Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year Africa

To all my African people. I say, Happy New Year. We have seen another turn for the better. No matter your station in life, you are alive and that is what matters. God bless you with his wonderful provisions in all aspects. Enjoy your life. Celebrate where you are. Bless God for your Africa. It is the place of your birth. It's the place you call home. Pray for Africa, our home. Enjoy 2020 to the fullest.

"Africa is evolving. A new Africa is emerging. Lead With Vision: The definition of a great leader. A great leader display acts of boldness and bravery. Humility and integrity. Selflessness and dignity. Hard work and dedication. Honesty and trustworthiness. A heart filled with goodness. The epitome of one who leads so that others may be free to enjoy freedom. A great leader seizes every opportunity to make change for the better, regardless how difficult the task may seem. A great leader stands up to speak much truth, even at the cost of alienating many. A great leader puts people first and things last. Humanity above materialism. What Africa needs most is visionary leadership. Leaders with the vision and determination to move the people and the continent forward. Leaders who are ahead of their time. Leaders who lift the people up. Leaders who are servants first.
-Excerpt, AFRICA 101 AFRICA 101 by Hortense Duarma Grimes © copyright 2018 All rights reserved

My Friend. In every sector of the continent, more leadership is lacking and much leadership is needed. Are you doing your part to lead your corner of Africa in 2020? Who knows, you may have been born for such a time like this. Who knows, you may have been placed where you are for such a time like this. Position yourself to take the lead one way or another. Africa needs your vision in 2020.
Your friend, Hortense

Blessings and Peace,
Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God
Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit  www.doitforchrist.org

Monday, December 30, 2019

Getting Past It to Get to It

What a joy to go from year to year! It is time to pack it up. Do you trust in Almighty God? I’ve got news for you. All the misses of this year will soon have their place in the past. Oh, Yes. It sure did come. And guess what?(!) It came to pass. What did not kill you has most certainly made you stronger. 

Grab a few trash bags. Pack up lost minutes. Send Shoulda Coulda Woulda packing. I know you think you should have or could have or would have. But you didn’t at that point. Let it rest. Pray for peace in your heart. Do not lose sleep over missed moments. Do not stew in regrets. Instead, turn that disappointment over to Jesus and God will sort it out and do a turnaround for you. For those misdeeds and wrong judgement calls you may have made, repent and ask the Lord to perfect your actions. Apologize to the ones you have hurt. In time your new behavior will show that you are genuine. In those areas where you gave your all, accept the outcome. Do not regret giving life your best performance. You made the best decisions you could. Some turned out well. Others not so good. You played the hand you were dealt. And you played well. Get on with it. Living with uncontrolled regrets is dead living. Get back to the business of living in the present. 

Own all your stuff. Do not hide behind unnecessary excuses. No one is perfect. But for grace there go I. Go easy on yourself. You are still an example of hope to someone. Someone looks up to you. Which means you haven't done that badly yet. You owe no one details of your personal business, unless it concerns that person. Stop the lengthy explanations concerning your affairs, regardless. Remember, hindsight is always 20/20 vision. Don’t forget hindsight is you looking back with the benefit of experience. Of course, you can see clearly now. Experience is the best teacher. Pray and allow the Holy Spirit to steer you in new directions. The Holy Spirit is the comforter of the human spirit. Call for this backup.

My friend, begin to condition your mind for all that is ahead. Much is in the future for you. Keep preparing. The future is waiting for those who will prepare for it. As long as you are alive there is much preparation you still can make. Better is on its way to you, and the best is right behind it. Jesus is about to blow your mind all over. Jesus Christ can work out circumstances that leave a person completely speechless for a minute. The Lord is an on time, on the spot, perfect God. Again and again, God is good. When you place your trust and confidence in Almighty God, the Lord will bring you through and bring you out as pure gold. Trust me on this one. I would know. I know all about God covering his children with a shiny overlay. I know about His radiance shining through his children and masking those dull days. Allow the Lord to touch your life daily.

Yes. My friend. All that has past came to you so it would pass through you or by you to reach its place in The Past. You are still standing. You are alive. Being alive is all the standing you need. From the position of being alive you can move in any direction. Receive the New Year. Open your heart and mind and embrace the forthcoming. I applaud you.

Blessings and Peace,
Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God
Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit  www.doitforchrist.org

Cleanse Clean Disinfect Rinse

Christmastime “72-Hour New Year Countdown”

We are standing in the shadows of a new time. In 72 hours we will reach the periphery of a new decade. We can spot in the distance some of what will make up the first year of the third decade in the 21st Century. We are on the verge of a “Daybreak” that shall reveal what the general population will refer to as ‘2020. History will officially record it, The Year Two Thousand and Twenty AD. (two thousand twenty years after the birth of Christ).
Need I remind you, my friend, that it has been twenty years since the dawn of Y2K – the new Millennium. Do you recall what you were feeling back then? Go back in time and relive all your moments. Pay attention to the exciting plans, dreams and aspirations you’d harbored for the then unknown 21st century. I believe you saw Year 2000 zoom into our consciousness; it happened.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:1-2 Holy Bible KJV)

I guarantee neither you nor I will see the dawn of another Millennium on this earth. We would have long since left this sphere, the realm of earth. But you would be alive somewhere. That’s a promise. Amen! If you take Jesus while you’re down here you could very well see the next millennium from up there at our heavenly home beyond earth’s realm. Hallelujah! Jesus Christ. Now that’s a promise. Glory!

This brings me to my plea. For you to be all that you could be, you must get your soul connected to its Maker, your spirit in tune with its Redeemer, your flesh conditioned by its Savior. You need Jesus to go any further than nagging and repetitive misery. For the peace you crave you need the Prince of Peace Jesus. For quieting the constant murmurs in your heart and flickering in your mind you need the stillness of the Holy Spirit. For life to make any sense at all you need God. For you to survive the maze that life is you need Christ dominating your life. For you to survive the madness that swirls above you every single day you need Divine Intervention from the Heavenly Father. For you to remain without fear daily as you make your life in these fearful, wicked, evil, hate-driven, terror-ridden environments breeding prolifically across the globe you need angelic covering commanded by Jehovah Sabaoth-The Lord of Hosts. The Hosts is the armies of Heaven. The gigantic, combined military might of the Creator of the Universe. Almighty God is Lord of the hosts of Heaven's armies. 
Allow me to throw this in here. Heaven Armies include the inexhaustible Celestial forces at Jehovah’s command (God’s indestructible artillery. God’s supernatural seals. God’s soldier and warriors. God’s navy and invisible pilots. God’s laser-sharp marines. God's uncountable security detail. God’s inextricable security systems). Omnipotent, Omniscient, The Lord of Heaven’s Armies. Jehovah Sabaoth. Hallelujah!

Let me get back on track with the Countdown. My friend. I need not remind you and me that this earth is the most fleeting, deceptive, temporary space on your life’s agenda. It will fail you today and tomorrow just like it failed you yesterday. The worldliness of earth is not meant to bring you lasting peace. The world was not created to give you lasting refuge. We are spiritual beings taking a physical journey en route back to the Heavenly Father. God is a spirit. Mankind is made in God’s perfect image. That makes you and I spirit at the core. Our flesh is a physical housing to accommodate us as we journey through this sphere, the realm of earth, back to the Heavenly Father. You need God to make this life, this world and your journey through it meaningful. I am talking about Almighty Omnipotent Jehovah God. The crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, Jesus Christ. The Son of God/Son of Man, born of a woman/God in Human Flesh/ who came from Heaven, lived one earth, and ascended back to the Father in Heaven. Glory! Hallelujah!

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:1-5 Holy Bible KJV)

The reason it does not work without Jesus is because the manufacturer knows the product best. To be ready for the New Year you need Jesus. To receive the arriving new decade you need Jesus. To welcome 2020 you need Jesus. Make your spiritual space ready for Jesus. Make our physical space ready for Jesus. Make your mental space ready to accommodate Jesus. Make your emotional, psychological, and intellectual spaces accessible to Jesus.  

May I dare you to now begin a Countdown into what you will make your greatest year, ever. Begin the Countdown to 2020.
Cleanse Clean Disinfect Rinse YOUR Mind-Body-Spirit.
With every breath in me, I speak “Positive” into your space, that Wednesday morning, January 1, 2020, will unleash in you a new determination to fashion yourself into a bigger, better, you. Find the best version of you and bring it forth daily in 2020.

Start a cleansing of your internal workings, your system, today. Begin to rid your mind, body, and spirit, of every negative thought. Light the match and start a fire to burn away bitterness, anger, and regret. Get rid of every type of filth in your life. You know yourself well. Better than anyone else does. Use the Countdown for a deep cleaning of you. Employ every cleaning method, tool, and technique that you know of—soap water, bleach, antiseptics, harsh abrasives, power washer, brushes, detergent—use whatever it takes. Cleanse. Extract from the root. Shred into pieces. Do what you need to do to you, with you, for you. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse your mind, body and spirit. Do this for the glory of God to be manifested in your life. That God's radiance might shine in you.

In just seventy-two hours, you would be standing at another pinnacle of history. Let it meet you with enough scope—enough free space within you—to absorb all the possibilities and opportunities therein. The blessings, innumerable, immeasurable, that are coming your way. 

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day of which you are privileged to be a part. Refresh yourself with laughter throughout…laugh at yourself, too. Loosen the weights around you and then begin to CLEANSE CLEAN DISINFECT RINSE. Prepare your mind, body and spirit for the new year. God bless you,

Blessings and Peace,

Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God
Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit  www.doitforchrist.org

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Operation Fast out Pray in

Send out Year 2019 with prayers and fasting. There are 21 days left to year’s end. I’d like to share a spiritual exercise with you. Do It For Christ Ministry Outreach Branch (MOBs) Operation “Fast out Pray in”. Fast three hours every day. You choose any time frame. Pray three minutes on the hour every hour of the day. 

Do It For Christ Ministry Outreach Branch (MOBs) Operation “Fast out Pray in” 
Fast three hours every day. Pray three minutes on the hour every hour of the day.

Fasting removes the grime of sin and stains of self indulgence from your soul. Fasting connects your spirit within to its spiritual source, the Creator. The constant prayer refreshes your soul and conditions your spirit for the newness that is coming. The combined fasting and praying shows worship to Almighty God. The worship is expression of your complete gratitude.
The realm of the physical and the spiritual is closing in. If you pay close attention and spend time meditating on God’s divine agenda, you would see that nothing is what it seems in the physical. You would hear the quiet promptings of the Holy Spirit showing you the pathways to take. If you spend more time with the Heavenly Father through intimacy with Jesus Christ, you would begin to see with more than your natural eyes, and walk by faith not but sight. You would have a window in your spirit that sees beyond human sight.
The ammunition you need for the journey we are traveling is only found in God Almighty. Read and study the Word of God. Suit up like the Bible says. It is time to pray up, nonstop, like Jesus commanded. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, CHRIST. Only then will all things be added unto you. Take seriously your faith and walk with God.
The number “21” can represent holy completion. Beginning today, December 10, there are twenty-one days before this year fades into oblivion. What a wonderful way to phase out the old year and welcome a new decade. Complete the year with a holy surrender to Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord bless you in overflow. I love you with a sisterly love.
Servant Hortense

Do It For Christ Organization has seven (7) Ministry Outreach Branches “MOBs”. Outreach branches are Fellowship Groups under the auspices of the Do It For Christ Ministries. These are essentially faith-based movements for people of like mind and faith: the mind of Christ and faith to trust in Him. MOBs have many and varied functions. One type of MOBs activity includes raids, operations, and campaigns, tailored to personal spiritual development. MOBs raids are assault missions carried out by the individual, against evil and temptations which threaten personal well being and good character traits. Individuals stand on the promises of God Almighty to achieve righteousness, in Jesus, by discarding the sins which so easily beset you. The purpose of raid operations is to drive out Satan and his mercenaries from attacking one’s mind and attitude. Campaigns target spiritual integrity, housekeeping and character sanitation. Raids and campaigns are designed to preserve one’s personal spiritual space by being proactive with your faith. Every operation aims to replenish the individual with fruits of the Holy Spirit, arsenals found in Jesus Christ. Whereas an individual operates in secret, the heavenly father rewards openly, once again transforming a person’s life. If you move towards Jesus Christ the LORD will move towards you. The end result is that one’s spiritual territory is refortified with the might and power of Almighty God. Make a Commitment to operate with Jesus.

Blessings and Peace,
Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God
Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat

Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit  www.doitforchrist.org

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Go Tell the World The Christmas Story

Eight (8) years ago, on December 4, 2012, God  Almighty gave me a glimpse of His vastness to bring to the world. Thus saith the Lord.

CHRISTMAS IS A LOVE STORY.  Everybody wants to see God. They want to see someone that looks like them. That is not who I am. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am big! Every day they are looking for me in things. You say, ‘He’s that person. He’s in this person. He is the trees. He is the leaves. He is the breeze.’ They say, ‘God is in everything. Everything is God.’ You call others God. Nothing can be me. Nobody is me. I am God. I created all. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. 

Every day man has their own interpretations of God. I have fitted all of me into what I know your mortal mind can handle. See Jesus. That is the only manifestation I want mortals to see me as. You are mortal, created for a fixed time frame. For that fixed time the way you would know me is if you know Jesus. To reject Jesus is to reject all of God. I am big. I’m big. I’m big. I am infinite God. Infinite I came into the world to save you. Jesus is the manifestation of me that your finite minds can handle. What I am no man can behold. So that you would live with Godliness you must accept Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of me packaged to fit human limitation. The creature now wants to contain the creator into your limited mind. You are created and given a time frame. I am eternal.

Go tell the world Christmas is a Love Story... Christmas is a Story of My Love. I am big. I’m big. I’m big. I am infinite God. Infinite I came into the world to save you. Jesus is the manifestation of me that your finite minds can handle. What I am no man can behold. So that you would live with Godliness you must accept Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of me packaged to fit human limitation.” 

You say God is in you. But you reject my Holy Spirit. How is God in you? All of who I am is symbolized in the Dove that is my Holy Spirit. Infinite God, condensed to reside in you. That Dove, my Holy Spirit, represents an explosive. A dynamite force of God contained in smaller amount to live in you. The Holy Spirit is a dynamite of all that I am. That is the gift I sent into the world so that the world would have me in their midst. All my power; I am God. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I fill it all. Time is eternity. I fill eternity. Stop looking for God in different things. I am tired that you say He’s in the trees. He’s in the leaves. Look! He’s in the breeze. Oh! He’s in all people. God is in all things. NO. I am big. Mortal man with the fixed time frame wants to contain infinite God. Do not contain me. I am God. I am big. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. You say God is in everyone. NO. Know me. To reject Jesus is to reject all that I am.
Why are you not afraid of me? I am big. You have no fear of me. The creature wants the creator to look like him and fit their mind. Your mind is too limited. I cannot fit it. I am God. I am big. Mankind, you mock me. You are not scared of me. I am tired of your mockery. Mortal man who I created and put a fixed time frame on you. Now you say God is another mortal. NO. You say God lives in everything. In the trees. In the leaves. In the breeze. The only way I live in you is in the dynamite that is the Holy Spirit. No other way do I live on earth. If you want to know that I live in you, take my Holy Spirit. That is the only way I am on earth. That is the only way I live in mortals. 

Stop worshiping things. I am not in things. I am God. I am not things. You mortal here for a time reduce me to fit your mindset. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am tired hearing that God is in the birds. He’s the air. Look around us everywhere is God. That is how your mortal mind wants to see God. The creature wants the creator to look like and fit their perception of God. You, created with the limited mindset and fixed time span. I have created man. Now man wants to fit me into how your minds see me. The creature wants to contain the creator. The creature wants to limit the creator in your limited time frame. I have told you who I am. Jesus is the manifestation of me that I want mankind to see. Accept Jesus. To reject Jesus is to reject me. I am God.
Religions are figments of man’s mind. I regard no religion. I do not care about your religions. Religion is man’s perception of things. What is religion? Religions are man-made doings. All religions are man’s interpretation of belief systems. Those are beliefs you mortals have made up. There are not many ways to me. There is one God. I am God. I am big. I relate to man only in one way. I am God. I fill time, space, and void. There is only one way to me. That way is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way I want all mankind to know me. 

The Christmas story is a love story. So that man would know God in a way you can relate to. That you would be able to understand through your limited mindset. Man is mortal created for a fixed timeframe. Man cannot see the creator through your mortal mindset. That mortal man would know God in a way you could relate to, I took on human form. I am big. I am big. I am God. I fill time, space, and void. Jesus is all of me fitted into what I know your mortal mind can grasp. That was the purpose of Jesus coming to earth in human form. A Love Story. The purpose of Jesus coming to earth the way I did is a love story. Jesus is all of me. The Christmas story is a love story. All of me put into what your mortal mind can handle. Remember this. Christmas Story Love story.
It is not my desire that any man should perish. I am the Judge of all the earth. Mankind disobeys me. They go around looking for God. I have told you who I am. Jesus is the manifestation that I want man to know me as. Mankind has reduced me to how they want to see me. I have told you who I am. I am not the trees. I am not the breeze. I am not the air. I am not things. 

Stop worshiping things. I am God. I am big. I’m big. I fill time, space, and void. How could I be the wind? I am not the wind. I am God. The wind obeys me. The storm stops when I speak. I cannot be in the leaves. I am not the birds. I am not in the air. I fill time, space, and void. I am not everything. I made everything. Nothing can be me. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am God. The Christmas story is a story of love; My Love. Go tell the world the Christmas story is a love story. Go tell the world that the Christmas story is a story of my love. This is the Christmas Story.” 
Divinely imparted to Servant Hortense D. Grimes on Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On the morning of Tuesday, December 4, 2012, I entered the presence of God and received a Word from the Lord saying, “Go Tell the world this is the Christmas story”. The voice of the Lord continued speaking. Bewildered, I picked up my voice recorder to be sure I would not miss any part of the message. I tried to be calm. I wished to remain as calm like the calming presence that had entered the bedroom. The presence filled the room as I listened to the firm, but sweet, gentle voice. As gentle as the voice was, in my ears the authoritative reverberation echoed loudly. It was not a human sound. It was the sound of Divine.
I sat upright on the bed, for several minutes, transfixed and awed as tears began to flow. Softly at first, but soon my tears were streaming down full force. When it ended I thought out loud, “I must tell someone, quickly.” I grabbed my phone, controlled my sobbing and dialed the number of a trusted relative with whom I often share spiritual moments. Just three days prior we had had an extended talk. I had shared my then recent experience of transitioning into a celestial place. I told of being transported for a brief period from my space on earth. This time it was a ten-minute sight my eyes have never before beheld. That miraculous experience was followed by several days of being directed by the Holy Spirit to read specific scripture passages. I read the same passages, repeatedly. I realized that for the fifth time since my calling to ministry, the Lord had given me another glimpse of heaven. Naïve as I sometimes am in the workings of God, little did I know that God was preparing me again for a visitation from the Most High.
This "Do It For Christ Ministry" journey is so amazing to me. I marvel at how Almighty, Infinite, Omnipotent (all-powerful) God can work with, and work through, low, powerless, finite, me. Before an all-sufficient, righteous God the sum total of me is zero. Before a most worthy God my net worthiness is zero. Before a complete God my qualification is zero. My humanness makes my fitness for God’s kingdom work zero. Against the standard of a Holy God my righteousness and piousness amount to zero. In the eyes of Jehovah Tsidkenu my righteousness equal filthy rags! I am unworthy. It does not seem like the Master cares that I am unworthy! In His eyes my littleness amounts to much because it is about Him. Only the Master sanctifies. He gives us worth. Thank you Lord. There is no one like you, Lord!
The voice said to go tell the world what is the Christmas Story. Momentarily, I panicked, thinking, “Tell the world? What world! How could I tell the world this strongly worded message? Me?” I broke down again, crying. As hard as I was sobbing there was a comforting presence in my spirit. I was not afraid. I felt strong. I felt determined. I felt brave. My tears flowed, but I felt empowered. I was on a mission. I felt in it my bones. Those tears must have been just a washing of my soul. I now realize that when one comes in touch with Divine, tears flow because you immediately feel the dirt of your sinful self. Being in God’s presence will point out all the spots and stains of your mortal human self.
Yet, the Divine overrides the sinful soul with the saving grace. That’s why I could weep bitterly and still experience laughter and smiles. Gentle warmth spread throughout my being. I was on clouds. My humanity was in the presence of Divinity! I would tell the World the news, when my tears stopped flowing. When the crying ceased I would go on a mission to tell the world what the Divine wants this world to know. I would go on a mission and tell the world what the voice of God has sent me to say. I dried my tears. I fell before the Lord in prayer. I thanked God for His faithfulness. I worshipped Him for His grace. I asked for strength. I prayed for wisdom to transfer the message to the world as God has given it. I needed courage. I begged God to help me handle this assignment. I cried out for strength, peace, wisdom. I asked the Lord for ability. I stayed on my face in the presence of God for a long period.
When I emerged from prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “You who are hopeless this Christmas let The Story bring you hope. God will use the nothings of the world. The people from nowhere. God will use the “Nobody’s” of the world. God is using the nothings of the world to turn this world upside down and around for Jesus. God will use the ‘Nothings’ of the world.” Then I heard a different voice in a loud pitch, say, “Hallelujah.” Immediately, I was assured that the world is not impossible to reach. The world is no longer so large. The world has shrunk. Indeed, it has gotten smaller. The world is reachable for Jesus. Instantly, by Social Media. Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. Print, Radio. Television. It was as if the Divine teacher was prodding and enlightening me. Again, educating me as He constantly does on the how to. I felt peace. I still feel peace. The task is not intimidating. Servant Hortense

Blessings and Peace,
Srvt Hortense Duarma Grimes 
Servant of the Living God

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat

Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit  www.doitforchrist.org
copyright (c) 2012 Hortense Duarma Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without written permission by the author.

Joy to The World

The Lord JESUS CHRIST is come. The Savior of the World, MESSIAH, has come. Your sins are forgiven you when you believe that the Promised Messiah is come. Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Jesus Christ of Nazareth has come that mankind may live forever.  

The way of the world or the way of Almighty God? What is your choice today? 
Choose Jesus Christ, the way of Almighty God and the only way to Almighty God the Heavenly Father. 

Blessings and Peace,
Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God

 Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit  www.doitforchrist.org

Salvation for Christmas

Make Salvation the gift you give yourself and your loved ones this Christmas. Tell others about Abundant life on earth and Everlasting Life in Heaven with God the Creator. Let your Christmas be about Jesus Christ. 

(Luke 2:8-14 Holy Bible KJV)
“And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angle a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.” 

Blessings and peace,
Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes ( ~HortenseInspiration  )
Servant of the Living God 

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be inspired, encouraged and motivated. Visit  www.doitforchrist.org