Movement #ReconcileLiberia #RaisetheBar.  
Congratulations, Liberia, on our Independence Day. Happy 26th to the Republic of Liberia, and all people of Liberian heritage. May we continue as a nation established on the principles of Christ and a God-fearing people. One unified country cognizant of the rights of every citizen and those within its borders. One nation tolerant of the faith and beliefs of all. Yet, unapologetically asserting a profound declaration that it is only The Almighty God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) which has brought Liberia this far. Recognize you are a people with a proud enviable heritage. Pledge to never sacrifice your country’s ethics and values. Vow to do your part and lift Liberian to a place of prominence in the eyes of God and the world. Let us uphold the moral fabric of this sovereign “One Nation, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”
Republic of Liberia, you must accept responsibility for where you find yourself, the spot you now occupy, in the Roster of Nations. Liberia, accept that you have failed in more ways than one. You have failed your citizenry, your most precious possession. You have failed your babies, your youth, your elderly, your sick and helpless, the downtrodden—all your people.

Republic of Liberia, for a nation that is 167 years old, you are wasting precious time! Liberia, have you not wasted enough time already? The nation that is the most powerful in the entire world is 238 years old; you are 167 years—how far behind are you? Liberia, open your eyes and seek Godly wisdom that you would contribute well and meaningfully to the processes that affect your life. Your existence is being threatened while you pleasantly act sluggish. Only God can rescue the republic. Liberia, you must turn to that Almighty God. The Lord has promised to hear you and DELIVER you. If I know anything, I know that Jesus Christ is a promise keeper.

Liberia is rich with natural resources; untapped mineral deposits around the country. … A country’s natural resources are God’s natural blessings to all generations of that land. A country’s rich natural resources should translate to economic success for the people of that nation. It is blessed wealth to be enjoyed by every citizen.” ~Hortense Duarma Grimes, "She Shall Stand"

Republic of Liberia, reject ignorance, disease, and poverty. Regardless of who serves it in silver platters edged with empty, elaborate gestures; reject Ignorance, Disease and Poverty. Liberia, say NO to terror. Say NO to hate and prejudice. Liberia, say NO to racism (non-negro descent), tribal dissension, ethnic cleansing, clandestine interference, and ungodly influences. Absolutely say NO to violence—Violence of any forms, shape or type.

Republic of Liberia, set priorities and stop dispensing time and energy on compounded nonsense. Embrace education, information, communication, and innovation. Embrace the reality of basic infrastructure and sanitation, technological advances, healthcare, and human dignity. Embrace good, vibrant leadership, transparency, equality, and fairness. Liberia, reject loud verbosity and hollow grandiose promises that are aimed only to lined new pockets.

Republic of Liberia, seek the face of Almighty God, that the Lord, Jehovah, would raise the nation to its intended purpose and bring the republic to its expected end.

On this 167th birthday of this nation, Liberia should not be embroiled in a plague-like crisis, compounded by abject poverty, filthy conditions and sewage-infested rainy waters consuming its precious resources, the people. When the bad outweighs the good in any situation, that situation is not good!

As you celebrate and merry make on this day, ask yourself, “What kind of Liberian am I?”
Vow to do your part and lift Liberian to a place of prominence in the eyes of God, and the world.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense D. Grimes
Spiritual Motivator and Jesus-Gospel Minister
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries

(First written and published July 26, 2014 (c) copyright material)

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Freedom from the Green-Eyed Monster

Off the many societal ills amid I cannot help but notice “something” of which I would like to sound an alarm. The something has its grip woven tightly around the many it has embraced. That something is festering in hearts, lives, and personal outlooks. It appears the something is spreading uncontrollable through hearts, homes, neighborhoods, communities and cities. The something is destroying individuals and families, friendships and relationships. Left unharnessed, that something promises to become a social epidemic of enormous proportions, especially in budding habitats. #RaisetheBar
Each person has a responsibility to search within you for signs of that something and to stop it dead in its track. If you find it sneaking into your person, do not allow it to proceed any further; squash it.

Jealousy, the Green-eyed Monster, steals into the soul and gnaws away at the fiber of a person's being. It quickly becomes consuming and in a short period it will envelop the entire self. Jealously is a hideous characteristic. It is a vile emotion. It never results in good. It destroys what little good it finds. Jealousy

Have you learned to control your tongue? Do you speak poorly of others because you are too bitter to applaud someone? Did you realize that when you speak poorly of another, you are giving a poor assessment of yourself? When you thrash the name of another you are telling that you are too little to see the big in that person. You are saying aloud, to everybody listening, that you are too small to see the large in things and people around you. Let's hope it's not you, my friend.
As long as you live the standards will always be set: high and low, good and bad. There will always be people who fit either one. Where do you fit? What are your standards? Do you have any standards? What's your measurement? How is your yardstick calibrated? Did you set those standards? So why are you not happy with the results? #ReconcileLiberia.
My friend, here is consolation for you: all human beings are created equal in the sight of Almighty God. It is time to see yourself as God sees you. You are a person made in God’s image. Do you think enough of yourself to be happy for yourself? If not, do something to fix whatever it is that makes you unhappy with you? Are you satisfied with your life? If not, why are you dissatisfied? Do something about it; something positive that will change yours to a fulfilled existence. Can you find it in you to appreciate yourself for the person you are? Can you love you?
Maybe this will help you! See yourself as God sees you! God sees you as a person worth dying for, and Jesus did on the cross. You must be special. Free yourself to love the special you! Ask the Lord to help you get peacefully to the status you want to reach. Remember, every time you hurt someone with acts of jealousy, you block a blessing from coming to you; because you never know who's bringing the blessings the Lord is sending your way. God uses all His children as messengers, on this earth. 
You are what you are; you are a sum total of all your character traits. If that "total" does not please you, ask God to give you grace and sum up a new total. While you're at it, ask the Lord to give you Peace and fill your heart with Contentment.
Ask Jesus to help you get back to that person He created you to be. Pray and ask Jesus Christ to strip you off those vices that have overtaken you. Fast and pray and ask the Lord to forgive you and fix you. He can remove those ugly bad ways that you've possessed. Only by God's grace can you become a better person. And the good news is,That Grace is Free to all. Our Lord stands ready to clean the page. He wouldn’t even remember how you used to be. The old ways will be thrown into oblivion. You’ll get a fresh start!
Call on Jesus. He has paid the price for every sin and all our stains. All you have to do is ask Him to help you accept His freedom. When you free yourself and let go of ills, you would become all that God created you to be. You will enjoy all that God has in store for you. You will enjoy the freedom of a pure heart and clean hands and a resultant incredible life. 
Do not forget: Search within you for signs of jealousy and stop it dead in its tracks. If you find that green-eyed monster sneaking into your person, do not allow it to proceed any further; squash it hard. Squash jealousy out of you. All you have to do is ask Jesus and trust the Lord. You would be set free and victorious. And your blessings will flow in your life.
("Freedom from the Green-Eyed Monster” by Hortense Duarma Grimes © copyright 2012 HortenseInspiration Soul Provision Series.)

Blessings and Peace,
Servant Hortense D. Grimes
Do It For Christ Ministries