Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Operation Fast out Pray in

Send out Year 2019 with prayers and fasting. There are 21 days left to year’s end. I’d like to share a spiritual exercise with you. Do It For Christ Ministry Outreach Branch (MOBs) Operation “Fast out Pray in”. Fast three hours every day. You choose any time frame. Pray three minutes on the hour every hour of the day. 

Do It For Christ Ministry Outreach Branch (MOBs) Operation “Fast out Pray in” 
Fast three hours every day. Pray three minutes on the hour every hour of the day.

Fasting removes the grime of sin and stains of self indulgence from your soul. Fasting connects your spirit within to its spiritual source, the Creator. The constant prayer refreshes your soul and conditions your spirit for the newness that is coming. The combined fasting and praying shows worship to Almighty God. The worship is expression of your complete gratitude.
The realm of the physical and the spiritual is closing in. If you pay close attention and spend time meditating on God’s divine agenda, you would see that nothing is what it seems in the physical. You would hear the quiet promptings of the Holy Spirit showing you the pathways to take. If you spend more time with the Heavenly Father through intimacy with Jesus Christ, you would begin to see with more than your natural eyes, and walk by faith not but sight. You would have a window in your spirit that sees beyond human sight.
The ammunition you need for the journey we are traveling is only found in God Almighty. Read and study the Word of God. Suit up like the Bible says. It is time to pray up, nonstop, like Jesus commanded. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, CHRIST. Only then will all things be added unto you. Take seriously your faith and walk with God.
The number “21” can represent holy completion. Beginning today, December 10, there are twenty-one days before this year fades into oblivion. What a wonderful way to phase out the old year and welcome a new decade. Complete the year with a holy surrender to Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord bless you in overflow. I love you with a sisterly love.
Servant Hortense

Do It For Christ Organization has seven (7) Ministry Outreach Branches “MOBs”. Outreach branches are Fellowship Groups under the auspices of the Do It For Christ Ministries. These are essentially faith-based movements for people of like mind and faith: the mind of Christ and faith to trust in Him. MOBs have many and varied functions. One type of MOBs activity includes raids, operations, and campaigns, tailored to personal spiritual development. MOBs raids are assault missions carried out by the individual, against evil and temptations which threaten personal well being and good character traits. Individuals stand on the promises of God Almighty to achieve righteousness, in Jesus, by discarding the sins which so easily beset you. The purpose of raid operations is to drive out Satan and his mercenaries from attacking one’s mind and attitude. Campaigns target spiritual integrity, housekeeping and character sanitation. Raids and campaigns are designed to preserve one’s personal spiritual space by being proactive with your faith. Every operation aims to replenish the individual with fruits of the Holy Spirit, arsenals found in Jesus Christ. Whereas an individual operates in secret, the heavenly father rewards openly, once again transforming a person’s life. If you move towards Jesus Christ the LORD will move towards you. The end result is that one’s spiritual territory is refortified with the might and power of Almighty God. Make a Commitment to operate with Jesus.

Blessings and Peace,
Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God
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