Monday, March 30, 2020

Ignite Light Moments

Prayer is #1. Worship is #1. Belief and trusting the Lord is #1. Keep faith and remaining faithful is #1.
I have been wondering what else I could do for others during this lock down period. Personally, I haven’t had a dull moment. I have not had one single moment of fear or trepidation. I have not felt anxious one bit. No worry. No fretting. What…Hortense! For me, former lifetime executive & past president of international worry organization, that is phenomenal growth. Only God.
If you know me personally, you would know I am almost a comedian. No matter how profound the circumstances, at some point, I will find something to at least smile at. My coping mechanism for life includes humor. Before, during, or after any situation, I find the humor in it to help me cope with the reality of it.
I love laughter. I love to laugh. I like fun and making fun. I like listening to funny stories and will holler and laugh out loud. I often don’t laugh like a lady. When something is comical, I will holler and laugh my heart out. My conversations could quickly turn hilarious. Ask some people who know me like that like that. I’ve have a few friends who'd say they are just calling me for comic relief. The nerve of such people…what do you take me for!!! (laugh) Friends just got it like that, you know ehn!  I love my friends. I’ll do anything for the people I care about. Likewise, I want to try and do everything I can for God's people everywhere. In such times as these, every little good bit helps. 
As I thought about what else I can do this time, I arrived there. There, that place where we could help one another get through each day. There, that place where, by the grace of God, I could help you help yourself. Here is what I want to try. A virtual gathering where we can just share funny moments, lighter moments, and laugh at ourselves with one another. I have opened a conference call line.
Beginning Tuesday, March 31, 2020 and continuing until the lock down period has ceased. Call in to the number below. We will have an hour or two of “lite time”. Share funny moments and laugh at our own stories, past, present and future. Hopefully, we can lighten the load we’re carrying in this uncertain period. Try it with me. I’d love to laugh with you.
Beginning March 31, 2020, Join in the Virtual Conversation
~HortenseInspiration Lighter~
Tuesday and Thursday @ 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. EST) (until Lockdown ends)
Dial In Telephone No:  (978) 990-5000 
Access Code:  355133

My friend. You will get through this period. I want to beg you to please preserve your mental health. Protect your state of mind. Police the voices you allow into your ears. Sift the ton of information entering your spirit. Believe in the mighty power of Almighty God. Guard your mental capacity with positivity. Turn over your existence to Jesus Christ through prayer. The world is crying; the world does not have answers for itself; the world cannot save itself; the world needs you to continue to be the world. You are the world. I am the world. You and I make up the world. We are the world. Pray your way through this maze that has consumed our world. Our voices in prayer are the forces we need to upkeep our world. The world needs you for its continuity. You owe yourself mental fitness.
Armourize your thoughts with clean and wholesome thinking. Invite the Holy Spirit into your space. Rebuke fear. Drive fear away from you. Speak what you desire and watch it manifest daily. Rebuke the spirit of depression. You will get through this. We will get through this. Together. We will overcome. This will pass. You must do all you can to remain here and lift your hands joyfully when this too has passed. I love you. God loves you. Jesus thinks the world of you and loves you with his own dear life. Stay around. Be here. Whatever way I can help to lighten your load, let me know.
Much love from my end.

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit

All material copyrighted (c) Hortense Duarma Grimes 2011-2020. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Deep Anointing Exercise

Good morning my friend. Earlier this month, the Lord gave me this Exercise/Prayer, while I was preparing a Sermonette as another way to bring calm during these times. I immediately made it public through this Blog and several online platforms. By the admonishing of the Holy Spirit, I am reposting the prayer. It is a Deep Anointing exercise. Please perform it.

Place your hand on your head (touching forehead and frontal soft skull) and SAY:
I Plead the Blood of Jesus over my body that no pestilence will find me and I am hidden from this Corona virus. In Jesus name. 
Next step. Mother of your home must go and do same with everyone in the home, one by one, (any Adult can take the role) until every person in each home has said the prayer over yourself.

My Friend. We must take refuge in the Lord. God is our refuge. The Lord is our joy and the joy of the Lord is our strength. We must speak this madness of a virus away. This disease is not from God; only the Blood of Lamb, Jesus Christ, can remove it from the earth. Believers in Christ must continue to use our power that prayer gives us to bring solace and the return to normal that we need. 
God is still on the Throne. The prince of this world may roam uncontrollably if he likes, but the King has the final say. The King of Kings is the last word. Jesus Christ. The Battle is raging in the spiritual realm, but the victory has already been won for mankind. Call it down to earth by Prayer. Almighty Jehovah God is STILL ON THE THRONE with Jesus Christ sitting at His Right Hand. 
Thanks for hearing me out. Take care. I love you. I love you and my prayers are with you. Stay calm. Remain in prayer. Almighty Jehovah God’s got this. God loves you. Christ loves you beyond measure.
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

 Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense Duarma Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Make Good of the Down Time

My dear friend. You are strong and brave. Do not despair while you are on the go slow. There is a lot you can do in this down time. You can literally lift others up from despair. Out of the abundance of love in your heart, love others by sharing God's love. Love in action. 
You are more than a conqueror. You are victorious. You have the power of life and death in your tongue. Your tiny mustard seed faith can move mountains. You alone can change the direction of someone's life today. You hold the key to unlocking the hidden treasure in another. Do not stay quiet. Do not remain silent. 
During these turbulent times, the World is looking for voices. Use your voice for goodness. Use your voice to bring hope. Use your voice to initiate prayer. Use your voice to ignite laughter. Use your voice to remind people that watching over all of us is a mighty, never failing, all powerful, all knowing, infinite, kind, loving and generous God. Tell others of the good news that Jesus saves. 

I love you, my friend. You are in my prayers. Hold your peace. God will show up and fight for you. 

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit

Writings and literary compilations on HI BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Get Ready for Masterclass

All kinds of stuff happens in the arena called life. Every day something good and bad and cute and hideous happens. Issues and situations. Stuff happens. Circumstances and incidents. All kinds of stuff. Great stuff. Weird stuff. Life itself is a phenomenal teacher. Some learn. Some hear and hear and hear and never learn. We are all students and teachers in the classroom of life.  I want to TALK to you CAUTION you DARE you. 

What do you want to know about? What would you like us to talk about. Me and you. Together. Let's do this. We have stories. Don't we! I know we do. Let's meet up. There are lessons God is teaching us through the stuff we see and do.
Here are few pointers. Pick a topic... I promise you, you will see it in a different light when we’re done having class. 

Who says you can't? God says you can and He has the last say.

You alone are enough. No more validation required. You're sufficient as you are. 

Do not prolong pointless conversations. I'm serious, do not.

Get a hold of yourself. Quit the drama. Please don't feel sorry for yourself.

Sir, without Jesus, you are really not all that.

God never makes a mistake; He did not make one when He created you.

Guard your space from sin and deceitful infiltrators.

My sister, please, just stop right there; what you are doing is so wrong.

Fathers, teach your children Bible verses.

My People, depend on Jesus. He alone is 100% dependable.

 ~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pray the Menace Out of Town

My dear friend. We all get afraid. Fear causes panic. When fear overloads you, stop and pray. Here’s something I have found to be true. Fear makes me anxious and uncertain. Prayer makes me calm and confident. Regardless the threat, I always feel safe and secure when I pray; I feel settled. Prayer can work for you as well. Only believe when you talk to God in Jesus name. It has to be in Jesus Name for the prayer to reach Almighty God’s ear. Otherwise, you are just talking to yourself.

Touch your forehead and say this: “I plead the Blood of Jesus over my body that no pestilence will find me and I am hidden from this Corona virus. In Jesus Name. Amen.”  
I believe in prayer. I believe God Almighty can reverse and remove calamity. What do you have to lose by doubting God’s power? The worst case, your life is spared and you’re free to go back to your disbelief. So come on and join the bandwagon of prayers. You did not bring yourself here to earth. The Divine forever being called God, sent you. Let’s all pray to the Lord to take away this menace with the fancy name Corona.
Take action now and go directly to The ONE who controls the universe. It cannot hurt to believe in times like these. This current situation, terrifying as it may seem, will pass. But what about you, my friend? What will it take to get you to pray and believe? What has to happen to make you get your life right with God? If you have not done so yet, now is a good place to start. Fear makes a person question their mortality. What if this were it for your time on earth? What if tomorrow never comes your way? What if! What if?
Pray about everything. Settle all outstanding issues you may have with God and what He has said about eternity. Pray, and the Holy Spirit will guide you through your reckonings. You will find answers. Better still, you will find peace. You cannot afford to lose your precious soul. There are some answers you might never get on this side. Such is the mystery of Almighty Jehovah God. Just believe and let it rest. Wherever you are in your faith or unbelief, God wants you still. Whatever you have done or have not done, God wants you still. No sin, no crime, no hideous past or present can stop Almighty God from loving you. The Lord’s arms are open and waiting just for you. Pray
In times of calamity, it is Standard English to hear across the board, “Our Thoughts and Prayers are with..." or “I am praying for you.” Sometimes, I wonder how this can be. So many do not believe in Jesus Christ, yet they are all praying and expecting answers. No wonder we do not see the massive manifestation of the power of prayer in national and global affairs, like we should. The minute such calamity passes, society goes back to business as usual, ungodliness, by and large, across the board. Prayer is communication with God and there are guidelines God has put in place. Jesus Christ.
Let’s get serious with prayer. Let us take Almighty God at his word. Is there anything too hard for God? The answer is No. The Bible is emphatic about this. God can do anything. God can do everything except fail. God can do absolutely anything. Nothing shall be impossible with God. For with Almighty God, all things are possible. Take authority. This planet was created for you to enjoy during your earthly sojourn. Take charge of your planet as God intended. Pray away the pestilence and plagues. Pray away the terror by night. Call Jesus. The solution is not “panic” and scrambling about in paralyzing fear. The solution is Jesus Christ.
Indeed, we should take all the necessary precautions. Yes. God has earth solutions for earth problems just like He has heavenly solutions for earth’s problems. Be wise. We humans are created in the image of an Omniscient God. Some of that wisdom had to have rubbed off on you. The sensible thing to do is safeguard your health and well being. Absolutely. Ultimately, the Blood of Christ is the absolute covering and protection. Oh! The things God can do in one single sweep!!!
Ask God’s people about the night just before they left for the Promised Land. Ask Moses to remind you about the night the death angel passed. The commemoration is not called “Passover” for nothing. I think have to stop now because I am about to shout my voice off…Glory Glory Glory! I am talking to you about SUPERLATIVE POWER of “Blood” from God’s perspective…The Blood of the Lamb. When it sees the blood, it will pass. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Highest praise goes to you, O Most High God! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the Blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord Jesus for the Cross. The Lamb of God…The Blood
My Friend. Here’s something I’d like to ask of you. Touch your forehead and say this: “I plead the Blood of Jesus over my body that no pestilence will find me and I am hidden from this Corona virus. In Jesus Name. Amen.”  Do this Exercise daily, maybe several times a day.
In closing. Keep watch on your life. Keep watch about the things of God concerning your life. Get on your knees and pray God’s protection over you and yours. If you cannot kneel, you can stand, sit, move up and down, lie down, or whatever your prayer posture is. JUST PRAY.
I love you with a sisterly love. Always. We are in this together. You pray for me and I pray for you, in the name of Jesus Christ. We will get through this by the grace of God. We will see this pass away. For it came to pass.
Blessings abundant,
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit

All Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense D. Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020 Hortense Duarma Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

The Blood of Jesus... theDroplet

Blood is vital to life. The Blood of Jesus Christ gives life. The Blood of Christ is life. Compliments of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is power in the Blood of Christ. The Blood of Jesus gives new life.
When you smear the Blood of Jesus Christ over your life, every “IT” will pass. Calamity, pestilence, plagues, sickness, tribulation, opposing forces in the heavenly realms, adversaries in the satanic domain, and all forces of hell combined flee at the mention of Jesus Christ. The Blood of Christ is protection on every side. Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory!

There is an invisible drop of the Blood of Christ making its way around the world, looking for doorposts to smear itself onto. I have named it ‘theDroplet’. This invisible powerhouse, theDroplet, finds its way through pathways and streets by following the lights along its way. Light emitting from a person’s Christian life and lifestyle directs theDroplet to a neighborhood; it finds your doorpost and affixes itself. Invisible to human eyes, theDroplet glare a warning red signal to the prowling demonic forces of evil and destruction. Your doorpost being heavily armed and guarded, the squadrons of Satan see theDroplet and immediately these enemies go fleeing away from your house.

Burn up your lights, people of Almighty God, so that theDroplet of Christ Blood might spot the front door to your homes. Blaze your surroundings with the light of Christ shining through your words, thoughts, and deeds. Act your Jesus faith and belief.
If you care about your neighbor, find out if they have their lights turned on. Make a way and talk to nonbelievers about Jesus Christ. They, too, could use theDroplet on their door. Everyone must have Jesus for life. Life everlasting, that is Jesus.
We all need the Blood of Jesus Christ. All of mankind can benefit from the blood of Jesus. The shed blood of Christ on the Cross at Calvary is the remedy for every adverse force under heaven and in the earth. Jesus Christ is the manifestation of the one true Holy Almighty God in human flesh. 

Christ, the only God who is alive today—Christ crucified—Christ died—Christ’s dead body buried in a grave—Christ arose from the dead—Christ walked the streets of earth—Christ ascended into heaven—Christ is now seated at the right hand of the creator God the Father—Christ interceding daily with Almighty God on your behalf—This is who Jesus is.

Christ is alive today Amen. Hallelujah! You do need theDroplet on your doorpost. Glory to Almighty God. Accept Jesus Christ as the Promised Messiah, the Savior of the World. And today, SALVATION will come to your house. Believe in the Blood of Jesus. When the menace of this world sees The Blood it will pass over you. In Jesus Name. 

My friend, you do need theDroplet now more than ever. Take advantage of the wonder working, cleansing, redeeming, deliverance power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. It is available to you when you accept Jesus Christ. Latch onto the Salvation the Lord brings. Amen.

Srvt. Hortense D. Grimes (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God

© 2016 The Droplet. Hortense Duarma Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without prior written permission by the author.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Book Thee Servant to Captivate Your Audience

Ms. Hortense Duarma Grimes is a godly and God-fearing servant of the Living God. A dynamic woman of faith. The lady wears many hats: Spiritual Motivator. Revivalist. Award-winning Author. Eulogist. Captivating Speaker. Prolific Writer. Orator. Christian servant-Leader. Media Brand. Radio Personality. Songwriter. Poet. Encourager. Life Coach. Servant and Friend.

Servant Hortense D. Grimes is on fire for Jesus, and doing God’s Kingdom business many ways in various formats.
~ Presenter of Biblical, captivating Christian faith-based inspirational and Jesus-full messages of hope, faith &trust, laughter, prayer, and self-renewal in Jesus Christ.
~ Prolific Writer, addressing various topics and issues influencing culture and everyday life.
~ Dynamic Speaker on the BIHOBSOT Circuit, a tailored traveling speaking ministry.
~ Global Prayer Advocate and Composer of Noon Prayer Campaigns
~ Award-winning Author, “She Shall Stand” (memoir-testimony).
~ Creator, Talent, and Producer, of extensive collection of branded, Christian-themed, material for use in audio, video, and digital media.
~ Publisher of HORTENSE, an inspirational magazine.
~ Radio Presenter/Personality the HortenseInspiration (HI Show) West Africa broadcast.
~ Advocate for the role of women in transforming and restoring the “Morals and Values” aspect of civil society.
~ Another Voice standing to encourage the voiceless.
~ Dream Bearer & Dream Carrier of Solace Africa Projects.