Friday, June 5, 2020

Dive Under the Bed No Way

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you today? I pray all is well at your end. I heard the winds and rains last night in my neighborhood in Maryland. Heavy rain and thunderstorms raged across the area. I love hearing the sound of raindrops. The thunderstorm continued as I drifted to a first round of sleep listening to its pounding. This morning I recalled Wednesday March 12, 2014, too, saw strong winds gushing through the DMV (Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia). A sunny, beautiful day, except for the violent winds. Earlier that day as the storm built up I reflected on the DMV earthquake of August 2011, three years prior. That thing (earthquake) made me go under my bed and stay there for a long time. The less than a minute tremor was gone but I still lingered taking my own sweet time to surface from the hiding place. Really, Hortense...under the bed? Uh hum…no shame here. That’s the best my little scary self could do that day. I am not one to be easily frightened of anything; tough brave little cookie I’ve emerged especially in my old age now. But those few seconds of tremor seemed to last a lifetime. After all I’ve heard and seen on TV about earthquakes you could not tell me that quake wasn’t 20 minutes, it stayed that long for me. I am convinced earthquake is something I am afraid of. Southern Calif you are my dream place but … Aye yah!
Anyway, back to windstorm 2014. I was curious. Something about this wind wasn’t natural at all. I stayed gazing out the window until it was night outside and kept looking out in the dark even after the power had gone off. I stood silently listening and absorbing the sound of that massive movement of wind. My mind was wandering and everything appeared questionable about the wind, its frequency and pattern. In the southern part of Maryland where I then lived it is mostly flat land. The heavy gust seemed enough to sweep up anything in its path; the house was shaking and it literally felt like massive trees would be uprooted. My mind was asking my spirit, “What is going on out there?” Considering how fierce the winds were the damage to the region was minimal after the windstorm ended. Next morning I spent considerable time in prayer and talking to God asking those questions that floated my mind. Later that evening the Holy Spirit would prompt me to write about the wind. As thoughts came I penned the article below.
I wanted to share it with you today. I still believe God is speaking to mankind someway, somehow, using the elements. So much is the Father’s love for his children he could communicate every way he saw fit. In the Bible Jesus says this, “…I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” Hallelujah! If God can have the rocks pick up should we neglect to do..., can’t he have the breeze pick up when we neglect to do…! Hum…Huh. The Creator of the Universe can use whatever he disposes to use. You do know the winds and the waves become still at His command, don’t you? Remember. Nature too obeys HIS will. God’s Voice.
I love you with a sisterly love. I pray God’s peace find room in your heart to help you withstand whatever life brings. I pray you would find Jesus Christ now when it seems like you have all the time in the world. And then there is eternity. Blessings!

If you lived in the Washington DC metropolitan area, like I do, you must have heard the winds last night. The howling was eerie. The high sounding wind had a pattern. The gust was fierce. Authoritative. I almost want to say, “Angry?” Was God using nature as a vehicle of communication? Was God speaking to this ungodly generation? My friend, did it seem that way to you? Did you hear the Lord’s voice through the wind? Do you still believe God is not fed up with this ungodly generation? 
I know all about grace! God’s unmerited favor to mankind…marvelous, infinite, matchless grace. I know all about the tender mercies of a loving God. I am witness that I serve a forgiving Lord—He puts up with me—Oh I know all about God’s forgiveness. I have experienced his unconditional love and absolute devotion to His children! I know about second, third, fourth, and multiple chances accorded by a compassionate, parental God. I also know about a God who is just. And fair. Don’t I know about a Savior whose only mission was to die so that I could live forgiven and free! But Jesus has warned us again, and again. 
Is God getting tired with the ugliness that we smear in His face—how we constantly taunt His generosity—and dismiss His favor? How often Christians abuse life like it cost God nothing? How the world thinks the breath of life was placed in you by yourself. Do we think the sun shines and rain falls on us by accident? Do you believe air is made available for you to breathe so that you can disrespectfully challenge the sovereignty of the ALMIGHTY God? Truly this generation does take God’s Word for granted. Was God speaking to this our ungodly generation?
Look around you and you will find there is no lack of examples of just how far the moral and ethical decay has come. The spiritual putrefaction is a whole different heartbreaking story. I don’t mean to sound awful, but this generation has relegated God onto their second thought…and third and fourth thoughts. Sadly, as many chances as the good Lord give you that’s how many notches you demote Him on your life’s ladder! Do you keep downgrading Jesus Christ further and further on your priority list as your way of saying thank you for God’s mercies? The Lord has warned creation that God Almighty hates ungodliness. Do you even care what God wants! 
The wind said something to me. I stood by the window periodically last night listening to the growl and howling sound. The chilling effect mesmerized me. I remained silent for long periods. As the night progressed, there was no rain, no thunder, no lightening. Not much activity in the stratosphere, it seems; except for the hypnotic, fierce, authoritative wind. Did last night winds provoke your thoughts? Are you aware that God can use any medium to express Himself? Did you consider that soon The One who speaks calm to the raging stormy wind will judge the whole world! If Jesus wanted your attention, does He have it?
Still today, the wind howls on. I cannot help but think that, indeed, God is saying something. Have you thought about it this way? Are you listening with both ears open? Was Jesus referring to the present age when He said, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” (Matthew 15:8). My grandmother often said, “God will not come down to talk to you.” True statement. Are you paying attention, perhaps, nature has heeded God’s command and is speaking to this Godless generation? I believe God is so determined that none should perish, that the very winds and waves, which obey HIS voice, He now uses to speak HIS voice to humanity. 
My friend, God spoke last night. And He is still speaking; the wind still howls in an unexplainable pattern. I keep going to the window and believe I keep hearing God speak to this generation. Who knows if we might be the last humanity before Christ comes again. If the trumpet should sound before this windy reprieve ends, please make certain you are ready to ascend. Frequently facing upward, down on bended knees, hands outstretched asking for mercy. That’s the effect this wind has on me. My friend, I wanted to share my thoughts with you. How are you doing?
Article written Thursday March 13, 2014, after the windstorm of March 12, 2014.
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

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