Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tell Others About Jesus

 Permit the Holy Spirit to indwell you, helping you ascend a higher "Christ-like" spiritual level. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you obtain a deep understanding of the faith in JESUS CHRIST one must possess to please our Heavenly Father. 

Through our ministry (Do It For Christ Ministries) the LORD is using my voice to transform lives, in Him, one person at a time. 

Pray. Find your voice and use it for JESUS. Our world is largely lost in sinfulness and decaying away in unrighteousness and guile, guilt and shame. The Blood of Jesus washes away sin and debris, it cleanses and restores. There is wonder working power in the Blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. More people everywhere need to know this. It would be life transforming were all people got to hear this. Tell others. Quickly. Now! Believers and non-Christians alike need to know a life changing message. Begin near you. The unsaved are everywhere. The lost will perish. Unless they receive Christ, the unsaved will go to Hell. 

Pray. Find your voice and spread the Good News that JESUS saves! This will please Almighty God.

Blessings and peace,

~Servant Hortense

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